Does anyone remember a company called Genzyme

Yes, stock options, great sales meetings in Tahoe, Bermuda, Boston....incredible bennys. After our year was up most of got a check for the 1 yr. match to the Genzyme plan. The pickers took a good product and reduced ot to a lab. Patient care means fill the bag for a cheap price.

So is the point you cannot still sell the same product you formerly had, or you can't sell the new products the size of labcorp gives you a shot of marketing.......trisomy test.....? Or you need to have a over inflated expense and commission to sell and actually close, what your former so called integrity driven company (that by the way cut a deal so fast to the highest bidder, and agreed to legally support any claim of no change for one year) did...

New comp plan~ sale and get paid. Maybe not as much as before, but guess what the reimbursement is not what it was. Expect to specialize in pgsv and harmony for the rest of your career, you should have jumped ship A LONG time ago...

Genzyme name was let in the door because of the expense leaniancy per physician. LabCorp bought the company for the methodology, not the sales force. If that is hard to comprehend or understand, ask the original co worker you went thru orientation with. LabCorp and Quest can be slammed to death, no one is saying they are perfect, but LabCorp I can speak to, keeps sales employees that adhere, and deliver. You are only as good as your last sell, and you ate expected to do more on the next~ if you are a true salesperson, then that is all you need to know. If you are lucky enough to be considered sales in labcorp then your salary, cell phone reim, car allowance, lunch allowance not a blip on your radar. Because you can sell! Otherwise, congrats you lasted this long...

Post above: Well said Gladiator! In this company one is paid to sell. Any way, price, or TAT.
If you want to see how fast they go on to new companies pull out the old LCA Prseident's Club list or even older Sales Masters attendee roster and see how many have left. These folks rode the wave and caught a more lucrative opportunity outside of LCA. We all can thank LCA for teaching us how to sell under extreme conditions. 3 months of no call in and you can bet your on PIP. Clean your car, download the computer, and begin interviewing. BTW above post does not mention that Genzyme was a disease managment sale, requiring knowledge of what the test actually tells the doctor. LCA reps can't tell the differrnce from an ALk phos from an ALK fusion test. But they do know what color tube to put in the bag.
Not the LCA reps fault. They don't have time to learn They are running for their life to bring in biz.

I sure as hell dont. Just call us fucking lab corp and stop deluding the clients.

The Kingston Trio said it best...Where have all the flowers gone? Gone to graveyards everyone! When will they ever learn.....the smart ones did. Top reps are gone...Steve, Jamie, Tish, Mary, Todds, and the beat goes on....