This is not as bad as the original Bland paper on how Ultra-Clear allegedly promotes phase 1 and phase II detox pathways . . . that being said, all the Metagenics clones, including Xymo, have their own version of Ultra-Clear, which by the way was "not recommended" by an independent analysis, Consumerlabs.com, due to high lead content.

This brings up a point that the above doctor is not addressing and should be more aware of. Neither Xymogen or Metagenics produce products under true pharmaceutical conditions in a facility with an FDA regulated pharmaceutical lab. This is more true of Xymogen as they buy products from other "manufacturing partners" that at best have the same certifications as Metagenics.

Neither Metagencis or Xymogen does the same type of post production testing as a pharma company, neither one has the laboratory requirements. They can't honestly guarantee their products meet label claims, they can't honestly guarantee their products meet prop 65 standards.

The DRS sheets available online are just plain stupid.

Xymogen is "cheating" and they will find out the FDA doesn't tolerate many of their marketing tools (cloned from Metagenics) such as protocols, symptom surveys, Xyto machines, etc.

The times they are a-changin'!

Re: UltraMeal 360 Medical Food Offers No Changes in any parameter of metabolic Syndro

As an integrative physician I would normally not get on these chat boards but after my overweight and unknowledgeable Metagenics representative came into my office attempting to use a FDA letter to win over my business by implying that my XYMOGEN formulas are of terrible quality. This offended me for several reasons. The first being that I have been a long time customer of Brian Blackburn's, and for years had purchased Metagnics formulations from Atlantic Pro Nutrients long before he started XYMOGEN's. I understand that he has stored, and fulfilled both Metagnics formulations and now XYMOGEN formulations in the same wearhouse, under the same conditions for more than 20 years. Now my heavy set Metagenics rep is trying to tell me that the conditions upon which Mr. Blackburn stored Metagenics and now XYMOGEN formulas is inadequate? Why did Metagenics let Mr. Blackburn sell more than $6 million dollars of Metagenics per yea if his facility was not adequate? Clearly the argument is flowed and FDA's inspection and subsequent letter seeking a better paper trail of is more than justifiable.

With that said, the reason why I'm using more XYMOGEN instead of Metagenics is because I am increasingly disenchanted with Metagenic's corporate philosophy and research outcomes. I am also disappointed to see professional representatives spending so much time online these boards trashing XYMOGEN, especially because I have scene impressive results in my clinical practice using their formulations.

Most startling to me though, is that professionals use the word "cheat". I feel compelled to disclose what I feel to be even more unethical than cheating, and that is publishing a multi-center trail on a comparing the outcome of diet therapy alone VS UltraMeal 360- a Soy protein drink sweetened with Fructose. My Metagnics rep. wanted me to read this 2011 paper by Jones et al in J. Clinical Lipidology as he was sure that UltraMeal 360 cures metabolic syndrome.

Wile the abstract of this article is convincing, I read the whole paper and was shocked to find the of all Metabolic Syndrome variables listed in Table. 3 (page 6), there were NO STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN ANY PARAMETER OF THE METABOLIC SYNDROME OVER DIET ALONE. I read and re-read the paper to be sure. To my surprise, I was right. After 12 weeks of UltraMeal 360- which would cost my patient's nearly 100 dollars per month-there are NO differences between the UltraMeal 360 Medical Food Arm and Control Arm (diet alone).

What am I supposed to tell my patients? "Miss Smith, I really think you should take UltraMeal 360 for 12 weeks because as Table. 3 shows, when compared to just diet along, you can expect to loose no extra body weight, no additional reduction in triglycerides, no better changes in fasting glucose, limited reduction in blood pressure and NO changes in Waist circumference." I would loose patients and dramatically hurt my professional reputation if others knew that I was charging $100/month for UltraMeal 360 even though published data indicates if offers NO advantages to diet therapy alone.

Click here and read for yourself- http://www.congresodelnoroeste.uson.mx/curso_maluzfernandez/jones-JN5.pdf
Page 17 of draft PDF from above. Clearly Table. 3 lists all WHO and NCEP/ATP III parameters of metabolic syndrome and there is not changes over diet alone. That is to say, a multi-center trial shows that UltraMeal 360 offers no benifits over diet alone for any of the World Health Organization (WHO) parameters of Metabolic Syndrome.

