
I just got a DUI. First time offender. I work for one of the bigger, well know, very conservative companies in the industry. Over 10 years have posted consistent solid numbers. Rep of the year twice in this division.

Fleet policy says to notify manager when something like this happens. I have only been charged, didn't blow, and refused field sobriety tests. I was granted a hardship license today so I will be able to work throughout this ordeal as long as I keep my job. My lawyer is willing to provide a document to attest to this. He says 50/50 chance to get it reduced to a reckless driving b/c I didn't blow and I'm a first time offender.

Anyone been through this before? I'm in very good standing with upper mnmt and have delivered consistent results. I was thinking of coming clean as they will find out eventually when they do the once a year driver license check. Or should I ride it out, bank my earnings, and beg for forgiveness once they find out?


First off, I'm no lawyer. You need to ask all your questions to your legal counsel. I once knew a colleague who got busted for a DUI and he got canned as soon as the home office found out about it. If your company policy says that you have to report a DUI immediately to your manager.....and you failed to do so......well......not sure how that would work out.

I'm not in pharma anymore. But when I was HR automatically checked our driving records every few months. Thinking back, I had to consent to it when I hired on. Plus, not sure, but I think I had to give consent for DMV to notify my company of any accidents or moving violations as soon as they appeared on my official record. In my state a DUI arrest appears on a driving record even if the person hasn't been convicted. My record was clean. I guess I was just lucky all those years.

Good luck, man. Too bad you're not a cop. They'd put you in a rehab program and give you a desk job. :)

Happened to my friend too. He was also in good standing, top performer etc. He notified his manager/company the day after it happened. He got fired. They didn't wait to see what the outcome was.
Might be better to wait, roll the dice on getting it reduced and let it play out. If it stands, you're gonna get fired but at least you bought yourself some time.

If you were driving the company car when you were stopped, dismissal is near 100%. Some wait til after the trial. Even if not charged and not fired, the stink is on you and every move you make is monitored.

DUI in a company car is serious business. Unless you have an inside connection it's going to be a bear to find another company willing hire you. You'll be labeled a potential liability wherever you go. The background investigation will find it immediately. Your best bet is to be honest with any potential employer up front. What was your BAQ? Under a 1.2? If so, tell them that you're just a social drinker and had one too many beers with a group of friends at a birthday party. If you blew a 1.5 or over I don't know what to tell you, bud. You might tell them that you've joined AA and found God. Good luck.

I just got a DUI. First time offender. I work for one of the bigger, well know, very conservative companies in the industry. Over 10 years have posted consistent solid numbers. Rep of the year twice in this division.

Fleet policy says to notify manager when something like this happens. I have only been charged, didn't blow, and refused field sobriety tests. I was granted a hardship license today so I will be able to work throughout this ordeal as long as I keep my job. My lawyer is willing to provide a document to attest to this. He says 50/50 chance to get it reduced to a reckless driving b/c I didn't blow and I'm a first time offender.

Anyone been through this before? I'm in very good standing with upper mnmt and have delivered consistent results. I was thinking of coming clean as they will find out eventually when they do the once a year driver license check. Or should I ride it out, bank my earnings, and beg for forgiveness once they find out?

Don't admit to anything with them...and lawyer up strong and get it taken off your record...you should be fine.

Its not good...but not the end of the world.

Finally, these doom and gloom people that are telling you to be transparent are stupid. If you are transparent, you will lose your job.

In life, you have to be simple like a dove and sly as a fox...and this is one of those times. This is why lawyers get paid the big bucks. Now is your time to pay up if you have to protect your job and your family.

Good luck and be strong. Never discuss this with anyone, EVER. Learn your boundaries in life and don't share sensitive information with ANYONE.

Good advice PP.

I would not tell either. It's black and white regarding compliance issues like this-meaning-yeh, you'll probably get let go. Your numbers and sales have nothing to do with this and will not be considered. They would have to put one of those yellow license plates on a company car. That looks bad.

However, you can get UI-good

Good advice PP.

I would not tell either. It's black and white regarding compliance issues like this-meaning-yeh, you'll probably get let go. Your numbers and sales have nothing to do with this and will not be considered. They would have to put one of those yellow license plates on a company car. That looks bad.

However, you can get UI-good

Exactly correct.

OP, you need to quickly understand that MOST people in this world are not good (MY GUESS IS ABOU 80 PERCENT). I hate to put that out there, but it is true. Now here is the kicker: IN PHARMA, MY GUESS IS THAT ABOUT 95 PERCENT THE PEOPLE ARE NO GOOD.

