its a crazy world, isn't it?
they got everyone fooled to go to college, get in debt, and only to apply for companies that treat you like crap.
put a halt to it all, if you can, and work an an independent sales rep, as that is the best way to make decent money and enjoy life at the same time.
working for any corporation is no way to go through life, for the most part. there are exceptions, but you are talking about 3 percent of companies out there in the public sector.
When you drop your specimen in the toilet, they have a security guard with goldfish net, to scoop your sample out of the water. Immediately sent to lab for testing.
Nope. Maybe next year. Old people don't want change. Thankfully the corona virus is spanking them. Maybe we can finally take money out of the criminals hands and put it into tax revenue and allow non violent offenders in prison/jails to have a better life. Almost six million people die from tobacco use and 2.5 million from harmful use of alcohol each year worldwide, the World Health Organization (WHO) reports. Marijuana kills 0. People can die while high on weed, then reefer madness idiots say they died from marijuana. Some r*****s eat too many edibles and end up in the E.R. And some vape so much thc they pass out with a pounding headache. I see no logic in tobacco and alcohol being legal while marijuana is a schedule 1 drug along with heroin.
Corrupt politics postponing it for as long as they can:
Drug lords give a kick back to them, and it's off the books.
When it's legalized, it's taxed, and ON THE BOOKS, so they must spend the money and do their job.