DUI...should I even try?

yes, you responded to me ( device rep here) I went into copier with an average GPA. I didn't have many other options. I was not much for studying in college. I am not an intellectual. Sorry if it may be difficult for you to understand someone that is 30 years old making 175 ish a year with my average GPA from a state school nobody has ever heard of (and those that have know it is a 4th tier school) with a very average SAT score, I think I broke a 1000...maybe... But who cares? I know plenty of brilliant people that don't have my standard of living.

So, boo hoo...I may be Mr Average in the intellect department, but I have what society really values:

1) Great schmoozer
2) Fancy suits
3) Great smile
4) Tall
5) Know how to play the game...
6) Quarter after quarter of good sales

I fully admit you are probably smarter than me. But when I come home to a loving wife, a newborn baby in a beautiful new house, while saving/investing half of our income in an impressive long term portfolio, I sort of chuckle at those who are smarter than me.

Call me an idiot. Who cares? Payday is tomorrow and commissions are cut tomorrow. Being an idiot in this country pays well in a country that just wants sales results, which I deliver.

Wake up Sparky you're daydreaming.

But you keep your fancy suits all pressed for the pharma interviews you can't get.

Wake up Sparky you're daydreaming.

But you keep your fancy suits all pressed for the pharma interviews you can't get.

Dude you missed my entire point. i left pharma to get into device and am doing just fine in device. Why would I cut my salary in half to go from device to pharma?

Why would I even interview with pharma?

Have to give you credit for your accomplishments, but don't sell yourself short because you didn't to to Havard (over-rated school anyway) and didn't get a 1600 SAT.

You worked to get where you are, I am sure.

But, you also got lucky, right?


A pissed off guy that never gets his break in medical device and has finally given up on that after being a finalist at least ten times in the last three years.


Thanks for agreeing with me on the education stuff...Who cares? And to the guy who thinks I couldn't get a pharma intrerview, you are right...they can't afford to beat what I am making now by a long shot. Sorry.

Part of sales is luck. Part of life is luck. That being said, you can increase your luck by increasing your chances of getting in front of a hiring person.

granted, I got my call for this really good job I am at now out of the blue., so you are right, it was partially luck although the recruiter came across my resume from some blasting agencies I paid for or something. In fact, I remember walking out of an office i REALLY hated as a drug rep and answered the phone and my jaw sort of dropped. They flew me in to the interview and I got the job three weeks later.

Now, if I had been going against another interviewee from the company's competitor, I might not have got the job. But the stars aligned, I interviewed and YES!!! they did point to copier sales as being a trait they like to see.

years later I asked the hiring manager..."Why me?" over a beer. It was at a trade show. He said the copier selling was key, I interviewed well, and as a rep in front of him interviewing, he knew that I knew that pharma was a BS job. In the interview, he recalled I said something like "yes, you are right, there is very little to attribute my work to these increases in market share, and I can understand your reluctance and apprehension to hire a drug rep...however, I can tell you that what I learned in copier sales NEVER left my core being, and that is why I have struggled to fit into pharma."

Good luck.

Sparky can't get enough of himself. He's either a liar or a real doucher

Do you offer anything helpful on this board?

I have nothing to lie about. Lying on this board is pointless. I am trying to help someone and I get called a douche.

Mehhh...Dr. Smith's office wants Pasta Carbonara on Monday. Be sure to set that up with Olive Garden in advance.

Thanks for agreeing with me on the education stuff...Who cares? And to the guy who thinks I couldn't get a pharma intrerview, you are right...they can't afford to beat what I am making now by a long shot. Sorry.

Part of sales is luck. Part of life is luck. That being said, you can increase your luck by increasing your chances of getting in front of a hiring person.

granted, I got my call for this really good job I am at now out of the blue., so you are right, it was partially luck although the recruiter came across my resume from some blasting agencies I paid for or something. In fact, I remember walking out of an office i REALLY hated as a drug rep and answered the phone and my jaw sort of dropped. They flew me in to the interview and I got the job three weeks later.

Now, if I had been going against another interviewee from the company's competitor, I might not have got the job. But the stars aligned, I interviewed and YES!!! they did point to copier sales as being a trait they like to see.

years later I asked the hiring manager..."Why me?" over a beer. It was at a trade show. He said the copier selling was key, I interviewed well, and as a rep in front of him interviewing, he knew that I knew that pharma was a BS job. In the interview, he recalled I said something like "yes, you are right, there is very little to attribute my work to these increases in market share, and I can understand your reluctance and apprehension to hire a drug rep...however, I can tell you that what I learned in copier sales NEVER left my core being, and that is why I have struggled to fit into pharma."

