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Do you trust what happened in this election?


Curious do you listen to both sides on political issues? How come the pollsters were so far off? How come people could not witness the polling areas? Please take a step back if you hate Trump.

Are we living in a country with fair and honest elections? If you watch the news for five minutes you most likely are making poor decisions based on dishonesty being fed to all of us. :(


Curious do you listen to both sides on political issues? How come the pollsters were so far off? How come people could not witness the polling areas? Please take a step back if you hate Trump.

Are we living in a country with fair and honest elections? If you watch the news for five minutes you most likely are making poor decisions based on dishonesty being fed to all of us. :(

Yes! Like the lies fed to us by Donald J Trump................

Curious do you listen to both sides on political issues? How come the pollsters were so far off? How come people could not witness the polling areas? Please take a step back if you hate Trump.

Are we living in a country with fair and honest elections? If you watch the news for five minutes you most likely are making poor decisions based on dishonesty being fed to all of us. :(
People WERE witnessing the polling areas. Polling off for myriad of reasons, but it's pretty clear pollsters are mostly useless now.

People WERE witnessing the polling areas. Polling off for myriad of reasons, but it's pretty clear pollsters are mostly useless now.

The stock market is very happy! All markets are welcoming news of a potential Democratic win in the US presidential election on Thursday with stocks in Europe and Asia trading higher and US futures also pointing upward. Joe Biden is on the brink of victory and the market is enthusiastic for new blood and less disruption.

US futures are steadily gaining every day now. Today, the S&P 500 is tilting higher by 1.11%, the Dow is modestly headed higher by 0.8% and the Nasdaq leapt by 2%. ;)

Curious do you listen to both sides on political issues? How come the pollsters were so far off? How come people could not witness the polling areas? Please take a step back if you hate Trump.

Are we living in a country with fair and honest elections? If you watch the news for five minutes you most likely are making poor decisions based on dishonesty being fed to all of us. :(
I trust the election officials. Live in AZ and am Biden supporter and hope he wins but possible he loses just like Hilary lost in 2016. Have lived in this state 26 years and elections conducted fair and square here. Unfortunately we have Trump supporters with their guns at our counting facility shouting at the volunteers and staff attempting to count the vote. Shameful.

People WERE witnessing the polling areas. Polling off for myriad of reasons, but it's pretty clear pollsters are mostly useless now.

I’m confused on this. Income tax filing is due April 15th. If your filing is postmarked by the 15th, it counts as filed on time. If not, it doesn’t – seems straight forward and simple.

Are they trying to stop votes postmarked before the deadline? Or just the ones after.

Seems like anything postmarked before the deadline counts and anything after does not.

I’m confused on this. Income tax filing is due April 15th. If your filing is postmarked by the 15th, it counts as filed on time. If not, it doesn’t – seems straight forward and simple.

Are they trying to stop votes postmarked before the deadline? Or just the ones after.

Seems like anything postmarked before the deadline counts and anything after does not.

What happened was Trump lost. It will be Biden 270; Trump 267 in the end. John McCain got the last laugh....... :p

If Biden wins with 270, it means Trump finishes with 268

postmarking, etc depends on each state law

Yep, my bad and you're correct on the postmarking. As they explained om Faux today it isn't a Federal Election, it's 50 separate state elections, each with their own rules, that decide the leader of our union. Glad too see Faux getting a few things right finally. Paul Ryan is on their BOD and Rupert has had enough of Jared Kruiser, Ivanka Peron and the Beastie Boyz.. ;)

Curious do you listen to both sides on political issues? How come the pollsters were so far off? How come people could not witness the polling areas? Please take a step back if you hate Trump.

Are we living in a country with fair and honest elections? If you watch the news for five minutes you most likely are making poor decisions based on dishonesty being fed to all of us. :(

Fair questions in an OPEN, non-cancelling society.

But, that is not where you live anymore Alice. We have descended into a societal world where you will be targeted, cancelled and destroyed, if doable. If you disagree with what are mislabeled 'progressives'; you will be cancelled from having intelligent discourse. This far left group will do whatever it takes to "right wrongs", seek revenge, destroy, extract reparations from people based on ancestry, vandalize, humiliate, degrade and diminish any person, any soul who sees the world and how to live in it differently then their view in this quickly fading, free country.

