The insult needs to go to you due to your stupidity. We live in the lowest cost housing in the area. Old little house that needs a lot of work. Not all parts of the country are low in cost. Most people would not find our home acceptable. A salary of 80 is far below what most people need just to get by in our part of the country. We have one older car, do not take vacations or spend on anything. We do not have the disposable income all due to the cost of living where we are.
The truth is that these jobs need to adjust their salaries. You can live like a king in the SE, SW, or middle US on live like a pauper on that salary in around most major cities in the east and west.
Geez, your life really sucks. Time to end it all. Can you get that old car into a garage and do do have access to a garden hose? If so, your problems may at last be over and you can quit whining and boring us all on here 24/7.