Do the right thing Alkermes


The list of pharma companies pulling their reps out of the field is growing rapidly. Time to follow suit, especially given many of us spend a lot of time in facilities with individuals with immune deficiencies (Hep C, HIV, etc).

Agreed! Lundbeck and Otsuka did it last week!
According to the WHO and CDC guidelines those at higher risk include not only the elderly but also those with chronic medical conditions to include hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and asthma. How many of us either have someone in our immediate family or ourselves that fall into that category? I’m sure many. Why take unnecessary risks with peoples lives? This is uncharted territory and I sure hope the company will do the right thing for those most at risk for exposure- the field reps.

Too late. Shame on Alks for waiting this long to do the right thing. How many of us are carrying and not symptomatic? How
Many of us have unknowingly infected family, friends and other innocent people? Rally says it all about this sespool

Too late. Shame on Alks for waiting this long to do the right thing. How many of us are carrying and not symptomatic? How
Many of us have unknowingly infected family, friends and other innocent people? Rally says it all about this sespool

if you felt that strongly about it you didn't need your employer to tell you to stay home.

You’re an adult and can make your own decisions rather than blaming your employer for everything.

Come on you haters. We are in the middle of a national emergency. I think our management has been pretty good and fair for the most part. I think you'd still be complaining if you worked for any of the competitors you mention and would find fault in how they are handling this situation if you worked there. Let's pull together and do what we can to move the business forward during this difficult time for our nation and the world. Be kind to each other and those who run this company. I personally feel they are concerned about me and my family's safety. Heck, if they wanted they could lay us all off because we can't call on physicians.

Do something good for the company tomorrow. Do something good for your community too. Stay safe and stay home. Practice social distancing and pitch in to beat this Wuhan Coronavirus. We will prevail together. We are Americans!

Oh honey...I can understand hording toilet paper, but I think you must be hording Papa Pops Kool Aid! And by the sound of things you're also dipping into your own stash. Ask any drug dealer, and he'll tell you that's never a good idea.

Pick your weakness. Haha, that’s funny. My weakness is a crap
training department and a crap leadership team namely Todd and Kenton. Oh wait let me get someone from Health Systems to help me.
My family, says I need to brush up on my REMs training.

Pick your weakness. Haha, that’s funny. My weakness is a crap
training department and a crap leadership team namely Todd and Kenton. Oh wait let me get someone from Health Systems to help me.
My family, says I need to brush up on my REMs training.

I heard it on very good authority that all the health systems will be gone by the end of March. Not really surprised since they are overpaid and don’t really add much to the company line.

Darn WuHan Chinese Coronavirus. It ruined everything. My FRM was just about to crack the approval code that would have allowed me to get 2 extra Rx's per quarter. That's worth all the money we paying them overpriced desk jockeys'