Drug test question


How does B&L drug screen their sales reps - hair or urine? I have my test this week and for some reason every time I take one of these things it makes me a nervous wreck! (even though I have nothing to worry about and always pass)

seriously this crappy company pays for a hair test?!? if that's true which I doubt then wow. they should spend that $ on saving all the employees asses they're about to let go!

Bausch issues a hair test; don't know what valeant will do, probably just urine since they want to cut costs. And stupid, Bausch has long history with the government, etc., so 'yes' hair test. You must be young and dumb-take a look at Bausch history and learn a few things about its history.

Are we seriously discussing drug screen. If your worried you can't pass, why in the heck are you trying to get a job. Go back and stand in line and get your free cheese and get your Obama phone.

I can't stand Obama but I bet you're just mad since YOU voted for him. It must suck to be so uninformed and judgmental...not all people who use marijuana are losers. (look in the mirror for details) I recently moved from a state that allowed me a medical card. And yes, I purchased edibles with to help with a minor medical issue. I don't drink much alcohol or take opiates but as needed I would eat a cookie and it was awesome! I do not consider myself a drug addict and now that I live in a state where this isn't possible I no longer partake. But, since I only moved 30-40 days ago if there's a hair test I'll fail. Which sucks since I just got offered the job yesterday contingent on my test/background check. As for you I bet you were the mean kid in school and all your friends talk about what a dick you are behind your back!

I can't stand Obama but I bet you'rge just mad since YOU voted for him. It must suck to be so uninformed and judgmental...not all people who use marijuana are losers. (look in the mirror for details) I recently moved from a state that allowed me a medical card. And yes, I purchased edibles with to help with a minor medical issue. I don't drink much alcohol or take opiates but as needed I would eat a cookie and it was awesome! I do not consider myself a drug addict and now that I live in a state where this isn't possible I no longer partake. But, since I only moved 30-40 days ago if there's a hair test I'll fail. Which sucks since I just got offered the job yesterday contingent on my test/background check. As for you I bet you were the mean kid in school and all your friends talk about what a dick you are behind your back!

Only one thing for it.....Full body wax........Ouch!

I can't stand Obama but I bet you're just mad since YOU voted for him. It must suck to be so uninformed and judgmental...not all people who use marijuana are losers. (look in the mirror for details) I recently moved from a state that allowed me a medical card. And yes, I purchased edibles with to help with a minor medical issue. I don't drink much alcohol or take opiates but as needed I would eat a cookie and it was awesome! I do not consider myself a drug addict and now that I live in a state where this isn't possible I no longer partake. But, since I only moved 30-40 days ago if there's a hair test I'll fail. Which sucks since I just got offered the job yesterday contingent on my test/background check. As for you I bet you were the mean kid in school and all your friends talk about what a dick you are behind your back!

Yes, it is a hair test. I had one recently.

I can't stand Obama but I bet you're just mad since YOU voted for him. It must suck to be so uninformed and judgmental...not all people who use marijuana are losers. (look in the mirror for details) I recently moved from a state that allowed me a medical card. And yes, I purchased edibles with to help with a minor medical issue. I don't drink much alcohol or take opiates but as needed I would eat a cookie and it was awesome! I do not consider myself a drug addict and now that I live in a state where this isn't possible I no longer partake. But, since I only moved 30-40 days ago if there's a hair test I'll fail. Which sucks since I just got offered the job yesterday contingent on my test/background check. As for you I bet you were the mean kid in school and all your friends talk about what a dick you are behind your back!

Certainly you would know if you were "using" legally, you would have a prescription that you would submit upon the testing date. There would be a letter of explanation from your doctor. And a medical diagnosis to accompany. I suggest you change your employment field to one where you can utilize illegal recreational substances without consequences. And who is ridiculous enough to apply for any pharma company when they have been drugging it within the past month?

I can't stand Obama but I bet you're just mad since YOU voted for him. It must suck to be so uninformed and judgmental...not all people who use marijuana are losers. (look in the mirror for details) I recently moved from a state that allowed me a medical card. And yes, I purchased edibles with to help with a minor medical issue. I don't drink much alcohol or take opiates but as needed I would eat a cookie and it was awesome! I do not consider myself a drug addict and now that I live in a state where this isn't possible I no longer partake. But, since I only moved 30-40 days ago if there's a hair test I'll fail. Which sucks since I just got offered the job yesterday contingent on my test/background check. As for you I bet you were the mean kid in school and all your friends talk about what a dick you are behind your back!

Don't listen to them. I'm a new hire this year and it was a urine test. And, I used to sell opioids, so I'm familiar with drug screens and after 30 days it will not be in your urine. But, if your not being honest regarding the length of time, then I would be worried...

Don't listen to them. I'm a new hire this year and it was a urine test. And, I used to sell opioids, so I'm familiar with drug screens and after 30 days it will not be in your urine. But, if your not being honest regarding the length of time, then I would be worried...

That is a recent hire to Valeant and now that you are Valeant, I would guess they aren't going to spend the extra money for a hair test when urine test are cheaper...

B&L was always a hair test. I think the HR guidelines will still be the same. But I have been gone for a few years so don't know. If it is a hair test and you fail, HR can come back to you and you can submit medical why and doctors note. it is their discretion to hire you from there, and they are in their proper rights to deny you since with company car they are liable for you. Even if they do hire you, know that you are then "on the list" from then on out and everyone including your manager knows your business. That's a lousy way to start a job. By the way, they all read this site, there are few rep hires going on now and so you are already toast. They can just tell you that you failed the background without an explanation and not disclose it was drug test. Good luck, but then again, not being hired by B&L could actually be the best thing for you.

I can't stand Obama but I bet you're just mad since YOU voted for him. It must suck to be so uninformed and judgmental...not all people who use marijuana are losers. (look in the mirror for details) I recently moved from a state that allowed me a medical card. And yes, I purchased edibles with to help with a minor medical issue. I don't drink much alcohol or take opiates but as needed I would eat a cookie and it was awesome! I do not consider myself a drug addict and now that I live in a state where this isn't possible I no longer partake. But, since I only moved 30-40 days ago if there's a hair test I'll fail. Which sucks since I just got offered the job yesterday contingent on my test/background check. As for you I bet you were the mean kid in school and all your friends talk about what a dick you are behind your back!

Ok dipshit! I did NOT vote for that sorry ass president we have now. You said I'm uninformed, who is on cafe Pharma trying to figure out if they can pass a drug screen and get a job, You! I have a job here and been very successful and been on several Platnium trips, all while you were using your "medical card" to buy your "baked goods". If you could manage to pull your head out of your ass for a moment all you have to do is show B+L your great little medical card. Of course we both know that if you did they would send you packing. As far as you and your attitude that I'm a "dick" . Well that's your opinion and everybody is entitled to their opinion, just like I have my opinion of you. Maybe you should go back to your state that gave you your medical card and try to get a job growing what helps you with "your minor medical issue" !