You might say I am cynical, but that is what I have observed in over 50 years on his planet. And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out. Just read the news. Just look around you. Look at all the self centered jerks out there.

So, OP, be smart. DENY what happened, because you are going to lose your job. And face it, our jobs are important. If you feel pressured by anyone about this, immediately stop and lawyer up if needed. And as always, learn from this and remember that "loose lips, sink ships"...that is a very true saying, and is a most relevant saying in the disgusting world of pharmaceuticals.

I just thought about something. What time of day did this happen? you might be able to get away with "I had some dental work done, and had taken some Valium, and my swerving is why they pulled me over." Since you didn't take a breathalyzer, you can take your pick of excuses. You didn't tell the officer you had been drinking, did you?

At least that's what I would tell any prospective employer.

I just thought about something. What time of day did this happen? you might be able to get away with "I had some dental work done, and had taken some Valium, and my swerving is why they pulled me over." Since you didn't take a breathalyzer, you can take your pick of excuses. You didn't tell the officer you had been drinking, did you?

At least that's what I would tell any prospective employer.

OP said he did not do the breath test...so...they should be good. You are looking into this too much. Just don't tell anyone. Admit to nothing.

The only way the find out is if OP is dumb enough to trust one of his psychopathic counterparts.

I know of 10 plus year "pharmaceutical friendships" that went sour because one was a big mouth and backstabbed the other.

As I love to say, knowledge is power...and the most powerful thing to remember about co workers is that you can't trust them understand any situation and never let your guard down with them...shoot...I don't even let my guard down against my wife of 23 years....and I love her deeply. It is what it is. And I know I am right on this.

Definitely agree on the backstabbing thing -- do not tell ANY COUNTERPARTS--still wrestling with telling the DM, though.

Test the spirit by the spirit. Go to church to understand. Expand your circle, make friends with people who don't look like you. You'll find a lot of awesome people.

Exactly correct.

OP, you need to quickly understand that MOST people in this world are not good (MY GUESS IS ABOU 80 PERCENT). I hate to put that out there, but it is true. Now here is the kicker: IN PHARMA, MY GUESS IS THAT ABOUT 95 PERCENT THE PEOPLE ARE NO GOOD.

You might say I am cynical, but that is what I have observed in over 50 years on his planet. And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out. Just read the news. Just look around you. Look at all the self centered jerks out there.

So, OP, be smart. DENY what happened, because you are going to lose your job. And face it, our jobs are important. If you feel pressured by anyone about this, immediately stop and lawyer up if needed. And as always, learn from this and remember that "loose lips, sink ships"...that is a very true saying, and is a most relevant saying in the disgusting world of pharmaceuticals.


I'm amazed at the number of responders who urged the OP to violate the company rules by concealing the information from the employer and to be dishonest. No wonder this nation is disintegrating day by day. Looks like the rot that started at the fish' head has made it's way down to its torso among the common people. Very disturbing. What the hell ever happened to moral codes anyway? Deceit has not overtaken honesty. No one wants to be accountable for their actions anymore. Sad. :(


I'm amazed at the number of responders who urged the OP to violate the company rules by concealing the information from the employer and to be dishonest. No wonder this nation is disintegrating day by day. Looks like the rot that started at the fish' head has made it's way down to its torso among the common people. Very disturbing. What the hell ever happened to moral codes anyway? Deceit has not overtaken honesty. No one wants to be accountable for their actions anymore. Sad. :(

First, the OP is not lying about anything. They are just choosing to with hold personal information for the purpose of maintaining their livelihood.

You are silly one. Foolish, really. Where are your boundaries in life?

You are a typical pharmaceutical KOOL AID drinker, that never gives a fair balance message, but rather thinks your product is gold (despite all the side effects!).

I bet you don't read often either, do you? I bet you know so little about the world as well. Worse, I bet you have had very little or nothing bad happen to you in life, so you spout off stupid advice to a person, advice that may cost them their job. Stop giving bad advice here, and learn how cruel the world is to those that hold all their cards for all to see. Your post was beyond annoying, and not smart.

I know this is an old post but I hope I can help some people who get in a bad situation. If you get caught, report it (keep it simple in email) to manager and HR. You have to or you run a very high risk of getting fired. get a lawyer. Your goal is to avoid getting your license suspended. Many companies will fire you if you have a suspended license for more than one week. Take vacation if under 7 days.
Start preparing for your trial. Postpone it as long as you can. You must get it reduced to reckless and ask your lawyer to do whatever it takes to not have a suspended license. They can get you an ankle monitor.
Once you get reckless, you can keep your job provided you do not get a suspended license.

True story.