No, the real irony is that you don't seem to have the experience, understanding or education to want to grasp the fact that we have an epidemic of opiate dependence, growing worse year after year. Yet you seem to think it's helpful to merely repeat that opiates aren't good for people. No shit Sherlock. At some point, you need education about the different types of opiates, partial and full agonists and how in combination with other meds, they can be used to safely and effectively wean someone of addiction to opiates that are full agonists. Lacking the education regarding the chemistry and physiology of addiction, you aren't fully grasping the seriousness of opiate withdrawal. The fact that you cannot abruptly stop taking opiates safely, once addicted, seems to be a huge piece of what's missing from your education, experience and understanding. You are contributing to the problem and misunderstanding of what it means to be addicted to opiates and how a person can safely wean off of them. Last but not least, it's clear you've never been addicted to opiates. I have and I am alive today, thanks to the safe effective medication called Suboxone and the team of Angels of counselors, nurses and docs who supported me through it. You can speak intelligently about issues you have no knowledge of, so go beat your drum elsewhere. You are helping no one, repeating the same mantra over and over.