Investors would freak if they knew Phathom spent over $5 MILLION on REQUIRED Dinner Programs where staff is more present than prescribers.
Yes!! These dinner programs where we really don’t get 3 HCPs out and most just MAs. Managers tell us just do them anyway to check the box so we don’t get in trouble. The average dinner program runs 2500-3500.

Nobody will care if you and the entire salesforce doesn't attend the meeting. Nobody will care if this company went out of business in the next 10 seconds because none of you are needed. Need versus unneeded.
I don’t think you have a clue and frankly I don’t even think you work here. But you are entitled to your opinion, as are we.
And if Phathom has 20 people left in their sales force- believe me, Phathom is screwed. It doesn’t matter if we are selling freaking salt or Klondike bars bud!
Phathom still needs a sales force

Even at $7.00, I would rather use Prilosec because it has at least 30 years of safety data.
If you had terrible GERD that responded to nothing and it affected your life- you would understand. And if one product made a difference and your insurance covers it for $5 or $25 you wouldn’t be bitching. Now once again this is off topic.
No one here is debating efficacy

I don’t think you have a clue and frankly I don’t even think you work here. But you are entitled to your opinion, as are we.
And if Phathom has 20 people left in their sales force- believe me, Phathom is screwed. It doesn’t matter if we are selling freaking salt or Klondike bars bud!
Phathom still needs a sales force
You need a real salesforce, i.e. physicians selling your product. You need to buy them, because as the numbers suggest, they aren't going to write your product for free.

If you had terrible GERD that responded to nothing and it affected your life- you would understand. And if one product made a difference and your insurance covers it for $5 or $25 you wouldn’t be bitching. Now once again this is off topic.
No one here is debating efficacy
If I had a unicorn who gave hand jobs I'd name her phathom the sales representative. Good luck crying about phathom putting you idiots on PIPs because you can't sell their junk.

You need a real salesforce, i.e. physicians selling your product. You need to buy them, because as the numbers suggest, they aren't going to write your product for free.
You’d hope a physician would recommend the most affordable and effective options first, regardless of who took them to dinner or on a golfing excursion… but then again we don’t live in utopia.

There will be a special session for those only on PIPs. When you check in at registration your packet will contain a colored sheet of paper telling you where and when to report for the special session. For some of you this will be your first notice that you have been put on a PIP.

When you get to this special session it consists of resume writing and interviewing tips. To make your transition to unemployment easier we also will be providing sheets for applying to unemployment in various states.

Good luck and good riddance!

Phatham HR department.

There will be a special session for those only on PIPs. When you check in at registration your packet will contain a colored sheet of paper telling you where and when to report for the special session. For some of you this will be your first notice that you have been put on a PIP.

When you get to this special session it consists of resume writing and interviewing tips. To make your transition to unemployment easier we also will be providing sheets for applying to unemployment in various states.

Good luck and good riddance!

Phatham HR department.
Might as well be the truth! Everyone should just be sick before the NSM meeting and stay home. Lots of illness going around