Does a company want to co-promote? Weak leadership.


Well, that’s sad for Kowa then to have you on board. You must be great at being a two-faced hypocrite. Too bad you cannot interview and GTFO.
And give up on watching the price is right every morning playing with my dogs and camping all summer with an ice cold beer in my hand without a care in the world! No way Jose. Thank you Japan!

Just visited the site to see what you guys had and still nothing. How long until Kowa pulls the plug on this welfare company? Jeff and his minions hopefully get what they deserve. I hope when it comes, he never sees it coming. The minions will just smile following him to the unemployment line. Good luck finding a job after what he and the clown show did to a once great culture,

Just visited the site to see what you guys had and still nothing. How long until Kowa pulls the plug on this welfare company? Jeff and his minions hopefully get what they deserve. I hope when it comes, he never sees it coming. The minions will just smile following him to the unemployment line. Good luck finding a job after what he and the clown show did to a once great culture,
I agree. JM did not create KOWAs success. He actually ran it into the ground. Livalo success was not because of JM. SEG failure and failure to find another product is. I’m surprised JM convinced Kowa Japan to keep reps this long without working.

I agree. JM did not create KOWAs success. He actually ran it into the ground. Livalo success was not because of JM. SEG failure and failure to find another product is. I’m surprised JM convinced Kowa Japan to keep reps this long without working.
We will be gone by September if they can’t cut a deal in the next two months. Prepare yourselves for layoffs.

You are all a bunch of stupid doomers who honestly don’t deserve to have jobs. Deal is being finalized this week.
Didn’t they say that since last September? These cool names like “ Omaha “ and “ Arctic “ is just an excuse of JM buying more time. July is next week. Remember how terrible they handled the SEG launch? Told reps to call on pharmacy’s without even running a dummy prescription through the pharmacy. Then found out the copay cards didn’t work. Marketing materials weren’t approved. Pharmacy’s weren’t going to automatically stock an opioid in all pharmacy’s. They don’t know what they are doing in Montgomery.