Good luck.

appreciate your post. I think I was terribly unlucky to get into pharma out of college, and making good money right away. If I had started in copier or other b2b sales, I would easily be in the high end medical sales job. Instead, I start off in pharma, and do well. But, my resume looks like shit, with all pharma. And it is just not going to happen. I will not get a chance unless my best friend becomes a manager and hires me. Its sad because I am a go-getter, hard worker. And after all these rejections, I have become alienated from the corporate world and no longer want to pursue these higher end job. Thankfully, I am in a great postion financially, so it really doesnt' matter. My regret was not getting the opportunity to challenge myself, as a sales professional. I quit and that is just the way the cookie crumbles in life, sometimes. That is reality.

appreciate your post. I think I was terribly unlucky to get into pharma out of college, and making good money right away. If I had started in copier or other b2b sales, I would easily be in the high end medical sales job. Instead, I start off in pharma, and do well. But, my resume looks like shit, with all pharma. And it is just not going to happen. I will not get a chance unless my best friend becomes a manager and hires me. Its sad because I am a go-getter, hard worker. And after all these rejections, I have become alienated from the corporate world and no longer want to pursue these higher end job. Thankfully, I am in a great postion financially, so it really doesnt' matter. My regret was not getting the opportunity to challenge myself, as a sales professional. I quit and that is just the way the cookie crumbles in life, sometimes. That is reality.

No problem. I have found CP can actually be useful without morons that call people douchebags, etc.

Have you considered redefining your career? Try getting into basic b2b sales, if you can afford the pay cut. Do it for 2 years, you will be in good shape. Do you sell drugs to a particular specialty? Then you could go ahead and market yourself to that specialty.

I sold drugs in a particular specialty and got hired to sell devices to that specialty. I already knew the pathology/mechanical structures of the organ I sell to, so the company didnt need to train me there. Then, since I knew how to sell capital equipment, I just picked it up again.

But, you do have a pharma job, which is better than 90% of the jobs out there in terms of pay. Yeah, it isn't the most challenging and can be emotionally draining dealing with odd pharma DMs, me too drugs, no access, etc...but your life could be worse.

That being said, I was in pharma for 3 years and I tried to make the best out of it. I tried to be the consultative salesman and tried for the hard close. Unfortunately, my hard closing ability doesnt jive with what Dotors are used to, at least in the sense of being a pitched a drug. In fact, I always felt out of place in pharma. I didn't understand how to close in pharma.

Now, I can hard close all of the time with difficult Doctors. In fact, I am dealing with one asshole right now that I just don't return their calls because he was extremely disrespectful to me a few months ago. Very liberating to be able to choose your own customers. I actually told him to call my competitor, that they have a fine unit.

I've been known to say in med device "Doctor, I don't understand why you aren't buying this device right now...It does everything you want it to do, you can afford it and I know you want it. Did I fly all this way to get told that now you are reconsidering? If so, thank you for your time. Please call me if you decide to move forward. If not, Doctor so and so down the street wants this unit."

You will find the bigger dickhead in device normally wins.

You missed my point. I had copier sales experience and that is why they hired me. If I were "pharma only" I would have been hosed. Most people I know who are in pharma have pharma only. Or have been in pharma for years and years.

It wasn't taking a chance a me. I sold one of the hardest things ever to sell with copiers and did pretty well. They saw that and hired me.

I sold grease for a few years before pharma. Yep, I was a lubrication specialist. Quite the center of attention at parties.

Straight commission and THAT was a hard job. But I still remember how to lub up a Zerk fitting on a Sultzer loom.

No problem. I have found CP can actually be useful without morons that call people douchebags, etc.

Have you considered redefining your career? Try getting into basic b2b sales, if you can afford the pay cut. Do it for 2 years, you will be in good shape. Do you sell drugs to a particular specialty? Then you could go ahead and market yourself to that specialty.

I sold drugs in a particular specialty and got hired to sell devices to that specialty. I already knew the pathology/mechanical structures of the organ I sell to, so the company didnt need to train me there. Then, since I knew how to sell capital equipment, I just picked it up again.

But, you do have a pharma job, which is better than 90% of the jobs out there in terms of pay. Yeah, it isn't the most challenging and can be emotionally draining dealing with odd pharma DMs, me too drugs, no access, etc...but your life could be worse.

That being said, I was in pharma for 3 years and I tried to make the best out of it. I tried to be the consultative salesman and tried for the hard close. Unfortunately, my hard closing ability doesnt jive with what Dotors are used to, at least in the sense of being a pitched a drug. In fact, I always felt out of place in pharma. I didn't understand how to close in pharma.

Now, I can hard close all of the time with difficult Doctors. In fact, I am dealing with one asshole right now that I just don't return their calls because he was extremely disrespectful to me a few months ago. Very liberating to be able to choose your own customers. I actually told him to call my competitor, that they have a fine unit.

I've been known to say in med device "Doctor, I don't understand why you aren't buying this device right now...It does everything you want it to do, you can afford it and I know you want it. Did I fly all this way to get told that now you are reconsidering? If so, thank you for your time. Please call me if you decide to move forward. If not, Doctor so and so down the street wants this unit."

You will find the bigger dickhead in device normally wins.

I would say that I would fit in med device fine because I am a cocky person, but flying for business seems like a waste of time, regardless of the money.

I would say that I would fit in med device fine because I am a cocky person, but flying for business seems like a waste of time, regardless of the money.