Cheating in my eye is my Metagenics rep, his manager and Jeff Bland having the audacity to go around to private practice physicians and tell them that UltraMeal 360- a Soy-Fructose drink- cures metabolic syndrome? This is cheating. By the way, why is Jeff Bland not listed as an author on this study by Jones et al?

So who is cheating who? Metagenics is cheating doctors and their patients by clumping parameters that are NOT components of the Metabolic Syndrome such as Apolipoprotein B(ApoB), total cholesterol and LDL- and saying that they are components of Metabolic Syndrome because they are the only parameters significantly changed after 12 weeks of UltraMeal 360 VS diet alone. Atherogenic markers, yes, but ApoB, TC and LDL ARE NOT part of the WHO and NCEP/ATP III guidelines as a parameter of Metabolic Syndrome and as a functional clinician, I'm not looking above and beyond ApoB and total cholesterol as they don't offer clinical insight into how to treat the oxidation and vascular inflammation.

So who again, who is cheating who? Widespread marketing and decimation of research marketing UltraMeal 360 as a "medical food for metabolic syndrome" when the 12 week multi-center trial clearly shows that it offers no benefits over diet alone is cheating the entire industry. I could have been the victim of this cheating, as would my patient(s) for had I not read the actual study. XYMOGEN launching science based innovative formulas is only helping my patients get better, faster.

See for yourself......


Jones JL, et al. A Mediterranean-style low-glycemic-load diet improves variables of metabolic syndrome in women, and addition of a phytochemical-rich medical food enhances benefits on lipoprotein metabolism. Journal of Clinical Lipidology. 2011 (article in press)

Did you read page 18.

This is not as bad as the original Bland paper on how Ultra-Clear allegedly promotes phase 1 and phase II detox pathways . . . that being said, all the Metagenics clones, including Xymo, have their own version of Ultra-Clear, which by the way was "not recommended" by an independent analysis, Consumerlabs.com, due to high lead content.

This brings up a point that the above doctor is not addressing and should be more aware of. Neither Xymogen or Metagenics produce products under true pharmaceutical conditions in a facility with an FDA regulated pharmaceutical lab. This is more true of Xymogen as they buy products from other "manufacturing partners" that at best have the same certifications as Metagenics.

Neither Metagencis or Xymogen does the same type of post production testing as a pharma company, neither one has the laboratory requirements. They can't honestly guarantee their products meet label claims, they can't honestly guarantee their products meet prop 65 standards.

The DRS sheets available online are just plain stupid.

Xymogen is "cheating" and they will find out the FDA doesn't tolerate many of their marketing tools (cloned from Metagenics) such as protocols, symptom surveys, Xyto machines, etc.

The times they are a-changin'!

Ya ya. Ok Jerry Appelton. Shouldnt you be promoting your whooping 1 billion probiotic pearls to Whole Foods or something? Maybe you can get that ultra-potent that 250 mg Eskimo 3 fish oil into RiteAid or something. ITI is a retail brand now.

Re: UltraMeal 360 Medical Food Offers No Changes in any parameter of metabolic Syndro

Did you read page 18.

What about it? You mean table 4 that the doctor described above? Reread the table smart guy. No biomarker listed is a world health organization parameter of metabolic syndrome. Yet they are the only variables improved after 12 weeks of Soymeal 1080. I smell a big time scam....

Re: UltraMeal 360 Medical Food Offers No Changes in any parameter of metabolic Syndro

What about it? You mean table 4 that the doctor described above? Reread the table smart guy. No biomarker listed is a world health organization parameter of metabolic syndrome. Yet they are the only variables improved after 12 weeks of Soymeal 1080. I smell a big time scam....

speaking of odor. what smells is this thread. not a doctor posting, but a smelly and delusional xymogen rep. The Metagenics rep can lose weight, but your smell goes beyond skin-deep. It's who you are. smelly.

Ya ya. Ok Jerry Appelton. Shouldnt you be promoting your whooping 1 billion probiotic pearls to Whole Foods or something? Maybe you can get that ultra-potent that 250 mg Eskimo 3 fish oil into RiteAid or something. ITI is a retail brand now.

