Drug screening and background check for new employees

They should do a complete drug screen follicles and all! For years I thought they'd been hiring a bunch of potheads who couldn't sell, couldn't learn science and had no work ethic so the new paradigm is wonderful! Now they need to backtest for a bunch of pothead DCO's and CTL's cause there's bound to be a bunch! (not referring to JIM)

It's a urine test and as long as you quit for a few weeks, your good. If your worried u can't pass, drink a lot of water to dilute your sample. They won't be able to give a definite result and will ask for u to retest which buys u an additional week or so.

Drug testing is a total scam and waste of money. They're easy to pass and the ones that are most likely to get caught are pot users. Coke heads need not worry.

Most casual smokers can pass a test after a week or so. Everyday, once a day smokers would take a couple of weeks. Chronic, multiple times a day smoking the good shit smokers can take up to a month, but that is rare.
Really they should just stop testing for weed altogether. Tough to find good people that don't puff occasionally.

Haha, "hiring a bunch of druggies" because someone smokes pot? Are you a grandma or something? Have you heard the FBI directors comments about how they can't hire good computer hackers because a lot of them smoke pot?

To the OP:
You, are a moron, and are not deserving of any kind of employment except maybe community organizing. If you do illegal drugs and are afraid of your own background check you should just give up now and live on the super cool wave, dude, that this super dope admin has provided for dumb asses like you. Your the losers they love to hold up while pushing the people that actuly live by the rules down.

Merck could save money by stopping the ridiculous preemploment drug screens.
On second thought, I guess they're not hiring anymore so they don't have to worry about that expense.

To the OP:
You, are a moron, and are not deserving of any kind of employment except maybe community organizing. If you do illegal drugs and are afraid of your own background check you should just give up now and live on the super cool wave, dude, that this super dope admin has provided for dumb asses like you. Your the losers they love to hold up while pushing the people that actuly live by the rules down.

Angry, uptight white man Alert! They like to cry foul over a little weed. Their drug of choice is the dangerous hallucinogen known as Faux News. Then they prefer to come to CP to do their tripping and to "take their country back!!"

I am the OP.

I wanted to let everyone know that the background check was literally ONLY for driving records, criminal, and credit history. They definitely did not google me. The post worrying about law suits: there is nothing to worry about. They don't care if you sued some drug company.

The drug screen is a urine screen. Nothing special.
although your question is older, people need to be aware there is new laws like in California they cannot ask about criminal misdemeanors - only felony.
Everyone has crap attacked to their name on Google, they are looking for substantiated information. Credit checks tell a lot more about someone, and the only way they can find out about criminal background is via the courts and many people have been sued or have sued in court. Some credit checks do a superior court check others don't., it really depends on where you live what they can ask, and if the probation was satisfied.

Left wing political activist who is inquiring about the drug screen???...You sound worried about something...stay clean you idiot if you want to work in this industry. If you like Socialism, you'll like the collaboration and teamwork at Merck! But then again, maybe you can drop some LSD and come up with a new compound that is a first in class profit maker!! Then move into a VP position and give sperm samples.

This site is useless due to idiots like all of you

I was just hired at Merck. (OCT2015) They do a urine test. Concentra is the company that does it and you have privacy when you are giving the sample (someone waits outside the door...but only because it's right next to their work station [at least at the site I used], not because they're listening.)

Apologies... I should clarify: hired AT Meck, not FOR Merck. Might be a different company used by Merck. However, the vast majority of pre-employment screens allow for privacy. Court-ordered tests or tests resulting from a safety incident usually have someone watch everything....everything.