Do you participate in the ESPP given our stock price is so high?

How is that 15% off working for you now? By my guess, you have lost an additional 25% on your initial investment from $270- 52 week high purchases($230). You have also net lost for the last 2 years investing SHPG.

FO was brought in here specifically to sell the company. He almost did it with AbbVie, which was a lucky break, but his luck ran out when the deal collapsed. Meanwhile, he collects 1.6B and goes on a shopping spree to keep the stock value high while also cutting expenses (see the "Dirty 30"). Either way, if you are in the rank and file, you are fucked! This is not a long term gig. Collect a check, nod at your manager, laugh at how inept Kathy and Perry are and keep looking for better job. If you've been here a while, hope for a nice severence package.

Better do your homework on collecting a "nice severance package"... The severance here is terrible. Unless you've been here 10+ years you will be out in the cold within months. It's surprising since our benefits are good that the severance is so laughable.

How is that 15% off working for you now? By my guess, you have lost an additional 25% on your initial investment from $270- 52 week high purchases($230). You have also net lost for the last 2 years investing SHPG.

You idiot - we buy at a 15% discount off of the lowest price - not the starting price. 15% is 15% unless you hold it drops below the purchase price (anything is possible - it is the stock market) but you are not guaranteed a 15% return on any other investment out there.

This thread is why sales people are considered morons. You can sell immediately and make the 15% - assuming the stock doesn't sink the day of the sale- or hold for long-term capital gains ( if the stock goes up ). This isn't rocket science - no wonder KK has us color code our calendars.

I don't participate. How often do they purchase the stock?
They only purchase it once per year and hold your payroll deductions in a non-interest bearing account until they do! So if you do the max, it is advisable to have an equilivent amount of money liquid you can access throughout the year if you need it.

It's probably a good deal, unless the market tanks right after purchase, or it tanks during the time you are holding the stock.