DOJ knocking on the door?

Would you care to e more specific? What will the DOJ find? I think you are hoping, but you really don't know anything for sure.

If this doesn't make your head spin, dunno what will.

Submit Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to DOJ and FDA if you really want to know. They'll either confirm or use language that doesn't confirm nor deny = yes. Statute of limitations is 6 years for false claims, 3 years for antikickback (unless tied w false claims or federal judge waives + precedent exists), unsure on FDA reg violations.

Some1 said earlier DOJ should publicly offer amnesty and % if investigation ongoing, def agree.

A match made in heaven! Fraudulent to the core Tyco splits and becomes Covidien but a leopard doesn't change its spots. And they get married to MDT, who gives lip service to compliance and ethics. If it weren't so serious, it'd be laughable!

Accordong to Taxpayers Against Fraud:

"Past allegations against Medtronic include kickbacks to physicians, promotion of products for non-approved uses, and Trade Agreement Act violations." Further, "The merger with Covidien transfers Medtronic’s tax headquarters to Ireland and will significantly reduce the company's US tax responsibility. So, to put a point on it, we have a company that is ripping off taxpayers on the front end, while avoiding paying U.S. taxes on the back end."

Considering the above along with Tyco's track record, irrespective of a specific division, is it safe to assume that the Medtronic acquisition will guarantee recidivism in the future? Or is Medtronic truly serious about stamping out fraud? It's kind of like two armed robbers linking up? Will they end up committing more robberies or find church and abandon their criminal life?

Accordong to Taxpayers Against Fraud:

"Past allegations against Medtronic include kickbacks to physicians, promotion of products for non-approved uses, and Trade Agreement Act violations." Further, "The merger with Covidien transfers Medtronic’s tax headquarters to Ireland and will significantly reduce the company's US tax responsibility. So, to put a point on it, we have a company that is ripping off taxpayers on the front end, while avoiding paying U.S. taxes on the back end."

Considering the above along with Tyco's track record, irrespective of a specific division, is it safe to assume that the Medtronic acquisition will guarantee recidivism in the future? Or is Medtronic truly serious about stamping out fraud? It's kind of like two armed robbers linking up? Will they end up committing more robberies or find church and abandon their criminal life?

Eat shit, get a life, and eat more shit.

Accordong to Taxpayers Against Fraud:

"Past allegations against Medtronic include kickbacks to physicians, promotion of products for non-approved uses, and Trade Agreement Act violations." Further, "The merger with Covidien transfers Medtronic’s tax headquarters to Ireland and will significantly reduce the company's US tax responsibility. So, to put a point on it, we have a company that is ripping off taxpayers on the front end, while avoiding paying U.S. taxes on the back end."

Considering the above along with Tyco's track record, irrespective of a specific division, is it safe to assume that the Medtronic acquisition will guarantee recidivism in the future? Or is Medtronic truly serious about stamping out fraud? It's kind of like two armed robbers linking up? Will they end up committing more robberies or find church and abandon their criminal life?

Sounds like you are an angry ex employee or work for a competitor that is getting its ass kicked. Either way is fine, you are welcome to comment. The tax inversion due from the COV acquisition is perfectly legal and follows tax law. You might want to bitch somewhere else with this, your congressman maybe. Regarding the other stuff, are you posting similar comments on all the other companies message boards that are listed on that meaningless Olympus, BSX, PFE, Novartis, Tenet..? Yeah, didn't think so. But your bias against this one company sad. Hope you are OK.

Sounds like you are an angry ex employee or work for a competitor that is getting its ass kicked. Either way is fine, you are welcome to comment. The tax inversion due from the COV acquisition is perfectly legal and follows tax law. You might want to bitch somewhere else with this, your congressman maybe. Regarding the other stuff, are you posting similar comments on all the other companies message boards that are listed on that meaningless Olympus, BSX, PFE, Novartis, Tenet..? Yeah, didn't think so. But your bias against this one company sad. Hope you are OK.

That's hilarious! Please hold while I break out my violin. Spending $1 billion plus a year on certain litigation costs must be "normal" in your view. A corporation, like a natural person, is expected to learn from its mistakes. A history of similar misconduct may be probative of a corporate culture that encouraged, or at least condoned, such misdeeds, regardless of any compliance programs. In other words, just stop living a sketchy life and you won't be in the news or need to blow money on attorneys.

That's hilarious! Please hold while I break out my violin. Spending $1 billion plus a year on certain litigation costs must be "normal" in your view. A corporation, like a natural person, is expected to learn from its mistakes. A history of similar misconduct may be probative of a corporate culture that encouraged, or at least condoned, such misdeeds, regardless of any compliance programs. In other words, just stop living a sketchy life and you won't be in the news or need to blow money on attorneys.

$1bil./yr on litigation? Care to share your source? What misdeeds - please be specific. Sketchy life? Can you be more specific? What division, activities? Not suggesting nothing was ever wrong, just want to know what you are referring to, specifically.