Anybody getting bombarded by their manager to have them do live rides /lunches? I think they are scared that AZ is learning that we are Manager HEAVY!!! I don't need another "layer" to submit my expense report, and if Managers are just going to do "remote" lunches...AZ could have a team at the home office remote in to my call and "grade" me, and lastly...NOBODY is "coaching" anybody!! It's going to be a very long time before a Manager has a live ride with me, I know they think it is right around the ain't!! I know of a Manager who wanted to sit in the backseat of the reps car because the rep was trying to practice social distancing (that is pressure a rep doesn't need)!! The company can send out all the guidelines they want, but all one needs to do (and you can bet some shark lawyer is doing it) is look at Work Place...there are no guidelines being followed, AND you have senior leadership "liking" the posts of reps/managers NOT practicing social distancing. Unreal!! Oh, and, we don't need managers.