DS4/Summit notices


Has anyone received one of the emails saying you are either off this contract or you are on the new team? The call said by Tuesday, so not sure if any of them started trickling out yet.

There will be 3 different call in numbers
1. Those keeping same job
2. Those laid off
3. Transferred to different contract

They will all be scheduled for same time. Look for email Monday evening.

this is all bullshit conjecture. We were told HR will set a achedule for the 30th or July 1. Read between the lines.. If you are called the 30th it is farewell.. Bye bye, don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out. The 1st is reserved for viable employees delineating new territory/managers.

this is all bullshit conjecture. We were told HR will set a achedule for the 30th or July 1. Read between the lines.. If you are called the 30th it is farewell.. Bye bye, don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out. The 1st is reserved for viable employees delineating new territory/managers.

There will be 3 calls. Reps have already been placed in movantik and or spectrum territories and will find out on one of the 3 calls... Not bs- total fact. About 10 percent were saved from layoff and another 15 percent will be let go. You're right, don't let the door hit you on way out.

There will be 3 calls. Reps have already been placed in movantik and or spectrum territories and will find out on one of the 3 calls... Not bs- total fact. About 10 percent were saved from layoff and another 15 percent will be let go. You're right, don't let the door hit you on way out.

Movantic vs. Spectrum...

Who wins the stability and better bucks test?

constipation or breathing