DUI and employment

I am going on year 7. I am still with my employer. There is major downsizing and I wanted to look at my options. You fucks are so judgemental. I guess you never made a mistake in your life. Suck it!


Again, thank you for a real response. Everyone has made a mistake in their lives..no one is perfect. I am not a drunk..well maybe one night. I am not unemployed, just looking for options and relocation. Thanks for your help.

Do you still carry a cooler filled with beer in your car? Don't forget to get ice.

Wow! It is difficult to believe that people would post so much poison on any company board. The hate and anger is shocking to read and even more shocking to know that such hate is representing makers of life saving medications. Go to counseling, grow a conscience, be responsible for the message you send with your words. There is no honor in approaching anyone with hate.

Wow! It is difficult to believe that people would post so much poison on any company board. The hate and anger is shocking to read and even more shocking to know that such hate is representing makers of life saving medications. Go to counseling, grow a conscience, be responsible for the message you send with your words. There is no honor in approaching anyone with hate.

I think you have to consider that this is a very emotionally charged subject, especially for those who have lost a loved one at the hands of a drunk driver. It has nothing to do with whether or not you promote life saving medications for a living, it has to do with human beings who have been tragically affected by someone elses bad choices and bad judgement. When people see postings like this it gives them an opportunity to lash out in anger, even though the poster isn't the cause of their pain. I haven't experienced a loss from a drunk driver, but I can feel for those who have, and I understand their reaction. My question to you is... how come you can't understand it?

I think you have to consider that this is a very emotionally charged subject, especially for those who have lost a loved one at the hands of a drunk driver. It has nothing to do with whether or not you promote life saving medications for a living, it has to do with human beings who have been tragically affected by someone elses bad choices and bad judgement. When people see postings like this it gives them an opportunity to lash out in anger, even though the poster isn't the cause of their pain. I haven't experienced a loss from a drunk driver, but I can feel for those who have, and I understand their reaction. My question to you is... how come you can't understand it?

There is a HUGE difference in DUI Vehicular Manslaughter and a run of the mill DUI. I'm sure you have never had a drink and driven anywhere. I guess get arrested for anything you should not be hired anywhere. The severity of what DUI should dictate what jobs should hire you.

There is a HUGE difference in DUI Vehicular Manslaughter and a run of the mill DUI. I'm sure you have never had a drink and driven anywhere. I guess get arrested for anything you should not be hired anywhere. The severity of what DUI should dictate what jobs should hire you.

That is an amazing response!! To say that because of luck, or divine intervention, or both, there was no one in your path to further test your reaction time, doesn't mean anything. It's such an incredibly weak attempt at justifying the notion that you are less guilty of "driving while intoxicated" than the guy who hit someone. Driving under the influence is all about luck... lucky if you're not caught, lucky if you don't hit someone or something, and lucky if you make it home in one piece.

There has to be a cutoff point for everything in life, and for jobs that require driving a vehicle, the cutoff point is "being on the receiving end of a DUI". You got one. Now you think companies should move that cutoff line to be based upon what kind of DUI you got? That's insane.

Wow! It is difficult to believe that people would post so much poison on any company board. The hate and anger is shocking to read and even more shocking to know that such hate is representing makers of life saving medications. Go to counseling, grow a conscience, be responsible for the message you send with your words. There is no honor in approaching anyone with hate.

Up yours jerkoff!

Time to find a new career. Your career in Pharma is OVER...YOU loser!!!! What are you doing getting a DUI. What an IDIOT...
I know..Why don't you get a job BARTENDING you DRUNK!

are you even serious??? have you never made a mistake in your entire life... you are the one that sounds like an idiot!!!!!!!!!!! you don't even know this person and you are calling them a loser...how dare you...its ignorant, judgemental, assholes like you that ruin this country...(actually those that want to kill capitalism and would prefer socialism are the ones that will ruin this great country, but thats besides the pt.)...you think you're all high and mighty b/c you dont have a dui on your record... well goodie gum drops for you...i hope you dont have children... and if you do i hope they dont ever ever make a mistake or i guess you will call them losers and idiots as well......ya some people are screw ups and just cant get it together... but their are alot of people who learn from their mistakes and become much better people b/c of it...ugh what a jerk!!

Time to find a new career. Your career in Pharma is OVER...YOU loser!!!! What are you doing getting a DUI. What an IDIOT...
I know..Why don't you get a job BARTENDING you DRUNK!