Why the prejudice against retail market, there are a actually a few brands in that market private labelled by companies with pharma licenses, quality control far in excess of the NPA certs of your "principal manufacturing partner." So, they can guarantee that their 1 billion count pearl actually has 1 billion viable organisms, certainly a claim Xymo cannot make about any of their products.

Just curious, does the above physician discourage his patients from eating 7-10 servings of fruit and vegetable everyday, sources of fructose?

Are you brain washed by Jeff Bland's "apple analogy"? Consuming 17 grams of Corn derived crystalline fructose and eating a large apple are two entirely different physiological processes, big boy. Anyone with an IQ over 100 should know that.

Comparing the fructose in ultrameal to an apple is like comparing the naturally occurring trans-fat in beef products to partially hydrogenated soy bean oil. No can do big guy.

I know independent thinking is challenging when you work for Amway, but get on Google and type in "Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology"

Believe it of not, Jeff Bland is not the only one on the planet that understands Biochemistry. Dr. Lustig describes the problem associated with fructose's low glycemic index nature, particularly how the liver takes all the burden. As such so called lipogenic pathways are stimulated, driving the formation of fatty liver, uric acid and more. As paradoxical as it may sound, a small amount of simple sugar is much less metabolically challenging than an equal amount of fructose.

Learn up www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM

Dr. Lustig also describes how fructose rich fruits are consumed around the time of year just prior to winter hibernation, where increased body fat is desired.

Keep selling that DuPont™ Soya sweetened with GMO-corn derived crystalline fructose to functional doctors.....It's a great testimony to your corporate philosophy :)

Are you brain washed by Jeff Bland's "apple analogy"? Consuming 17 grams of Corn derived crystalline fructose and eating a large apple are two entirely different physiological processes, big boy. Anyone with an IQ over 100 should know that.

Comparing the fructose in ultrameal to an apple is like comparing the naturally occurring trans-fat in beef products to partially hydrogenated soy bean oil. No can do big guy.

I know independent thinking is challenging when you work for Amway, but get on Google and type in "Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology"

Believe it of not, Jeff Bland is not the only one on the planet that understands Biochemistry. Dr. Lustig describes the problem associated with fructose's low glycemic index nature, particularly how the liver takes all the burden. As such so called lipogenic pathways are stimulated, driving the formation of fatty liver, uric acid and more. As paradoxical as it may sound, a small amount of simple sugar is much less metabolically challenging than an equal amount of fructose.

Learn up www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM

Dr. Lustig also describes how fructose rich fruits are consumed around the time of year just prior to winter hibernation, where increased body fat is desired.

Keep selling that DuPont™ Soya sweetened with GMO-corn derived crystalline fructose to functional doctors.....It's a great testimony to your corporate philosophy :)

Don't some Xymogen products contain fructose? If you check your DRS literature. Oh, wait, the FDA made you pull and destroy them so you can't check.

Believe it or not, arrogontus xymonious, there are more than a few others who know the difference between naturally occurring fructose and the synthetic high fructose corn syrup, this video has been around awhile, excellent information. Why does a company promote unnatural forms of b vitamins (methylated and p5p do not exist in the natural diet, in fact p5p is converted to pyridoxine for absorption before becoming active in cells as p5p) if you actually agree with the lustig video, which clearly shows how natural fructose played an important role in human evolution.

Believe it or not, arrogontus xymonious, there are more than a few others who know the difference between naturally occurring fructose and the synthetic high fructose corn syrup, this video has been around awhile, excellent information. Why does a company promote unnatural forms of b vitamins (methylated and p5p do not exist in the natural diet, in fact p5p is converted to pyridoxine for absorption before becoming active in cells as p5p) if you actually agree with the lustig video, which clearly shows how natural fructose played an important role in human evolution.

Fires, ice-ages, wars, burning of witches and slavery were also parts of human evolution. Just like those practices are not ideal or rational in the present, 17 grams of corn-derived fructose is not an acceptable for present day "medical food". In 1999 sure, 2012, we know better. The proof is in the pudding. Read you own research by Jones et al. No weight loss or BP reductions or trig. reduction. Your

Synthetic HFCS is more than 50% fructose.

