I came to the company with the lure of the device. People can say what they want about the Life Vest but if you have seen someone go down, eyes rolled back, shocked and in less than a minute regain consciousness than that is an amazing thing. I know the percentages are very low but it depends on each situation. As an ex-employee I still feel that the family should at least be offered the device.
Which leads me to the "ex employee) I really liked what I was doing, my manger was ok, however the quota system is a complete failure. Zoll has managed to hire some amazing talent and they are for the most part gone. It's a sad organization. The CEO doesn't have a clue about business and so Zoll will now only be able to hire out of industry reps or unemployed. It truly is that bad. You will have to explaim why you did really good for a year or 2 and then are now looking for another job. Actually it is getting to the point where hiring managers just say. How did you like Zoll? No need to explain anymore. If that tells you anything.