Do you like your manager?

When I’m making making bank and laughing at your ass in your little tiny house neighborhood…. I’ll remember this. You have no ambition. I’ll follow my dreams. You keep collecting a paycheck.
I somehow doubt that because you’re such a delusional and unlikeable dick. I have no debt, no mortgages on my multiple real estate holdings including a small apartment building, a fat 401k and will be inheriting millions. Guess I accumulated all of that without ambition not including the inheritance of course . Someday soon I’ll raise a glass and toast to you trying to pay for your groceries at the Piggly Wiggly. Oh, and you probably have a small dick too, so my condolences.

Fax. I remember hearing this one district manager on our last regional call gloating about being with the company for over 20 years. She didn’t realise how dumb she sounded because she could have doubled if not tripled her salary potential had she left and found new jobs over time. I can’t believe how dumb the people who actually stick around are. I hope her son gives her a grandchild so she can GTFO and move on with her life with more fulfilling life goals.
Yeah I don’t get the weird mentality of I have to stay loyal to my manager and Kowa because we were told we have a blockbuster product on the way. Wake up and smell the coffee BLOCKBUSTER drugs are few and far in between these days. Kowa was great during Livalo, the culture, the product (Livalo, Bystolic, Vascepa). That is over now. I’m glad I didn’t stick around. After SEG and all the gaslighting from JM and upper management I saw the writing on the wall. Any other company salary is significantly higher than Kowa.

I somehow doubt that because you’re such a delusional and unlikeable dick. I have no debt, no mortgages on my multiple real estate holdings including a small apartment building, a fat 401k and will be inheriting millions. Guess I accumulated all of that without ambition not including the inheritance of course . Someday soon I’ll raise a glass and toast to you trying to pay for your groceries at the Piggly Wiggly. Oh, and you probably have a small dick too, so my condolences.
Go off. But nothing screams small dick energy than your post lol please spend more time explaining to me how you come from money and knew your whole life you would be taken care of so growing and prospering in your career, wasn’t a necessity in your life. Kind of also sad that you’re like sitting there waiting for your mom and dad to die to inherit millions. Damn thats morbid.

Go off. But nothing screams small dick energy than your post lol please spend more time explaining to me how you come from money and knew your whole life you would be taken care of so growing and prospering in your career, wasn’t a necessity in your life. Kind of also sad that you’re like sitting there waiting for your mom and dad to die to inherit millions. Damn thats morbid.
Not that it is any of your concern, but I assure you that having a small dick is not a problem that I have ever had LOL. But that was a good comeback Marco Rubio. I’ll bet you have a small dick and hands though because you do talk about it so much! I will look for your tiny hands at the NSM if you are still around.
I was smart with my money and always took a keen interest in real estate, so therefore, I made good investments. As far as waiting for people to die, monetarily speaking it has no bearing on my life. I will simply have more money to buy more real estate if I choose and charge your pathetic ass half your salary in rent.

Not that it is any of your concern, but I assure you that having a small dick is not a problem that I have ever had LOL. But that was a good comeback Marco Rubio. I’ll bet you have a small dick and hands though because you do talk about it so much! I will look for your tiny hands at the NSM if you are still around.
I was smart with my money and always took a keen interest in real estate, so therefore, I made good investments. As far as waiting for people to die, monetarily speaking it has no bearing on my life. I will simply have more money to buy more real estate if I choose and charge your pathetic ass half your salary in rent.
Again, you sound like a privileged white man who came from money and had the luxury of having no student loans or any other debt that allowed you to invest and stay at a low paying corporation because you didn’t have to strive for much because mommy and daddy and their millions built a foundation for you to blossom. Good for you, but that’s nothing to flaunt you’re embarrassing and so is anyone else who stays at this company for more than a few years. Enjoy your millions. I’m ok with working strategically and not having mom and dad’s money to fall back on. Your old man penis doesn’t impress me. We like non wrinkley balls over here thank you.

Again, you sound like a privileged white man who came from money and had the luxury of having no student loans or any other debt that allowed you to invest and stay at a low paying corporation because you didn’t have to strive for much because mommy and daddy and their millions built a foundation for you to blossom. Good for you, but that’s nothing to flaunt you’re embarrassing and so is anyone else who stays at this company for more than a few years. Enjoy your millions. I’m ok with working strategically and not having mom and dad’s money to fall back on. Your old man penis doesn’t impress me. We like non wrinkley balls over here thank you.
Back to the topic. No one is making money working for Kowa and no product.

