does AZ do urine or hair testing?


Neither. We do personality testing. Seems our VP of Sales likes antiquated tools that were used "back in his day when men were men and women were waitresses" and uses this to weed out people though almost all organizations have turned against the utilization of said tools. He has a few lackeys in HR that claim some bogus stats about passers having higher FSIP or some bullshit when we can't even measure who writes a script for anything. Total nonsense. So go piss on that junior.

Yes but it's a bluff. They say they make you do it but if they hire you it doesn't happen.

If you're black you have to take it because of your race. Asians and whites get a pass.

AZ does the most expensive hair testing ever. It goes back 90 days to 6 months and any ILLEGAL drug use will get detected. If you smoke more than one joint a month, the level will be too high and you will fail. It also measures every drug you take. So, if you like to double up on Rx painkillers, it will show that too. They also look at alcohol use. You cannot beat this test, not with bleaching or washing in special shampoo. If you shave all the hair off your body, they will draw your blood and get the same thing. On another note: once you get with AZ, you are going to need all the meds whether legal or not that you can possible get just to deal with the bullshit.

No shit, before AZ, only my BP meds. After/during: PPis, ADs, anxiety, alcohol, pot ... You name it. I am now snorting Lyrica to keep going. I hate this fucking division.

I beat the hair test in 2008. I was clean for 2 months but they test 3 back. I was on all sorts of shit though from coke to weed to xanax to adderal to God knows what....

I beat it though with the Macujo Method.

I once had a new hire who shaved every hair in his body and then showed up at the drug testing place like this. They sent him home and he had to wait for hair to grow and came back a few weeks later and passed the test. He must have been close to the 90 days and needed more time to get the drug out of his system so he thought shaving all the hair on his body would buy him some time. And yes, he even shaved his &?!%#%