So what happens if part time contract reps grow Asmanex? This is a no win for us.
Don't think that will happen....SP sold the life out of that drug before merging with Merck...specialists generally loved it (and still do), but it never took on with primary care....don't see that changing. Our biggest battle is taking share from Advair.
Dream on, oh foolish one.
It might be the 3rd combo but there are many ICS on the market and all of them for many, many years- Azmacort, Pulmicort/Symbicort, Asmanex, Flovent, Maxair, Beclovent/Vanceril, etc. By my count it is at least the 7th and I might be leaving out a few.
Explain yourself, idiot.
Have a look at the market share figures, then tell me about our taking share away from Advair. We get to buy a few Rx's by paying off a few guys, we beg for scraps from a few friends and that's exactly what we're achieving---a few bought and paid for Rx's and a few scraps.
It's a shitty me-too and it's getting its ass kicked, Idiot.
Seriously.....Why would a HCP start with Dulera instead of Advair if its been working all this time for them? I think Merck is living a pipe dream thinking that we can compete effectively against this well established product. I'm fighting everyday for scripts, but I'm getting scraps and left overs from the HCP's. My manger is on my back and I don't know what to do!!! Any suggestions?
The issue raised was that the contract reps selling Asmanex are going to hurt Dulera sales....I was responding to THAT (i.e., no need to worry about Asmanex taking business from Dulera, since Asmanex never became popular with primary care)....and then I proceeded to say that our battle is with Advair, not Asmanex.
And BTW, I'm above goal with Dulera...guess I have more friends than you do, IDIOT.
If you sell by asking your friends to give you a few measly Rxs and think it's a me-too, no wonder your share sucks. Seriously, that's not selling that's being a drain on the company and we don't need you.
Learn to sell, jackass. If you worked at another company, you would be so fucking fired by now!
Actually my market share is growing weekly. How you ask? Very simple. I bribe a key allergist with speaker programs, and now his share is about 35%, and growing. So it's all very simple. just pick out a key allergist and bribe them with as many speaking engagements as you can set up. These docs are nothing but cheap, street-walking whores. Pay them, and they will perform.
Actually my market share is growing weekly. How you ask? Very simple. I bribe a key allergist with speaker programs, and now his share is about 35%, and growing. So it's all very simple. just pick out a key allergist and bribe them with as many speaking engagements as you can set up. These docs are nothing but cheap, street-walking whores. Pay them, and they will perform.
Actually my market share is growing weekly. How you ask? Very simple. I bribe a key allergist with speaker programs, and now his share is about 35%, and growing. So it's all very simple. just pick out a key allergist and bribe them with as many speaking engagements as you can set up. These docs are nothing but cheap, street-walking whores. Pay them, and they will perform.