On the topic of the elections, I do not believe there is rampant, massive fraud. But, I do believe PA was set up to be the 'stop gap' if it looked like the man with (and this is with all due respect and compassion unlike his wife who encouraged him to run in failing mental health @ 77 yo) pre-senile dementia might lose. That same sad soul who will be running this country soon.

And then soon, a 'lady' with a way and penchant that will be revealed when she grabs the reins of power. She will, if permitted, make you quickly forget all the insensitive, crass things President Trump said and tweeted. I know her from a previous "life". She is not what she portrays. How she called, Joe Biden, in a vicious, unyielding, super sincere way, A RACIST in the first Democratic Presidential debate IS who she really is. Not much different from whos got a few short months left on Penn. Ave.

Fair questions in an OPEN, non-cancelling society.

But, that is not where you live anymore Alice. We have descended into a societal world where you will be targeted, cancelled and destroyed, if doable. If you disagree with what are mislabeled 'progressives'; you will be cancelled from having intelligent discourse. This far left group will do whatever it takes to "right wrongs", seek revenge, destroy, extract reparations from people based on ancestry, vandalize, humiliate, degrade and diminish any person, any soul who sees the world and how to live in it differently then their view in this quickly fading, free country.

On the topic of the elections, I do not believe there is rampant, massive fraud. But, I do believe PA was set up to be the 'stop gap' if it looked like the man with (and this is with all due respect and compassion unlike his wife who encouraged him to run in failing mental health @ 77 yo) pre-senile dementia might lose. That same sad soul who will be running this country soon.

And then soon, a 'lady' with a way and penchant that will be revealed when she grabs the reins of power. She will, if permitted, make you quickly forget all the insensitive, crass things President Trump said and tweeted. I know her from a previous "life". She is not what she portrays. How she called, Joe Biden, in a vicious, unyielding, super sincere way, A RACIST in the first Democratic Presidential debate IS who she really is. Not much different from whos got a few short months left on Penn. Ave.

Calm down, the GOP kept the Senate. picked up seats in the House and can add to that in 2 years. Then in 4 years they can regain the presidency if they find someone who isn't a spoiled rich toddler in a cranky old codger's body. Otherwise. a green wave. :p

Bms is like 65% liberal so theres of course going to be more trust than distrust.

Orange man bad am-i-rite?

Universal basic income, free healthcare, free internet for all because free loading is awesome.

Same people who bitch about capitalism then give jeff bezos more money and wonder why the wealth gap gets bigger.

CuZ hE prOvIDes A SeRvICe PeOPLe WaNt.

And the poor dont.

If you wouldn't know this is happening in America, you would think this is a 3rd world country. Absolutely ridiculous. Take any other nation, and they have accurate results within hours after the voting stops!!!

If you wouldn't know this is happening in America, you would think this is a 3rd world country. Absolutely ridiculous. Take any other nation, and they have accurate results within hours after the voting stops!!!

Ummmm....duh....largest mail in effort in history. They have to manually count and it takes time. Comprende?

If you wouldn't know this is happening in America, you would think this is a 3rd world country. Absolutely ridiculous. Take any other nation, and they have accurate results within hours after the voting stops!!!

Oh really? Were you alive in 2000? We didn't get the final results for weeks and then there was a challenge and we didn't get the final ruling until well into December. Republicans just can't handle it when it doesn't go their way. :rolleyes:

Oh really? Were you alive in 2000? We didn't get the final results for weeks and then there was a challenge and we didn't get the final ruling until well into December. Republicans just can't handle it when it doesn't go their way. :rolleyes:
I'll throw my two cents in on this post also, as we know from 2000 that it takes a while to get a real answer when only one state is in doubt.
Having more than one state in doubt increases the time and potential number of things that can change.

The stock market is very happy! All markets are welcoming news of a potential Democratic win in the US presidential election on Thursday with stocks in Europe and Asia trading higher and US futures also pointing upward. Joe Biden is on the brink of victory and the market is enthusiastic for new blood and less disruption.

US futures are steadily gaining every day now. Today, the S&P 500 is tilting higher by 1.11%, the Dow is modestly headed higher by 0.8% and the Nasdaq leapt by 2%. ;)
The markets are celebrating the perceived continuation of "divided government", not Biden or the Presidency specifically.
Markets like gridlock because it's better for business and provides more avenues for success.