Does anyone know the Michigan managers?


I am considering applying for a job with Life Vest in Michigan. Does anyone have any feedback on the management team in my state? Is the turnover just bad in certain areas? I read through a lot of these posts and most seem to live on the east coast.

I am considering applying for a job with Life Vest in Michigan. Does anyone have any feedback on the management team in my state? Is the turnover just bad in certain areas? I read through a lot of these posts and most seem to live on the east coast.

Mid-west had some talent but once again driven out. you might be ok for a year or two but I wouldn't get comfortable or plan any vacations.

Mid-west had some talent but once again driven out. you might be ok for a year or two but I wouldn't get comfortable or plan any vacations.

Thank you! The product looks exciting but I am not looking for a 1 or 2 year gig. I appreciate the response. I will stay where I am at. I did some digging last night on linked in and you were right. Seemed like almost everyone is there 1-2 years. Found a couple people over 3 years but that was the exception.

Thank you! The product looks exciting but I am not looking for a 1 or 2 year gig. I appreciate the response. I will stay where I am at. I did some digging last night on linked in and you were right. Seemed like almost everyone is there 1-2 years. Found a couple people over 3 years but that was the exception.

I won the IRONMAN AWARD for being there 18 months

Thank you! The product looks exciting but I am not looking for a 1 or 2 year gig. I appreciate the response. I will stay where I am at. I did some digging last night on linked in and you were right. Seemed like almost everyone is there 1-2 years. Found a couple people over 3 years but that was the exception.

Most of the people that were over 3 years in linked in just haven't changed their profile. Trust me almost all have left.

Unfortunately the "strong and skilled" are often fired from other established companies of solid repute due to various reasons, and those that leave after a year were known as top 1%'s. Lifevest isn't exactly a well managed company.

Well managed and well dressed - We run this company like Phil Jackson ran the Bulls, F YEAH BABY!!

WORST COMPANY EVER...unless desperate or unemployed, do not do it!

I actually tried to talk a girl into applying in Minnesota, she has been unemployed for a couple months and she has managed her money very well. She won't go through the headache. She knows how bad the turnover is there and most other that is sad. Now unemployed won't even apply. Well the ones with a brain at least

I am considering applying for a job with Life Vest in Michigan. Does anyone have any feedback on the management team in my state? Is the turnover just bad in certain areas? I read through a lot of these posts and most seem to live on the east coast.

I knew them last week. Working here you have to check on a weekly basis.

I actually tried to talk a girl into applying in Minnesota, she has been unemployed for a couple months and she has managed her money very well. She won't go through the headache. She knows how bad the turnover is there and most other that is sad. Now unemployed won't even apply. Well the ones with a brain at least

I know her, slept with Prince if I remember correctly...

I am considering applying for a job with Life Vest in Michigan. Does anyone have any feedback on the management team in my state? Is the turnover just bad in certain areas? I read through a lot of these posts and most seem to live on the east coast.

The turn over speaks for itself in every state. CP is usually full of whiners, but on the Zoll board it's full of employees past and present with the same, sad story.

I am considering applying for a job with Life Vest in Michigan. Does anyone have any feedback on the management team in my state? Is the turnover just bad in certain areas? I read through a lot of these posts and most seem to live on the east coast.

I came to the company with the lure of the device. People can say what they want about the Life Vest but if you have seen someone go down, eyes rolled back, shocked and in less than a minute regain consciousness than that is an amazing thing. I know the percentages are very low but it depends on each situation. As an ex-employee I still feel that the family should at least be offered the device.
Which leads me to the "ex employee) I really liked what I was doing, my manger was ok, however the quota system is a complete failure. Zoll has managed to hire some amazing talent and they are for the most part gone. It's a sad organization. The CEO doesn't have a clue about business and so Zoll will now only be able to hire out of industry reps or unemployed. It truly is that bad. You will have to explaim why you did really good for a year or 2 and then are now looking for another job. Actually it is getting to the point where hiring managers just say. How did you like Zoll? No need to explain anymore. If that tells you anything.

I came to the company with the lure of the device. People can say what they want about the Life Vest but if you have seen someone go down, eyes rolled back, shocked and in less than a minute regain consciousness than that is an amazing thing. I know the percentages are very low but it depends on each situation. As an ex-employee I still feel that the family should at least be offered the device.
Which leads me to the "ex employee) I really liked what I was doing, my manger was ok, however the quota system is a complete failure. Zoll has managed to hire some amazing talent and they are for the most part gone. It's a sad organization. The CEO doesn't have a clue about business and so Zoll will now only be able to hire out of industry reps or unemployed. It truly is that bad. You will have to explaim why you did really good for a year or 2 and then are now looking for another job. Actually it is getting to the point where hiring managers just say. How did you like Zoll? No need to explain anymore. If that tells you anything.

Do you want some cheese with that wine you good for nothing loser? Zoll Soll-diers have to win day in and day out. It was obviously too hard for you. We take only no limit bosses who commit to being legit on an as needed basis. You have to love who and what you do friend and I think your career decision to become a European sex slave was a smart move. Only winners last at Zoll!!!

Do you want some cheese with that wine you good for nothing loser? Zoll Soll-diers have to win day in and day out. It was obviously too hard for you. We take only no limit bosses who commit to being legit on an as needed basis. You have to love who and what you do friend and I think your career decision to become a European sex slave was a smart move. Only winners last at Zoll!!!

This is one of the best posts I have seen. I am so happy this site is here for me to read until I find another job. I think I will attempt to make it a year so it appears I put in a little bit of effort for a company that treats its employees like crap!

Do you want some cheese with that wine you good for nothing loser? Zoll Soll-diers have to win day in and day out. It was obviously too hard for you. We take only no limit bosses who commit to being legit on an as needed basis. You have to love who and what you do friend and I think your career decision to become a European sex slave was a smart move. Only winners last at Zoll!!!

This man knows the business, visionary to say the least

Do you want some cheese with that wine you good for nothing loser? Zoll Soll-diers have to win day in and day out. It was obviously too hard for you. We take only no limit bosses who commit to being legit on an as needed basis. You have to love who and what you do friend and I think your career decision to become a European sex slave was a smart move. Only winners last at Zoll!!!

Thanks for sharing. The key phrase is "as needed basis" and Zoll doesn't need you after a year. Nice way to run a company.

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