These jobs are only part-time now so Publicis does not have to provide any benefits!
tells you just how bad Duchesnay financial situation. No numbers, all new hires part time budget cuts how stupid to have be be to not see the end of Duchesnay is near.These jobs are only part-time now so Publicis does not have to provide any benefits!
Except for a couple of low talent long time employees everyone knows this contract is in big trouble. I know of 3 reps resigning next week. I work everyday to find a new opportunity. Not much happening in my area. Love to out of pharma but most companies don’t consider pharmaceutical reps as sales. .tells you just how bad Duchesnay financial situation. No numbers, all new hires part time budget cuts how stupid to have be be to not see the end of Duchesnay is near.
Probably a 50% cut in sales force with 60 days. As soon as we dump all these samples. Just look at Osphena $ sales volume and you realize it supports about 50 reps.How much longer do we have at Duchesnay?
Surprising resignation today. Long time rep. Maybe one of the original hires. Consistent top y’all think we’re done at Duchesnay by end of July?
what territory were they in? Wonder if they’ll fill it.
Just got laid off with 11 other people after they swore up and down there would be no lay offs.
Just got laid off with 11 other people after they swore up and down there would be no lay offs.
Is there still an outside sales force? I am seeing ads for inside sales people
I'm sure Dean will walk away with a $$$$$ chunk of change when the time comes.
And Eric clearly has $$$$ no worries, I'm mean Dean seems like an obvious potential HR problem and liability 2 me...