DUI...should I even try?


I am a recent college grad and got a DUI two years ago. I was considering getting into pharma/medical/vet sales (after I gain a little more sales experience) but the more and more I reasearch, I realize this that this career may not be a reality for me.

It was a stupid, seirous mistake that has had tremendous effects on my career choices. Does anyone have any advice on similar companies that would hire with dui on a record? I am at a complete loss about what steps to take next.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Inside sales.
No company will EVER approve you to drive for them with a DUI on your record, insurance will not let them. You could recruit for pharmaceuticals or medical sales, but you have zero chance of ever actually getting an outside sales position!


Inside sales.
No company will EVER approve you to drive for them with a DUI on your record, insurance will not let them. You could recruit for pharmaceuticals or medical sales, but you have zero chance of ever actually getting an outside sales position!


He could get into outside sales where he drives his own car and has his own insurance.

This is a cookie cutter mother job that provides transportation for women to buy groceries for the family. Don't bother with pharma, go get a real sales job that does not care about the DUI rather they care about the bottom line results.

I am actually in the same boat as you are. I had a DUI while in college and it seems to be a haunting part of my past that always comes to the forefront. My DUI was over 5 years ago while in college and was the only driving mishap I have ever had, besides a seatbelt violation. I have heard of people getting into the industry with a DUI/DWI but it is very tough to do so. Like previous readers have posted, a lot of pharm companies give you a company car and have to insure you while you drive that car. Some companies give you a car allowance and you get your own insurance. I have also heard that some pharm companies look up to 5 years for DUI and that is as far back as they go, don't know that to be 100% true. The main point is that pharm companies want their interests to be safe. If you can show that this was a one time only mistake and you have learned from it and had time to prove to them that it is not a common thing for you, you may have a shot. I think the best thing to do is continue with your sales job and show that you are a very successful salesman. I think that your DUI is still to new to try and get into the industy, but who knows. I do think that this topic is dealt with on a case by case basis and people have been hired if the DUI was long enough ago in the past. If any readers do know or have ever heard of anyone "EVER" getting into the industry with a DUI on their record please inform us, we would love to hear any feedback.

Most companies look 5 years back into your driving record. I think realistically you'll need to be 3 years out from the DUI for serious consideration. I had a recent conversation with a manager who interviewed a candidate she wanted to hire, but was spooked by a recent DUI on his record. I remember her saying that it was just too recent, and that if it had been a year or 2 more she would have been okay with it.

Take the interviews when they come up, be honest and open about it, assure the manager you've learned a life lesson; address it, but move the discussion forward to how you'll be a valuable assest to the company.

The OP can show this by his driving record being clean from then until now. If the OP can show that on his 5 year driving record that this was the only infraction and that he has gone on do be successful (i.e. graduated from college with a good GPA, been successful at his job, ect..) He can state that it was a bad decision and he has learned from it and put it in his past. I think most managers realize that everyone is human and makes mistakes and if you can own up to it and take responsibility and show that you are not what that one mistake makes you out to look like, you could be go on to great things

Amusing. . . . people providing opinions when they really have NO clue.

To the college grad

Yes you can work in the industry. Trust me, talking from experience.

Every pharma company has an insurance policy with a leasing company. This policy determines how far they look back. With every infraction, a driver racks up points. These points determine whether or not you can be covered by the policy. Often times, a dui is enough for you to be dropped off the policy. Other times, it could be just shy and therefore you could be covered. Most companies won't deal even if you are still shy of the max point limit.

Regardless, many companies only look back 3 years. Others five years. I know of none that look back 7 years. Once it is more than the look back, you will have NO problem. Often times the company will not even know because (in some states) it is a vehicular misdeamenor. On job apps, they are looking for felonies. If it happens to be a felony in the state you got hit, then they will see it.

I know of quite a few in my region who have dui's.

So, with that said, of the ones I know. Forrest looks back 5 years. Schering 3. Phizer 3.

The OP can show this by his driving record being clean from then until now. If the OP can show that on his 5 year driving record that this was the only infraction and that he has gone on do be successful (i.e. graduated from college with a good GPA, been successful at his job, ect..) He can state that it was a bad decision and he has learned from it and put it in his past. I think most managers realize that everyone is human and makes mistakes and if you can own up to it and take responsibility and show that you are not what that one mistake makes you out to look like, you could be go on to great things

I disagree with this line of thinking. Showing a manager this was the only infraction you ever had, and that you were "clean" for the past two years means nothing - you were clean for the first 5-7 years you had you license, and that didn't stop you from getting a DUI now. Why should being clean for 2 or 3 years be a confirmation that it will never happen again? No one ever intends to get a DUI. And for many, it doesn't mean they didn't or continue to ever drive drunk/impaired, it just means they never got caught.

Amusing. . . . people providing opinions when they really have NO clue.

To the college grad

Yes you can work in the industry. Trust me, talking from experience.

Every pharma company has an insurance policy with a leasing company. This policy determines how far they look back. With every infraction, a driver racks up points. These points determine whether or not you can be covered by the policy. Often times, a dui is enough for you to be dropped off the policy. Other times, it could be just shy and therefore you could be covered. Most companies won't deal even if you are still shy of the max point limit.

Regardless, many companies only look back 3 years. Others five years. I know of none that look back 7 years. Once it is more than the look back, you will have NO problem. Often times the company will not even know because (in some states) it is a vehicular misdeamenor. On job apps, they are looking for felonies. If it happens to be a felony in the state you got hit, then they will see it.

I know of quite a few in my region who have dui's.

So, with that said, of the ones I know. Forrest looks back 5 years. Schering 3. Phizer 3.

It's not about points - sure, enough points could prevent you from being hired. But a DUI conviction is an entirely different animal. You could be well under the point limit but have a DUI conviction and not be hired because of it. Insurance companies in most states legally can look back 3 years. Depends on the state. However, the state's DMV can keep a DUI on record for life, and companies can and do get a candidate's driving record from the state's DMV in which they live. Agreed, however, that companies generally look back 3-5 years. Some companies don't have a fleet program - the reps drive their own cars and buy their own insurance and are reimbursed according to a specific company's vehicle expense reimbursement program. I don't know, but my guess would be that a DUI would be less of a problem for these companies. However, most companies do have a fleet program, and I believe it would be difficult to get hired by them with a DUI conviction less than 3 years old - but not impossible.

The best thing to do is for the OP to call a DUI attorney in their state and discuss this.

I interviewed a candidate with a recent dui she was getting cleared from her record. Sorry, but the market is flooded right now. She was a great candidate but there's no way HR would let me go near it. Every employer is different in the number of years checked. We check 5 and ask if there are any felony convictions, dwi, or dui. If ever, you're not getting hired.

Been there done that! If it's greater than 5 years ago, don't worry about it. Less than 5 years you will get busted.....so hire a GOOD lawyer to get it removed. Worked for me and do I answer or confess? Heck no!! That's dumb! No lectures from the peanut gallery please, I've learned my lesson!

Some states you can not get it removed, it is on your record for life. If the pharm companies only look back 5 years, then fine you might get away with them not finding out. I do know that in some states it is impossible to get off your record or expunged.