Does anyone know the bond conditions?

Imclone's former CEO went to federal prison and John Johson sold the company a few years later for $6.5 billion with less than $600 million in sales, poor revenue growth, poor margins, debt greater than cash, modest net income, single product, not much of a pipeline.

Claiming that Dendreon will go bankrupt shows your ignorance. Debt can be paid with Dendreon shares in 2016 if need be. Loan maturity dates are modified all the time.

Are you stating that when you declare personal bankruptcy on your short position you will refuse to be deposed?

How completely dense can a person be. Bankruptcy will not happen. Worst case debtors accept shares. You are trully clueless. When Dendreon is not bankrupt within a year and you are proven completely wrong will you leave this board for good? Of course you won't because you are a lying fraud out to damage the company anyway. Imclone was acquired for $6.5 billion and sold by Johnson, Sam Waksal went to jail, your a lying idiot. The only reason you live on this board is so you can attempt to damage the company.

To say "They will be down to $200M in a quarter or two, bankrupt in a year." shows who completely full of shit you are. You are an obsessed jackass.

How completely dense can a person be. Bankruptcy will not happen. Worst case debtors accept shares. You are trully clueless. When Dendreon is not bankrupt within a year and you are proven completely wrong will you leave this board for good? Of course you won't because you are a lying fraud out to damage the company anyway. Imclone was acquired for $6.5 billion and sold by Johnson, Sam Waksal went to jail, your a lying idiot. The only reason you live on this board is so you can attempt to damage the company.

To say "They will be down to $200M in a quarter or two, bankrupt in a year." shows who completely full of shit you are. You are an obsessed jackass.

It won't be easy to bankrupt the company so quickly. It will be deliberate and very devious.

Watch and learn!

How completely dense can a person be. Bankruptcy will not happen. Worst case debtors accept shares. You are trully clueless. When Dendreon is not bankrupt within a year and you are proven completely wrong will you leave this board for good? Of course you won't because you are a lying fraud out to damage the company anyway. Imclone was acquired for $6.5 billion and sold by Johnson, Sam Waksal went to jail, your a lying idiot. The only reason you live on this board is so you can attempt to damage the company.

To say "They will be down to $200M in a quarter or two, bankrupt in a year." shows who completely full of shit you are. You are an obsessed jackass.

Debtors accepting shares in 2016? Dream on. The BoD won't even accept shares, well they get them and dump them for "tax reasons" (e.g. they won't be worth anything if not sold now).

Debtors accepting shares in 2016? Dream on. The BoD won't even accept shares, well they get them and dump them for "tax reasons" (e.g. they won't be worth anything if not sold now).

Lol, I don't even read his insanity anymore. Did he actually say someting about debtors taking shares instead of cash in 2016? Whatever debtors can get back they will take and run as far away from D'Enron and their JP Morgan accounts as possible. D'Enron's fraudulent bond offering on the false pretenses of criminal baseless revenue guidance had to have done serious damage to JP Morgan with their wealth clients.