Drug test question

Ok dipshit! I did NOT vote for that sorry ass president we have now. You said I'm uninformed, who is on cafe Pharma trying to figure out if they can pass a drug screen and get a job, You! I have a job here and been very successful and been on several Platnium trips, all while you were using your "medical card" to buy your "baked goods". If you could manage to pull your head out of your ass for a moment all you have to do is show B+L your great little medical card. Of course we both know that if you did they would send you packing. As far as you and your attitude that I'm a "dick" . Well that's your opinion and everybody is entitled to their opinion, just like I have my opinion of you. Maybe you should go back to your state that gave you your medical card and try to get a job growing what helps you with "your minor medical issue" !

Well said! In fact, to the dumbass that has the recreational drug card-it is trash like yourself that lowers the standards for all, which I am sure means you DID vote for that sorry excuse for a president! Thanks for contributing to the lower class!