You obviously know nothing of "fructosilation" and de novo lipogenesis, xanthine oxidase and uric acid synthesis.....no wonder it's so easy to take biz. from you guys. You don't know anything but besides what your spoon fed by Amway.

All you can say is, "...Well Dr. Bland said blah blah..."

Fires, ice-ages, wars, burning of witches and slavery were also parts of human evolution. Just like those practices are not ideal or rational in the present, 17 grams of corn-derived fructose is not an acceptable for present day "medical food". In 1999 sure, 2012, we know better. The proof is in the pudding. Read you own research by Jones et al. No weight loss or BP reductions or trig. reduction. Your

Synthetic HFCS is more than 50% fructose.

You obviously know nothing of "fructosilation" and de novo lipogenesis, xanthine oxidase and uric acid synthesis.....no wonder it's so easy to take biz. from you guys. You don't know anything but besides what your spoon fed by Amway.

All you can say is, "...Well Dr. Bland said blah blah..."

Synthetic hfcs? Made from plastic corn?

HFCS is "synthesized" from corn. It does not naturally occur in primate food sources, hence the term "synthetic." Natural fructose was the primary source of sweetener for 99% of our evolutionary history, part of the diet and life style our genes slowly adapted to. The only source of sucrose was honey.

HFCS, as pointed out by Lustig, is "synthesized" from natural sources, but it is foreign to our genes.

Some of us have actual science degrees and know there are several meanings for the word synthesize, not all your competitors work for Standard Process.

Re: UltraMeal 360 Medical Food Offers No Changes in any parameter of metabolic Syndro

As an integrative physician I would normally not get on these chat boards but after my overweight and unknowledgeable Metagenics representative came into my office attempting to use a FDA letter to win over my business by implying that my XYMOGEN formulas are of terrible quality. This offended me for several reasons. The first being that I have been a long time customer of Brian Blackburn's, and for years had purchased Metagnics formulations from Atlantic Pro Nutrients long before he started XYMOGEN's. I understand that he has stored, and fulfilled both Metagnics formulations and now XYMOGEN formulations in the same wearhouse, under the same conditions for more than 20 years. Now my heavy set Metagenics rep is trying to tell me that the conditions upon which Mr. Blackburn stored Metagenics and now XYMOGEN formulas is inadequate? Why did Metagenics let Mr. Blackburn sell more than $6 million dollars of Metagenics per yea if his facility was not adequate? Clearly the argument is flowed and FDA's inspection and subsequent letter seeking a better paper trail of is more than justifiable.

With that said, the reason why I'm using more XYMOGEN instead of Metagenics is because I am increasingly disenchanted with Metagenic's corporate philosophy and research outcomes. I am also disappointed to see professional representatives spending so much time online these boards trashing XYMOGEN, especially because I have scene impressive results in my clinical practice using their formulations.

Most startling to me though, is that professionals use the word "cheat". I feel compelled to disclose what I feel to be even more unethical than cheating, and that is publishing a multi-center trail on a comparing the outcome of diet therapy alone VS UltraMeal 360- a Soy protein drink sweetened with Fructose. My Metagnics rep. wanted me to read this 2011 paper by Jones et al in J. Clinical Lipidology as he was sure that UltraMeal 360 cures metabolic syndrome.

Wile the abstract of this article is convincing, I read the whole paper and was shocked to find the of all Metabolic Syndrome variables listed in Table. 3 (page 6), there were NO STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN ANY PARAMETER OF THE METABOLIC SYNDROME OVER DIET ALONE. I read and re-read the paper to be sure. To my surprise, I was right. After 12 weeks of UltraMeal 360- which would cost my patient's nearly 100 dollars per month-there are NO differences between the UltraMeal 360 Medical Food Arm and Control Arm (diet alone).

What am I supposed to tell my patients? "Miss Smith, I really think you should take UltraMeal 360 for 12 weeks because as Table. 3 shows, when compared to just diet along, you can expect to loose no extra body weight, no additional reduction in triglycerides, no better changes in fasting glucose, limited reduction in blood pressure and NO changes in Waist circumference." I would loose patients and dramatically hurt my professional reputation if others knew that I was charging $100/month for UltraMeal 360 even though published data indicates if offers NO advantages to diet therapy alone.

