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Do you trust what happened in this election?

Bms is like 65% liberal so theres of course going to be more trust than distrust.

Orange man bad am-i-rite?

Universal basic income, free healthcare, free internet for all because free loading is awesome.

Same people who bitch about capitalism then give jeff bezos more money and wonder why the wealth gap gets bigger.

CuZ hE prOvIDes A SeRvICe PeOPLe WaNt.

And the poor dont.

Great post!

On healthcare: How about all of us tax paying, working U.S. citizens paying for an additional ~ 11 MILLION illegal immigrants health care. We all have to pay via our group plan something (granted it is a deal for us in a group plan of our size). And, some of us have other family and/or other businesses we've inherited that pay very high Insurance premiums for everyone on payroll.

And, Bristol-Myers Squibb is a HYPOCRITICAL bastion where people like Giovanni can practice FEEL GOOD social leadership on matters that should have been addressed before he ever ran up the corporate ladder.

But remember, Giovanni and his cronies will never suffer any real, PERSONAL financial PAIN. NEVER. They only want you to suffer and behave, the way they tell you to behave. So, kneel! Fetch!

Great post!

On healthcare: How about all of us tax paying, working U.S. citizens paying for an additional ~ 11 MILLION illegal immigrants health care. We all have to pay via our group plan something (granted it is a deal for us in a group plan of our size). And, some of us have other family and/or other businesses we've inherited that pay very high Insurance premiums for everyone on payroll.

And, Bristol-Myers Squibb is a HYPOCRITICAL bastion where people like Giovanni can practice FEEL GOOD social leadership on matters that should have been addressed before he ever ran up the corporate ladder.

But remember, Giovanni and his cronies will never suffer any real, PERSONAL financial PAIN. NEVER. They only want you to suffer and behave, the way they tell you to behave. So, kneel! Fetch!

You never had it so good Angryman :rolleyes:

Great post!

On healthcare: How about all of us tax paying, working U.S. citizens paying for an additional ~ 11 MILLION illegal immigrants health care. We all have to pay via our group plan something (granted it is a deal for us in a group plan of our size). And, some of us have other family and/or other businesses we've inherited that pay very high Insurance premiums for everyone on payroll.

And, Bristol-Myers Squibb is a HYPOCRITICAL bastion where people like Giovanni can practice FEEL GOOD social leadership on matters that should have been addressed before he ever ran up the corporate ladder.

But remember, Giovanni and his cronies will never suffer any real, PERSONAL financial PAIN. NEVER. They only want you to suffer and behave, the way they tell you to behave. So, kneel! Fetch!
Who cares about BMS ?