It isn't a waste of time when the device costs $250 grand and you get around 10 percent for it. I sell in an extremely niche market and people don't but this stuff over the phone. Plus going in person for a product as complicated as I sell because the due dilligence on discovery of needs takes 5-10 hours of practice research.

Flying around isn't so bad. In the three years I have done it my wife and I have never paid for a rental car, hotel room or plane ticket on our own.

I sold grease for a few years before pharma. Yep, I was a lubrication specialist. Quite the center of attention at parties.

Straight commission and THAT was a hard job. But I still remember how to lub up a Zerk fitting on a Sultzer loom.

DD, I have heard that industrial sales can be quite lucrative. Why did you leave to pharma? DO you regret it?

"yes, you are right, there is very little to attribute my work to these increases in market share, and I can understand your reluctance and apprehension to hire a drug rep...however, I can tell you that what I learned in copier sales NEVER left my core being, and that is why I have struggled to fit into pharma."


Yes, that's what he remembered. You have got to be fucking kidding

DD, I have heard that industrial sales can be quite lucrative. Why did you leave to pharma? DO you regret it?

Industrial sales CAN be lucrative -- the women who did really well were those that used their looks and bodies (umm, much like pharma barbie reps) I think what killed it for me was after the first order, the customer became a "house account" and some dummie would take care of it via phone. To me, that's not sales. It was a constant turnover of accounts for me, to the point where I had to basically play a game opening new accounts by department or person in the company. Pain in the butt. And I had a creepy manager.

The absolute worst part was walking into some mom and pop auto shop and try to talk to some mechanic who had pictures of naked women on the walls and would make me do every dog and pony trick only to order something for about $25.

And I also really wanted to be a pharmaceutical rep. I really enjoyed it for about the first 5 or 6 years, then things started going downhill with all of the PdMA rules and regulations.

Mehhh. Accept what I say or don't. It doesn't matter.

I doubt anyone accepts anything you've said. You're just full of shit and anger.
Here's my advice to you: Stop coming here posting your bs hoping to find someone to share your pain. Move on and forget about pharma, they don't want you due to your history of failure in the industry. Don't feel too bad, not everyone can handle pharma sales.
Take your own advice and try to get a job selling copiers, or Big Macs. Just move on.

I doubt anyone accepts anything you've said. You're just full of shit and anger.
Here's my advice to you: Stop coming here posting your bs hoping to find someone to share your pain. Move on and forget about pharma, they don't want you due to your history of failure in the industry. Don't feel too bad, not everyone can handle pharma sales.
Take your own advice and try to get a job selling copiers, or Big Macs. Just move on.

No anger man. There is no "cafemedicaldevice" so I come on here.

Failure in the industry I fully admit. But my failure in pharma meant success in device, making much more money than you. Honestly, I make more money than most pharma DMs...so when you aspire to get promoted in pharma, understand that I still make more money than you would.

Bottomline, if you are so good at sales, come sell alongside me in medical device. I'd be happy to bring you on as an associate. You sound like a pharma superstar, which means you would be fantastic in selling a medical device...*cough*.

No anger man. There is no "cafemedicaldevice" so I come on here.

Failure in the industry I fully admit. But my failure in pharma meant success in device, making much more money than you. Honestly, I make more money than most pharma DMs...so when you aspire to get promoted in pharma, understand that I still make more money than you would.

Bottomline, if you are so good at sales, come sell alongside me in medical device. I'd be happy to bring you on as an associate. You sound like a pharma superstar, which means you would be fantastic in selling a medical device...*cough*.

Associate my ass.

Unless you are straight out of college, associate sales is for donkeys.

I doubt anyone accepts anything you've said. You're just full of shit and anger.
Here's my advice to you: Stop coming here posting your bs hoping to find someone to share your pain. Move on and forget about pharma, they don't want you due to your history of failure in the industry. Don't feel too bad, not everyone can handle pharma sales.
Take your own advice and try to get a job selling copiers, or Big Macs. Just move on.

Hey I hire people for a living - could you tell me how you do that - that thing where you read what someone has posted and can infer their entire job history, career path, and emotional state , and then give them some succint career advice , all from reading a paragraph or two they wrote? That is to cool!

And speaking of handling things I just bet you spend a lot of time 'handling' yourself! (perhaps thats how you gained this special ability) I would guess your obviously either a big time pharma DM or a douchebag - not sure which is the better choice though - DM or Douchebag - since both are so similar! Perhaps some other readers could vote on what you are - DM or DB!

Hey I hire people for a living - could you tell me how you do that - that thing where you read what someone has posted and can infer their entire job history, career path, and emotional state , and then give them some succint career advice , all from reading a paragraph or two they wrote? That is to cool!

And speaking of handling things I just bet you spend a lot of time 'handling' yourself! (perhaps thats how you gained this special ability) I would guess your obviously either a big time pharma DM or a douchebag - not sure which is the better choice though - DM or Douchebag - since both are so similar! Perhaps some other readers could vote on what you are - DM or DB!

WOW! Great teeth, tall, AND you hire people. You are the total package aren't you?