I mean please there's generic aricept & that's just fine as a placebo for the caregiver which is all these worthless pills/patches are.
Talk about the biggest fleece job & healthcare history ! It's these do nothing treatments.
Do nothing except for a pharma company's bottom line.
You just as well lay me off , you don't want me out there promoting this garbage
Offer VOLUNTARY severence for the love of benji
We know it's a ruse anyway to buy you an extra month or 2 of planning for the
big slice & dice . You are not fooling anyone Novartis
Talk about the biggest fleece job & healthcare history ! It's these do nothing treatments.
Do nothing except for a pharma company's bottom line.
You just as well lay me off , you don't want me out there promoting this garbage
Offer VOLUNTARY severence for the love of benji
We know it's a ruse anyway to buy you an extra month or 2 of planning for the
big slice & dice . You are not fooling anyone Novartis