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Donna David, Consumer NA CIO

If it's any consolation, she was fired. Many senior folks negotiate the opportunity to "resign" as part of a deal to not cause any waves upon dismissal. How ironic that she was most worried about what people would think about her termination - when there wasn't a single person (maybe Tony E) that had a shred of respect for her.

Glad to hear this. She was the straw that broke the camel's back on several good people who left the company to get away from her antics.

Does anybody know who actually pulled the trigger on DD? Was it Laverne herself, or Madeleine F?

Despite what some earlier posters have claimed, DD really did resign - she wasn't forced out or fired by any stretch of the imagination. MF was majorly pissed that she did it with only 2 weeks notice and had to scramble with her re-org plans.

BB is a good person and a good leader - he will do well in the NA Consumer VP role if MF let's him be himself.

Really?? What role?

I heard hippy MF is taking over LC role as an interim and DD is coming back to be the Consumer CIO for a few weeks until they name JB as the replacement for LC and MH will man the corporate station and MF goes into MDD and Pharma CIO will take over DD's role in Consumer and she will take theirs...

And.. goes on and on and on the musical chairs!!

I heard hippy MF is taking over LC role as an interim and DD is coming back to be the Consumer CIO for a few weeks until they name JB as the replacement for LC and MH will man the corporate station and MF goes into MDD and Pharma CIO will take over DD's role in Consumer and she will take theirs...

And.. goes on and on and on the musical chairs!!

So is this rumor or confirmed? If they were gonna name JB as LC's replacement, why wouldn't they just have him serve the interim role?

DD is not a good leader. Terrible choice to come back to J&J.

I actually thought this was all a pathetic rumor by a troll until I found out this morning that, indeed, it is true that she is returning.

Used her tight connection with her HR friend to reverse her "dismissal" into a sabbatical and now plans to return to wreak more havoc than ever before.

I actually thought this was all a pathetic rumor by a troll until I found out this morning that, indeed, it is true that she is returning.

Used her tight connection with her HR friend to reverse her "dismissal" into a sabbatical and now plans to return to wreak more havoc than ever before.

Confirmed.. I heard the same. Heard she is coming to take MF's place.