Give the guy abreak...everybody on here has probravly known or knows someone who has diven drunk and lucked out enough to mot get caught...Some emplyers will ne nerciful if you don't have a reputation as a lush. Everybody makes mistakes.

Give the guy abreak...everybody on here has probravly known or knows someone who has diven drunk and lucked out enough to mot get caught...Some emplyers will ne nerciful if you don't have a reputation as a lush. Everybody makes mistakes.

After reading your post, one might think that you had a few drinks.


I had a DUI a few years before I got a job w/Merck...they had me do paperwork, explain myself, etc. However, the pharm jobs I have gotten since..been in industry 10 years..it had to have been over 5 or 7 years. Today's market though...not sure

Change States; Move to another State; Get married, change your name if your female. It will still eventually catch up with you. The leased car company runs a background check on a regular bases (about 1X a year) for all hired employees. I have known of reps who drink at speaker programs, then drive their company car home. Very bad idea.

I had a DUI a few years before I got a job w/Merck...they had me do paperwork, explain myself, etc. However, the pharm jobs I have gotten since..been in industry 10 years..it had to have been over 5 or 7 years. Today's market though...not sure

I think it's at least 5 years before they will hire you.

I can't believe how many of you are so judgmental. I think most of us could have gotten a d.u.i. at some point in our life, but we've all been lucky. I am against drunk driving, but I don't pass judgment on someone who made one bad mistake 5 years ago.

If you get 2 d.u.i.'s you're a complete idiot. Learn from a mistake and move on. My brother in law got one, and he rarely drinks--made a poor choice one night, and now he's moved on.

It can happen to many , and many are lucky. Just learn from it and don't do it again. But pharma won't hire you for 3 to 5 years. I think it's due to the insurance.

I don't have one friend who couldn't have gotten one at some point in their life. It's a stupid mistake some make and many /,most don't get caught.

Don't condemn people though.

Give the guy abreak...everybody on here has probravly known or knows someone who has diven drunk and lucked out enough to mot get caught...Some emplyers will ne nerciful if you don't have a reputation as a lush. Everybody makes mistakes.

I totally agree

We all could have gotten one. I'm super careful as I don't want one, but I have several friends who got one, and they were very remorseful and will never drink and drive again. Learn from your mistake--we all make mistakes.

Don't do it again or you're a fool and don't deserve to be employed.

I totally agree

We all could have gotten one. I'm super careful as I don't want one, but I have several friends who got one, and they were very remorseful and will never drink and drive again. Learn from your mistake--we all make mistakes.

Don't do it again or you're a fool and don't deserve to be employed.

I have to agree. Any one of us could have received a DWI.... or should I say..... most of us could have. I got one along, long time ago. It's completely off of my record. Got it years before I got into pharma. It was a huge mistake and I am glad that I didn't have an accident. I learned from it big time.
The financial aspect of it is brutal. Higher insurance rate for several years. Since then I seldom have a drink.... even at home. Haven't stopped drinking completely..... but if I do have a drink, there is no way that I am getting behind the wheel. I'll walk first.... or sleep it off in the car. Fortunately, I haven't done either one of those.

I have to agree. Any one of us could have received a DWI.... or should I say..... most of us could have. I got one along, long time ago. It's completely off of my record. Got it years before I got into pharma. It was a huge mistake and I am glad that I didn't have an accident. I learned from it big time.
The financial aspect of it is brutal. Higher insurance rate for several years. Since then I seldom have a drink.... even at home. Haven't stopped drinking completely..... but if I do have a drink, there is no way that I am getting behind the wheel. I'll walk first.... or sleep it off in the car. Fortunately, I haven't done either one of those.

I totally agree. I have several friends who have gotten them, and they are not fun. They all have learned their lesson and none of them are drunks. They just got caught. They now rarely drink and if they do they have a few beers at home. They have lowered the limit so much that it takes only a few drinks to get a d.u.i. if they stop you. It's all a money-making proposition for the states. It's financially lucrative for these cops to get people. It pays their salaries. It's not worth it. But, I truly can't believe some of the judgmental jerks on these boards who act all almighty. Most of them could have gotten a d.u.i at any point, and they just lucked out. I don't judge people that harshly, and we all make mistakes. Move on and don't do it again.