Click here and read for yourself- http://www.congresodelnoroeste.uson.mx/curso_maluzfernandez/jones-JN5.pdf
Page 17 of draft PDF from above. Clearly Table. 3 lists all WHO and NCEP/ATP III parameters of metabolic syndrome and there is not changes over diet alone. That is to say, a multi-center trial shows that UltraMeal 360 offers no benifits over diet alone for any of the World Health Organization (WHO) parameters of Metabolic Syndrome.

Cheating in my eye is my Metagenics rep, his manager and Jeff Bland having the audacity to go around to private practice physicians and tell them that UltraMeal 360- a Soy-Fructose drink- cures metabolic syndrome? This is cheating. By the way, why is Jeff Bland not listed as an author on this study by Jones et al?

So who is cheating who? Metagenics is cheating doctors and their patients by clumping parameters that are NOT components of the Metabolic Syndrome such as Apolipoprotein B(ApoB), total cholesterol and LDL- and saying that they are components of Metabolic Syndrome because they are the only parameters significantly changed after 12 weeks of UltraMeal 360 VS diet alone. Atherogenic markers, yes, but ApoB, TC and LDL ARE NOT part of the WHO and NCEP/ATP III guidelines as a parameter of Metabolic Syndrome and as a functional clinician, I'm not looking above and beyond ApoB and total cholesterol as they don't offer clinical insight into how to treat the oxidation and vascular inflammation.

So who again, who is cheating who? Widespread marketing and decimation of research marketing UltraMeal 360 as a "medical food for metabolic syndrome" when the 12 week multi-center trial clearly shows that it offers no benefits over diet alone is cheating the entire industry. I could have been the victim of this cheating, as would my patient(s) for had I not read the actual study. XYMOGEN launching science based innovative formulas is only helping my patients get better, faster.

See for yourself......


Jones JL, et al. A Mediterranean-style low-glycemic-load diet improves variables of metabolic syndrome in women, and addition of a phytochemical-rich medical food enhances benefits on lipoprotein metabolism. Journal of Clinical Lipidology. 2011 (article in press)

He is not fat, he is big boned. Didn't you guy have 90 days to fix the issues? To me that is the real issue, you had time to fix them and decdied not to fix them??? More power to you, keep it up.

Re: UltraMeal 360 Medical Food Offers No Changes in any parameter of metabolic Syndro

As an integrative physician I would normally not get on these chat boards but after my overweight and unknowledgeable Metagenics representative came into my office attempting to use a FDA letter to win over my business by implying that my XYMOGEN formulas are of terrible quality. This offended me for several reasons. The first being that I have been a long time customer of Brian Blackburn's, and for years had purchased Metagnics formulations from Atlantic Pro Nutrients long before he started XYMOGEN's. I understand that he has stored, and fulfilled both Metagnics formulations and now XYMOGEN formulations in the same wearhouse, under the same conditions for more than 20 years. Now my heavy set Metagenics rep is trying to tell me that the conditions upon which Mr. Blackburn stored Metagenics and now XYMOGEN formulas is inadequate? Why did Metagenics let Mr. Blackburn sell more than $6 million dollars of Metagenics per yea if his facility was not adequate? Clearly the argument is flowed and FDA's inspection and subsequent letter seeking a better paper trail of is more than justifiable.

With that said, the reason why I'm using more XYMOGEN instead of Metagenics is because I am increasingly disenchanted with Metagenic's corporate philosophy and research outcomes. I am also disappointed to see professional representatives spending so much time online these boards trashing XYMOGEN, especially because I have scene impressive results in my clinical practice using their formulations.

Most startling to me though, is that professionals use the word "cheat". I feel compelled to disclose what I feel to be even more unethical than cheating, and that is publishing a multi-center trail on a comparing the outcome of diet therapy alone VS UltraMeal 360- a Soy protein drink sweetened with Fructose. My Metagnics rep. wanted me to read this 2011 paper by Jones et al in J. Clinical Lipidology as he was sure that UltraMeal 360 cures metabolic syndrome.

Wile the abstract of this article is convincing, I read the whole paper and was shocked to find the of all Metabolic Syndrome variables listed in Table. 3 (page 6), there were NO STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN ANY PARAMETER OF THE METABOLIC SYNDROME OVER DIET ALONE. I read and re-read the paper to be sure. To my surprise, I was right. After 12 weeks of UltraMeal 360- which would cost my patient's nearly 100 dollars per month-there are NO differences between the UltraMeal 360 Medical Food Arm and Control Arm (diet alone).

