Do we really NOT get off between Christmas and New Years?

Some do get off over the Holidays but, then again, some do not. A lot has to do with one's mental state, ability to relax and whether one needs an ED pill or not. Some folks just have the ability to get off without much problem, or without even having to ask. Some need help with that chore because they are afraid of not getting it off at all. If it's just dangling in the wind then perhaps you won't get it off at all. If you have the courage to stand at attention with it at a 45 degree angle then you will prolly get it off. Good luck to all and hope that most can get it off.

Right. It doesn't matter if JNJ or whoever gets that week off, Q reps don't. Q gets paid by billable hours, and that means you go out and make the contracted calls.....that's why it's called a contract genius. Q reps get 14 days off and if you don't like it there's someone else right behind you to take your place.

Q = cheapo, 14 days off, enjoy