Dry Eye Team. Writing is on the wall.

Whatch ya talkin bout Willis? Almost all Reps are worthless dead meats who can’t sell. So many imposter managers. A giant f-g circus. Investors should demand major cuts.

excellent summary. Agreed. Why they let this fraud show go on this king is surprising. As well the good ones have left or transferred. So all that’s left now is fools and garbage.

did they really think they were going to ever get to 10m$ a year on this fraud show? They can’t get to 3m$. A CV embarrassment in your record

You poor bastards!

not only did you guys drink more Hollywood bullshiit kill aid then ever seen

then you had a gizmo academia try to make you read books to motivate your spirit and then he left to go be important somewhere else.

Then half your team has left. Many to go to Pharma side and now they really want to dump all of you but they hang on for a little longer begging you to leave.

you poor sucker fools.

this was a dumpster fire shiit pile from day 1

Barely $2 million. Nobody can do math or project.

because Adam and his ass kids tank of followers didn’t model it right, position right, file it right, they did nothing right.

Far too much attention for an unproven tech.

hey at least it’s small and you they can hide their investment loss much better.

Bitch bitch bitch.

the numbers don’t lie. Stop trying to make something out of nothing.

your stuck on the island of misfit toys. Remember when you thought your shit didn’t stink? You stink bad now. And you look stupid now

well fake is fake and adam fd all of you bad! Alcon didn’t

the fake fraud time share sales nonsense of trash screwed you.

Fred screwed you. Hollywood screwed you.

you screwed yourself by not leaving!

blephex. Really Fred? Really?