Heard the same thing. They low balled a lot of us. You can't trust any of them. Not a single one.
My DM low balled me during a ride along in the back seat!
Heard the same thing. They low balled a lot of us. You can't trust any of them. Not a single one.
If you whiny fucks would get out and work instead of crying and moaning you would be a great success with this product like I am. Well not everyone can be a superstar like me. Eat your hearts out punks!
What's Dave and Sanjee or whatever his name is, up to all day in their little offices? I bet old Sanjo is screwing with the sales data as always! Hey Sanwee, where is the monthly data you promised us, not to mention the results of the sales contest that ENDED 7/31/13, that you conveniently forgot about??? Where do they find idiots like this?
All you crying ass punks need to shut your mouths and do your fucking job! Wanna get shitcanned? Yeah, I thought so assholes.
Their biggest problem, other than gross incompetency, is that they constantly lie to the sales force. They lied about the salary, the sales contest that ended on 7/31/13, medicaid coverage etc. They cannot be trusted. Just watch, they will do something to delay or simply not pay out our first bonus due next month.
Not true... Publicis wouldn't let that happen. If it was Douchesnay directly paying us, it wouldn't surprise me.
Hope you're right, but they did lie to us about the contest that they told us about at the launch meeting. If they will lie about that, they are capable of screwing us with our bonus. Why didn't Publicis make good on that contest?
Sanjeevee will do his best to delay our pathetic little bonus. Why don't he and Davy get their lazy asses out and ride with reps to see how bad it is out here? I'll tell you why, they are too damn lazy that's why!!
Whiny dick smoochers like you are just sad. Get you fat ass out their and work and be proud that you represent two stellar companies like PSS and Duchesnay!
What an absolutely fucking idiot! Two stellar companies huh? Good God what in the hell have you been smoking? Gotta go fuck head! Got a 1:15 tee time!!!! GO DICLEGIS!! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
I played 18 myself yesterday! It was a beautiful day!! Couldn't face another OB with this incredibly overpriced/under covered drug. It's to the point where I hate to go in an office. Had a doc on Thursday said we were crazy to price it so high, and he was going back to Rx'ing it the old way. Told him I didn't blame him.
I played 18 myself yesterday! It was a beautiful day!! Couldn't face another OB with this incredibly overpriced/under covered drug. It's to the point where I hate to go in an office. Had a doc on Thursday said we were crazy to price it so high, and he was going back to Rx'ing it the old way. Told him I didn't blame him.
Too funny! When is Dave going to leave the safety of his little, cozy office and hit the field for a couple of weeks to see the shit we run into each and every day with this $500 a month debacle?? God, I dread going out this Monday morning!
Then don't go out Monday. Stay home and masturbate with a Sharpie Like I do every Monday!
Too funny! When is Dave going to leave the safety of his little, cozy office and hit the field for a couple of weeks to see the shit we run into each and every day with this $500 a month debacle?? God, I dread going out this Monday morning!