DOJ: Start investigation with letter "A". Albert Einstein in Philadelphia

You wouldn't say that to his face for fear of ensuing injuries you punk! Be a man and drive down to North Philly and face your fears. Look into his eyes and lie to yourself speaking the words "I am unafraid". Another great JW quote "I will ruin you" - spoken to competitors, nurses, Docs, techs, janitors, patients and bartenders/servers.

By judging from his expanding waist line....he says "I will ruin you" to his food too....

You wouldn't say that to his face for fear of ensuing injuries you punk! Be a man and drive down to North Philly and face your fears. Look into his eyes and lie to yourself speaking the words "I am unafraid". Another great JW quote "I will ruin you" - spoken to competitors, nurses, Docs, techs, janitors, patients and bartenders/servers.

The Janitor part is true - he had a janitor fired for "disrespecting him"

The Janitor part is true - he had a janitor fired for "disrespecting him"

I have heard that when in high school JW was so hungry he bit off a lunch ladies hand as she was shoveling mashed potatoes onto his oversized plate. He was not tried or convicted as the mentally challenged are not often found guilty.