Dumb Ass DMs

visiting the old board. long time no see.
Dumb ass DMS. My vote Rachel Wilcox. Became Doremus I think.
Phony, know it all, fake, brown nosing up the wazoo, only concerned about her own, scared ass, kool-aid drinking, power trippin, mannish, liar. Treated reps like they were dumbshit little kids instead of adults. Bad bad manager. She thought she was such an eloquent speaker that it outweighed all of her shortcomings, but NOT. Should have never become a DM. Clearly not ready. yuck. Glad will never have to see her again. yay me!
Everyone else (well MOST of you), take care and all the best in life!

visiting the old board. long time no see.
Dumb ass DMS. My vote Rachel Wilcox. Became Doremus I think.
Phony, know it all, fake, brown nosing up the wazoo, only concerned about her own, scared ass, kool-aid drinking, power trippin, mannish, liar. Treated reps like they were dumbshit little kids instead of adults. Bad bad manager. She thought she was such an eloquent speaker that it outweighed all of her shortcomings, but NOT. Should have never become a DM. Clearly not ready. yuck. Glad will never have to see her again. yay me!
Everyone else (well MOST of you), take care and all the best in life!

Rachel was a joke as a DM. Sadler and Diggs were jokes as RD's. Diggs had an ego as big as they come. Awful manager.

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