Again, you sound like a privileged white man who came from money and had the luxury of having no student loans or any other debt that allowed you to invest and stay at a low paying corporation because you didn’t have to strive for much because mommy and daddy and their millions built a foundation for you to blossom. Good for you, but that’s nothing to flaunt you’re embarrassing and so is anyone else who stays at this company for more than a few years. Enjoy your millions. I’m ok with working strategically and not having mom and dad’s money to fall back on. Your old man penis doesn’t impress me. We like non wrinkley balls over here thank you.
Wrong, wrong and wrong again. My wife and I started nothing and I worked and paid my way through college. My parents were middle class at best in those days and helped out with what they could. Gas money, books. I bought my own car and insurance. As you say, we all worked strategically and made sound investments at the right time. What we actually like over here actually, are non-assholes, with or without wrinkly balls. Take your jealous tirade elsewhere and quit worrying about what other people do or don't have. If you have enough money, looks or charm to do so, get yourself on Tinder and find a fvck buddy. Sounds like you have a lot of pent up frustration. See you at the NSM pencil dick!

Wrong, wrong and wrong again. My wife and I started nothing and I worked and paid my way through college. My parents were middle class at best in those days and helped out with what they could. Gas money, books. I bought my own car and insurance. As you say, we all worked strategically and made sound investments at the right time. What we actually like over here actually, are non-assholes, with or without wrinkly balls. Take your jealous tirade elsewhere and quit worrying about what other people do or don't have. If you have enough money, looks or charm to do so, get yourself on Tinder and find a fvck buddy. Sounds like you have a lot of pent up frustration. See you at the NSM pencil dick!
why would I be jealous of an old man who didn’t have the strategic capability to not stay at the same job for 10 years? Listen that’s just dumb one google search will show you the statistics on that there’s no arguing that there is a threshold of how much you can increase your salary overtime when you stay at a company long term. So no matter how wrinkley your balls are and how many millions you’re going to inherit you’re still dumb.

why would I be jealous of an old man who didn’t have the strategic capability to not stay at the same job for 10 years? Listen that’s just dumb one google search will show you the statistics on that there’s no arguing that there is a threshold of how much you can increase your salary overtime when you stay at a company long term. So no matter how wrinkley your balls are and how many millions you’re going to inherit you’re still dumb.
Kowa’s salary is the worst in the industry and the reps make no commission because they have no product

why would I be jealous of an old man who didn’t have the strategic capability to not stay at the same job for 10 years? Listen that’s just dumb one google search will show you the statistics on that there’s no arguing that there is a threshold of how much you can increase your salary overtime when you stay at a company long term. So no matter how wrinkley your balls are and how many millions you’re going to inherit you’re still dumb.

You are jealous because you are a malignant narcissist who will never amount to anything and covets everything. Your repeated expressions of bitterness here reflect exactly who you are both inside and out. The small dick doesn’t help either.

You are jealous because you are a malignant narcissist who will never amount to anything and covets everything. Your repeated expressions of bitterness here reflect exactly who you are both inside and out. The small dick doesn’t help either.
I am literally stating facts bro. You’re just delusional. Pick on somebody your own age.

Cry more, poor little pencil dick. You want to swim with the sharks, man up!
Bro you’re 30 years older than me and we have the same damn job walking into offices with no damn drug and saying howdy to office reps. I’m humble enough to know that I am no damn shark and NEITHER ARE YOU. Only difference is you’re old, and I have years ahead of me to grow. Something you chose NOT to do.

Sharks, minnows, salmon or cod, the facts remain.
1. Lowest salary in the industry
2. Incompetent leadership.
3. No product
4. Gaslighting leadership that should have been canned years ago.

When I was there as a manager, and I lost someone, I would be happy for them but always say the grass isn't always greener. It was true for some of them and I still here from many of them. The grass is greener ANYWHERE else now. I don't know anyone who has left and regrets the move. Planning to be around to see the NSM? Plan to be gone before that, or just retire now and enjoy your fotune. How satisfying can it be to stay there?

Bro you’re 30 years older than me and we have the same damn job walking into offices with no damn drug and saying howdy to office reps. I’m humble enough to know that I am no damn shark and NEITHER ARE YOU. Only difference is you’re old, and I have years ahead of me to grow. Something you chose NOT to do.
Actually, there are many more differences. I have a beautiful wife and family. I don’t need to work. I could retire tomorrow if I chose to. I quite enjoy my work here. If you don’t, GTFO!

Actually, there are many more differences. I have a beautiful wife and family. I don’t need to work. I could retire tomorrow if I chose to. I quite enjoy my work here. If you don’t, GTFO!
What work dude, we haven’t worked in months. lol I’m happy you’re happy I really am we just have a different outlook on career progression and that’s ok. I agree with the comment above, you and I can go back and forth insulting each others penis size as much as we’d like but facts remain with the current climate of the company unfortunately. Good luck on retirement whenever that is.