Do u think the pipeline of BI products good?


I've believed BI products like micardis,tradjenta,pdxa great so far. But not sure upcoming products.What do u think? So many thoughts before layoff. . .

How much did you enjoy grammar class in grade school? Did you spend most of your days sniffing glue?

Pipeline is just fine. It is dependent on the whim of the FDA, but there is quite a bit in phase III.

Still can't believe how many reps don't see past what company (any pharma co) is selling them (indoctrination, brain washing, etc..) during the hire / training / meetings...They've got to make you believe in what your peddling.. gin up enthusiasm in sales force and then shoot you out into the field like a dog foaming at mouth about how great your products are...everyone has that crazed rep calling docs crazy for using competitors products and how it'll kill their pts..

Pipeline? Another company tactic / manipulation line: "oh boy, our pipeline is rich and busting at the seams! just that dang guberment clogging up the works...boy oh boy do we have a pipeline...just you wait!"

Still can't believe how many reps don't see past what company (any pharma co) is selling them (indoctrination, brain washing, etc..) during the hire / training / meetings...They've got to make you believe in what your peddling.. gin up enthusiasm in sales force and then shoot you out into the field like a dog foaming at mouth about how great your products are...everyone has that crazed rep calling docs crazy for using competitors products and how it'll kill their pts..

Pipeline? Another company tactic / manipulation line: "oh boy, our pipeline is rich and busting at the seams! just that dang guberment clogging up the works...boy oh boy do we have a pipeline...just you wait!"

Sorry you were let go, but that's what America is about these days - disposable employees. This isn't unique to BI. You have a job for a bit and then are let go and then you find another. It stinks but thus is how the game works. You can be pissed off at BI right now and go on here and bitch, and maybe rightly so because you feel hurt and betrayed, but don't get on here blabbering about things you have no idea. If you were at a recent launch then you'd know we don't go "ours is the best and others can kill" you fucking ignorant douche. There's nothing worse than a home office loser ranting about us reps without even knowing what the hell we do. Go work as a barista and leve the computer stuff for more qualified people.

Still can't believe how many reps don't see past what company (any pharma co) is selling them (indoctrination, brain washing, etc..) during the hire / training / meetings...They've got to make you believe in what your peddling.. gin up enthusiasm in sales force and then shoot you out into the field like a dog foaming at mouth about how great your products are...everyone has that crazed rep calling docs crazy for using competitors products and how it'll kill their pts..

Pipeline? Another company tactic / manipulation line: "oh boy, our pipeline is rich and busting at the seams! just that dang guberment clogging up the works...boy oh boy do we have a pipeline...just you wait!"

who says they've got to make us believe in anything in order for us to peddle. You have no idea what a sales person does, do you?

Also, who says "gin up enthusiasm"?!?!?!?!? Were born in 1920's, I says? Nobody talks like that, dumbass.

How much did you enjoy grammar class in grade school? Did you spend most of your days sniffing glue?

Pipeline is just fine. It is dependent on the whim of the FDA, but there is quite a bit in phase III.

Perfect! Could be be the same troll that posts on all these boards on a regular basis. "Huffing Richard?" The same troll that likes the Q Stream?

Depends on your definition of good. The recent launches of reformulated or me to drugs, or our illustrious long acting beta for COPD, some may be thoroughly unimpressed. The fact that Spiriva and Combivent will be paying all of our bills for years to come says it all.

Depends on your definition of good. The recent launches of reformulated or me to drugs, or our illustrious long acting beta for COPD, some may be thoroughly unimpressed. The fact that Spiriva and Combivent will be paying all of our bills for years to come says it all.

I guess that sucked that Lipitor payed it forward too you dumb douche. Do you even think about these things before you write them.

Depends on your definition of good. The recent launches of reformulated or me to drugs, or our illustrious long acting beta for COPD, some may be thoroughly unimpressed. The fact that Spiriva and Combivent will be paying all of our bills for years to come says it all.

BI is a small company with a robust pipeline.

You act like this company should have 20 new drugs like a big pharma, again it's a small company, dork-o.

No other company the size of BI has as many drugs in development, thank you.

BI is a small company with a robust pipeline.

You act like this company should have 20 new drugs like a big pharma, again it's a small company, dork-o.

No other company the size of BI has as many drugs in development, thank you.

Nailed it!! Nice try!
Boehringer isn't a small company by any measure, except maybe the knowledge of it's employees as indicated above. BI is in the top 20 worldwide, similar to Lilly or BMS in sales and employees. Pipeline is modest at best. Couple cancer and Hep C drugs and some product extensions. Nobody in the industry,not even our annual report, describes our pipeline as robust. Projected sales of pipeline drugs is not expected to replace current product mix in 5-10 year timeframe. This was mentioned on most recent webcast and CNBC industry analysis that aired past summer. Think what you want but brush up on the facts if you want your customers or team to believe you.

CNBC does not talk about BI. We are privately held.

The only time we've ever been mentioned on that channel was usually AFTER one of our Alliance partners was mentioned 1st. Funny because they were usually discussing OUR molecule.

We DO have some very interesting stuff in our pipeline. And HCV is not part of it.