Drinking at training


I've gone back and forth on wanting to post here. Mostly because I know it will more than likely reveal who I am. However, I think it's fair to allow some truth to be told.

I was a part of the training team in Janurary and was hired on about a week before the trip to GA. My DVP touted the unique environment and how it was very much a start up atmosphere. Now, I've worked in healthcare for about 5 years and my most recent job was a start up in the tech industry. So I'm familiar with the easy going and playful atmosphere that comes with these types of companies.

When I arrived at training on the first day I noticed a few coolers full of beer, liquor on the table in the main room we were raining in and was briefed by Rob about the infamous "wheel of pain". He said that you didn't have to drink, but you could participate by drinking shots of water or something non alcoholic. I was a bit taken aback, but around lunch time is when the al Phil started flowing. I was just hired on and watched my DVP taking shot after shot, but didn't know how to disclose to him that I've been a recovering alcoholic for 6 years...i

The drinking progressed through the day And created environment that I was getting extremely uncomfortable in. I mentioned to one of my new coworkers that I didn't drink and I think they noticed quickly as to why. I was becoming very agitated and uncomfortable. To the point that I called my sponsor and showed up late to dinner to go to a local meeting.

The next morning was a new start and I made a direct effort to voice this to my DVP before we jumped on the bus to the office, but he was late and didnt show. He was obviously hung over. Finally I mustwred up the courage to tell him that I was in recovery. He seemed receptive, but within the next few minutes Rob addressed the group and reemphisizes that nobody was forced to drink and didn't have to participate. Needless to say, I was now crawling in my skin.

I get that people drink and people like to have a good time. I'm ok with being on environments where people drink, but I never thought that I'd have to tell my boss that I was in recovery in order to protect myself in the workplace. Ever. The way this was addressed was not only unprofessional, but nobody should have to feel guilty or signed out for being being in an environment like that.

Obviously, I chose to move on from Castle. I didn't feel it was the best environment for me. Seeing my boss vomiting in front of the restaurant we were walking in to and watching him be so inebriated that he couldn't talk or stand was a horrible sign. His half heated apology to me the nextornong as he then took more shots was all the answer I meeded.

I apologize for having to put this out here, but I feel it's important for Castle to understand that the "culture" they promoted severely risked my sobriety. We are in the business of helping people like me and to be in an environment that promoted the opposite is disturbing. I know I'm not the only person who feels this way and hope that others feel empowered to speak up as well.

I applaud you for bringing up this subject. I really enjoyed all the fun games like the basketball toss etc. I enjoy getting to know my co-workers in a casual environment. I think it also allows us to work off some of the stress. We do not need lots of alcohol to enjoy ourselves.

The drinking is a part of what we run into. SOmetimes at conventions, sometimes in other environments. When it's at the level it was at the corporate offices, with people passing out and vomiting daily...Then there are some big red flags. Especially when they have such a strict policy when it comes to smoking.

Putting someone who is in recovery through a situation like this is wrong on so many levels.

No problem here with the drinking. Please don't put your demons on me. Handle your weakness alone brother. Sorry it's just how I feel. I would request better liquor next time please. Next time get us a pint of some Stout or Jameson, Single Barrel Wild Turkey. Ya know, no kids stuff

No problem here with the drinking. Please don't put your demons on me. Handle your weakness alone brother. Sorry it's just how I feel. I would request better liquor next time please. Next time get us a pint of some Stout or Jameson, Single Barrel Wild Turkey. Ya know, no kids stuff

And this is how credibility is ruined.

No it's not. The problem is you let the demon get the best of you. Not my fault it has it's hands all over your very thoughts when you see it or smell it. Get off of my cloud! We are all over 21 and just because you went craZy with alcohol in your past doesn't mean it's going to have the same effect on me. If you don't like it don't do it. It's simple. I don't always drink just because everyone else is tying one on. I don't smoke dope either or take prescription pain pills that are not prescribed to me by a doctor. Do you?

I think this company has a lot to work out with its sales force but this alcohol thing is too much. I have to side with Castle here. Grow up, get up or get out. If you can't handle it get on down the road. No one is pouring it into yor mouth.
SORRY if that's a little rough. Just keep saying no and you wil be the great person that you already are.

This is way to ugly. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a drink if you are over 21. I do know that more then one person has been uncomfortable in the environment. Being sensitive to others is a character attribute. That doesn't mean you have to remove alcohol but to tone it down a little so that everyone is comfortable.

Ok....this is why I hate Castle Medical.

The D-BAG that posted the totally out of line comments deserves to work for this company! You are the exact profile that will thrive in this totallly unprofessional environment.

I want the original poster to know that I feel your pain. I was at the last training class and am still embarassed to say I work here.

If Castle has any professionalism at all they will understand how put off even the drinking people were to the extent of the drinking and sleeping around done at training.

if I knew who the poster was that said the cruel statements.....I would cut your nuts off and shove them down your throat......you SUCK! I am sure you are a man.

I had an interview today and can't even bring myself to put this company on my resume!


I do drink (often) and I was uncomfortable & embarrassed by the type of drinking done by others in my training class.
I also don't tell anyone I know what company I work for. I know more about the industry and managed care than every single DVP & the Bearer of the Flame (tool). That's not bragging, that's just a fact.
Although Douchy Robbie & his Keystone DVPs wouldn't know the difference anyway.

When DVP's are cheating on their spouses with their employee, making sexual gestures to female coworkers and puking like SAE frat boys on the bus...run. Lawsuits are coming

This was disturbing to read on so many levels. There is no other board like this on CP. It's easy to separate disgruntled gossipers from the ones who feel they don't have any other place to Air their grievances.

This, in particular, is very bothersome.

I work for Ameritox......we are all reading these posts and using them in the field where there is a Castle rep!! This lab is the laughing stock of labs!!!!!

Whoever says these posts do not matter is totally clueless.....this is a very damaging board to your book of business and future business!

Why would a physician office partner with a lab that cares nothing about its sales force...their face of the company!

You aren't the only ones using this. I've pointed a few clients in this direction as well. One of my clients really likes the rep, but their services aren't anything to celebrate.