Above 2 posts are right on. This is a total shit show. Leader is a clueless ego maniac, marketing run by a guy who never been in pharma and is just a mini me to our leader and Canada has no idea what the US market is like. Just look at Mteryti, joke of a launch, priced 6 times competitors, weird mail order only then we cut the price after 60 days of total failure to 3 times the price of established competitors and icing on the cake 4 out of 10 reps get no bonus due to lack of Mteryti sales and the other 60% gets dinged for lack of Mteryti success Genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great way to motivate a sales force , keep them engaged and give them just another reason to look for a new job. I have a final on Friday and have been home past 2 days preparing. 6 of the 10 in my district looking hard everyday and my guess majority of sales force looking. We actually have a group text where we share opportunities.