What am I supposed to tell my patients? "Miss Smith, I really think you should take UltraMeal 360 for 12 weeks because as Table. 3 shows, when compared to just diet along, you can expect to loose no extra body weight, no additional reduction in triglycerides, no better changes in fasting glucose, limited reduction in blood pressure and NO changes in Waist circumference." I would loose patients and dramatically hurt my professional reputation if others knew that I was charging $100/month for UltraMeal 360 even though published data indicates if offers NO advantages to diet therapy alone.

Click here and read for yourself- http://www.congresodelnoroeste.uson.mx/curso_maluzfernandez/jones-JN5.pdf
Page 17 of draft PDF from above. Clearly Table. 3 lists all WHO and NCEP/ATP III parameters of metabolic syndrome and there is not changes over diet alone. That is to say, a multi-center trial shows that UltraMeal 360 offers no benifits over diet alone for any of the World Health Organization (WHO) parameters of Metabolic Syndrome.

Cheating in my eye is my Metagenics rep, his manager and Jeff Bland having the audacity to go around to private practice physicians and tell them that UltraMeal 360- a Soy-Fructose drink- cures metabolic syndrome? This is cheating. By the way, why is Jeff Bland not listed as an author on this study by Jones et al?

So who is cheating who? Metagenics is cheating doctors and their patients by clumping parameters that are NOT components of the Metabolic Syndrome such as Apolipoprotein B(ApoB), total cholesterol and LDL- and saying that they are components of Metabolic Syndrome because they are the only parameters significantly changed after 12 weeks of UltraMeal 360 VS diet alone. Atherogenic markers, yes, but ApoB, TC and LDL ARE NOT part of the WHO and NCEP/ATP III guidelines as a parameter of Metabolic Syndrome and as a functional clinician, I'm not looking above and beyond ApoB and total cholesterol as they don't offer clinical insight into how to treat the oxidation and vascular inflammation.

So who again, who is cheating who? Widespread marketing and decimation of research marketing UltraMeal 360 as a "medical food for metabolic syndrome" when the 12 week multi-center trial clearly shows that it offers no benefits over diet alone is cheating the entire industry. I could have been the victim of this cheating, as would my patient(s) for had I not read the actual study. XYMOGEN launching science based innovative formulas is only helping my patients get better, faster.

See for yourself......


Jones JL, et al. A Mediterranean-style low-glycemic-load diet improves variables of metabolic syndrome in women, and addition of a phytochemical-rich medical food enhances benefits on lipoprotein metabolism. Journal of Clinical Lipidology. 2011 (article in press)

Dear “Dr.” Xymogen rep;

Would you like to compare Metagenics published study results with any published Xymogen study or your own published studies…waiting…waiting…still waiting…

Re: UltraMeal 360 Medical Food Offers No Changes in any parameter of metabolic Syndro

Dear “Dr.” Xymogen rep;

Would you like to compare Metagenics published study results with any published Xymogen study or your own published studies…waiting…waiting…still waiting…

Everyone in the industry knows that Meta's studies are a bunch of crap. Especially this ultrameal study. What until health care professionals find out that you've been dishonest this whole time.

Other companies don't need to spend a million bucks on a study then manipulate it in a way to make it sound good. Their products actually work when doctors use them.

Re: UltraMeal 360 Medical Food Offers No Changes in any parameter of metabolic Syndro

Everyone in the industry knows that Meta's studies are a bunch of crap. Especially this ultrameal study. What until health care professionals find out that you've been dishonest this whole time..

Does everyone include the Journal of Clinical Lipidology?

HFCS is "synthesized" from corn. It does not naturally occur in primate food sources, hence the term "synthetic." Natural fructose was the primary source of sweetener for 99% of our evolutionary history, part of the diet and life style our genes slowly adapted to. The only source of sucrose was honey.

HFCS, as pointed out by Lustig, is "synthesized" from natural sources, but it is foreign to our genes..

be very careful as Lustig is against evaporated cane juice and said so in print.