Don't waste my time of the stupid patch


I mean please there's generic aricept & that's just fine as a placebo for the caregiver which is all these worthless pills/patches are.
Talk about the biggest fleece job & healthcare history ! It's these do nothing treatments.
Do nothing except for a pharma company's bottom line.
You just as well lay me off , you don't want me out there promoting this garbage
Offer VOLUNTARY severence for the love of benji
We know it's a ruse anyway to buy you an extra month or 2 of planning for the
big slice & dice . You are not fooling anyone Novartis

I mean please there's generic aricept & that's just fine as a placebo for the caregiver which is all these worthless pills/patches are.
Talk about the biggest fleece job & healthcare history ! It's these do nothing treatments.
Do nothing except for a pharma company's bottom line.
You just as well lay me off , you don't want me out there promoting this garbage
Offer VOLUNTARY severence for the love of benji
We know it's a ruse anyway to buy you an extra month or 2 of planning for the
big slice & dice . You are not fooling anyone Novartis

I feel the same about the lay-off & that they don't me out there. I wonder how many other reps feel this way?

What is scary is that managment is expecting big things in the way of sales with this product. I'm sure it may "help" some people, but only marginaly. nine out of ten doctors will admit that they use theese class of drugs because they have to do something.
Aricept works just as well and for less money.
Many nursing homes are not for profit, so cost is a tremendous issue and the patch will never catch on they way Novartis wants it to. Any new business will have to be generated in the pcp office at the earliest stage of the disease. And since the cholinestrace inhibitors have some cholonergic side effects, if a patent falls or has dizzy spells theese class of drugs are the first to be removed.
Having an indication for severe will not help sales as a severe alzheimer's patient is so far gone nothing will help at all doctors usualy don't treat those patients, wheras they will just try to keep them alive for family members.
Unfortunatley patients go into nursing homes with a very limited life expectancy, they will never get better, unlike a hospital.

I mean please there's generic aricept & that's just fine as a placebo for the caregiver which is all these worthless pills/patches are.
Talk about the biggest fleece job & healthcare history ! It's these do nothing treatments.
Do nothing except for a pharma company's bottom line.
You just as well lay me off , you don't want me out there promoting this garbage
Offer VOLUNTARY severence for the love of benji
We know it's a ruse anyway to buy you an extra month or 2 of planning for the
big slice & dice . You are not fooling anyone Novartis

So the rumor is people who had tekturna family are getting trained on Exelon patch? I don't know if this is true or not, but why train these people if there is the possibility of them being laid-off? I mean how focused will they be?

Don't waste the airfare to train us on this P.O.S. Patch . Horrible drug , placebo results . Aricept branded ate exelon's lunch , generic aricept will poop out the remains

We are NOT interested & will just go through the motions with our dead soul smile to you morons in mgmt

The only mention it will ever get will be if a FLM happens to ride along

Don't waste the airfare to train us on this P.O.S. Patch . Horrible drug , placebo results . Aricept branded ate exelon's lunch , generic aricept will poop out the remains

We are NOT interested & will just go through the motions with our dead soul smile to you morons in mgmt

The only mention it will ever get will be if a FLM happens to ride along

I pray to god that the likes of you are not in my market. What a tool.

the problem is that Exelon Patch is a true salesmans drug and the last of the true sales people with this company were run off. It doesn't take much to sell the best drug on the market. With Exelon Patch there are benefits to patients and caregivers, its just that the numbnuts left don't understand "selling".

the problem is that Exelon Patch is a true salesmans drug and the last of the true sales people with this company were run off. It doesn't take much to sell the best drug on the market. With Exelon Patch there are benefits to patients and caregivers, its just that the numbnuts left don't understand "selling".

Hey einstein there is ZERO advantage of excelon cabbage patch over generic aricept
get that ? Z E R O other than more bonus in vasella & jimenez pockets & more debt for medicare/medicaid

Einstein, please, Exelon Patch is a proven, effective treatment in mild to moderate ALZ. Also indicated in Parkinsons dementia. Now don't tell me you can't sell this drug. Coffee is for closers so sit down!

Einstein, please, Exelon Patch is a proven, effective treatment in mild to moderate ALZ. Also indicated in Parkinsons dementia. Now don't tell me you can't sell this drug. Coffee is for closers so sit down!

Oh yeah that's why it's such a blockbuster LOL !!
Doctors laugh at the mention of this placebo
which is typical novartis speed , placebo comparisons
because they'd get smoked in any head to head
Patch sucks case closed , that's about the ONLY close you will see

What is scary is that managment is expecting big things in the way of sales with this product. I'm sure it may "help" some people, but only marginaly. nine out of ten doctors will admit that they use theese class of drugs because they have to do something.
Aricept works just as well and for less money.
Many nursing homes are not for profit, so cost is a tremendous issue and the patch will never catch on they way Novartis wants it to. Any new business will have to be generated in the pcp office at the earliest stage of the disease. And since the cholinestrace inhibitors have some cholonergic side effects, if a patent falls or has dizzy spells theese class of drugs are the first to be removed.
Having an indication for severe will not help sales as a severe alzheimer's patient is so far gone nothing will help at all doctors usualy don't treat those patients, wheras they will just try to keep them alive for family members.
Unfortunatley patients go into nursing homes with a very limited life expectancy, they will never get better, unlike a hospital.

Blah, Blah, Blah

Oh yeah that's why it's such a blockbuster LOL !!
Doctors laugh at the mention of this placebo
which is typical novartis speed , placebo comparisons
because they'd get smoked in any head to head
Patch sucks case closed , that's about the ONLY close you will see

The problem is not its efficacy. Its the side effect profile the pill had ruined it for patch. They shouldnhave renamed the drug as when it came out as a patch and then docs might have tried it. It is associated with not being as good as arcpt when it was always better but the profile stunk for pill

Hey einstein there is ZERO advantage of excelon cabbage patch over generic aricept
get that ? Z E R O other than more bonus in vasella & jimenez pockets & more debt for medicare/medicaid

I have been very successful with patch & I agree with you. Efficacy with patch are aricept are the same. However exelon is a patch, not a pill and that is different. The rest is called sales.

I have been very successful with patch & I agree with you. Efficacy with patch are aricept are the same. However exelon is a patch, not a pill and that is different. The rest is called sales.

You really are a tool. Have you ever been around an alz patient? I doubt it. They don't care if there are wearing a rose colored patch or a taking a pill someone gives them. The financial burden of these families taking care of the patient is enormous. But you wouldn't understand that. You're too interested in sellingl your product which has no benefit as compared to the pill. Yes, it's convenient, but that's the least worry of any caregiver. Especially if they don't have to pay the price of Exelon Patch. You need to spend a little more time understanding what these caregivers go through everyday instead of trying to impress everyone with your sales skills. In case you're interested, trying reading about who dies first, the patient or the caregiver. Managing this disease is more about the burdents of the caregiver more so than the patient. It's a burden that you will never experience until you become a caregiver. Think about it.