Do Not Apply


If you are reading this and curious about the openings popping up on the website, keep watching. They will be adding up. It is suspect that a job applicant to take advice on Cafepharma but here’s a warning - do not apply unless your home is being repossessed.

This is THE WORST pharma (if you want to call it that) company or damn close. Calls per day, micromanagement, weekly numbers grind (what patient?), PIPland, and worse yet they have a twenty-something Harvard grad who is buddies with the CEO who has been given a job entitled Director of Field/Sales Force Effectiveness. No sales experience, condescending and grills you with excel sheets about the ROI on calls entered versus sales. We all get that you need ROI but she is clueless personified and is the kiss of death if she starts having meetings with you.

The sad thing is they have a reasonably good product they mismanage. The reps are very good people but this not a place for pharma reps. This is a place that should hire only people who are renal dietitians or someone who works(ed) in a dialysis unit - not for any reason other than they have relationships that can pull this product through. It’s not a clinical sell. It’s like working at GNC that wants to be sheik biotech pharma.

Prior auths, 2/3 out of 10 approved. Walking in the wind and peeing. Why is it a good product? It has a unique iron benefit. That’s it.

They have a new product coming out but it has failed CV safety tests and will have a black box warning next year...maybe. Second in line to Astra Zeneca. This company can not launch a patient assistance program without screwing it up. They are HIGH if they think their setup can launch a major drug like vadadustat without F’ing this up. Good Lord.

So if you need the job or willing to take the risk that you survive the inevitable downsizing to merge with Otsuka, climb aboard the show.

Disgruntled employee? Maybe. But this is pretty close to the truth. Thanks Dell for coming in and destroying a potentially good thing when we could have been a contender with vada. And cancer and Candy start with C. Stop hiding behind these people and find a real leader BOD.

Wow. Disgruntled....... Maybe, do ya think? Great company and great people. Being held accountable is part of the gig anymore. Adapt and overcome.

No company is perfect but Akebia is a great place to work, in my opinion.

Wow. Disgruntled....... Maybe, do ya think? Great company and great people. Being held accountable is part of the gig anymore. Adapt and overcome.

No company is perfect but Akebia is a great place to work, in my opinion.
Just like Keryx was a great place to work? Do you even know the history??? Yeah, right.

Why are there so many openings if it’s so great? Try understanding why the OP is frustrated rather getting defensive. The OP feelings are reflective of the morale in the field. Pointing the finger rather than acknowledging the problem will not solve anything.

Why does the history matter? We are not working for Keryx. Times have changed, the industry has changed, it seems that maybe you haven't adapted to these changes. Akebia is great place to work.

Why are there so many openings if it’s so great? Try understanding why the OP is frustrated rather getting defensive. The OP feelings are reflective of the morale in the field. Pointing the finger rather than acknowledging the problem will not solve anything.

It doesn't matter why the OP is frustrated. If you cannot adapt to being held accountable (micromanage?) , and selling a product that doesn't sell itself, then this isn't the place for you. It really is that simple. You need to be a great sales person to sell this product. I am not pointing fingers, rather pointing out the facts. If people aren't happy working in a sales role that expects sales results, then this might not be the place for you and you shouldn't apply for any openings. Also, less than 10 openings nationwide.

Let’s talk facts roughly 20% turnover every year. That number has not changed. Less than 10 vacancies nationally. That number does not include the collapsing of 6 territories. There were 3 ADs that left this year. 2 were here to launch the brand 6-7 years ago More than 15 reps have left this year. A lot of these people were considered top performers. Cal continues to be a revolving door. From what I hear the RSD is the problem. The MSL team is falling apart. Pre launch no less. So tell me if it’s so great why does this keep happening. It can’t be that all the people we hire can’t take being held responsible. The original poster may be disgruntled and a bit off but clearly there is a bigger issue that you don’t want to understand. That is a big part of the problem.

It doesn't matter why the OP is frustrated. If you cannot adapt to being held accountable (micromanage?) , and selling a product that doesn't sell itself, then this isn't the place for you. It really is that simple. You need to be a great sales person to sell this product. I am not pointing fingers, rather pointing out the facts. If people aren't happy working in a sales role that expects sales results, then this might not be the place for you and you shouldn't apply for any openings. Also, less than 10 openings nationwide.

It doesn't matter why the OP is frustrated. If you cannot adapt to being held accountable (micromanage?) , and selling a product that doesn't sell itself, then this isn't the place for you. It really is that simple. You need to be a great sales person to sell this product. I am not pointing fingers, rather pointing out the facts. If people aren't happy working in a sales role that expects sales results, then this might not be the place for you and you shouldn't apply for any openings. Also, less than 10 openings nationwide.

Akebia has been a great place to work. They have extraordinary salaries, unlimited time off and a one of a kind medication. Senior leadership’s first priority is culture.

I want what you are smoking. If Akebia has such "extraordinary salaries" why is everyone leaving for more money? Unlimited time off is a joke. The company does not want to pay for unused time when people leave which happens often. The car payment is laughable. It goes down each quarter. My car payment is fraction of what most companies provide. Akebia is the only company that sells your vested stock to cover taxes. Everything is ass backwards. The company is run by compliance metrics and micromanagement. We are no longer entrepreneurs we are told what to do and say. Most came here to avoid big pharma. Top volume reps are paid a lot less than low volume reps hence all the turnover. When they leave to make more the company shits on them. This is Akebia culture. Be warned.

Akebia has been a great place to work. They have extraordinary salaries, unlimited time off and a one of a kind medication. Senior leadership’s first priority is culture.

Akebia has been a great place to work. They have extraordinary salaries, unlimited time off and a one of a kind medication. Senior leadership’s first priority is culture.

The priority here is culture but we’ve lost 40% of the sales force during a pandemic. 15% in January alone. Not a big deal to anyone in leadership they are seen as non regrettable losses. Candy and Dell have ruined the culture. They promoted most unstable person to be our patient advocate. Leadership must okay with her crazy conspiracy theories. Must be part of the new culture. Most employees hate it here and many more will leave. The few people that like it here are the non compliant over paid dieticians.

Akebia has been a great place to work. They have extraordinary salaries, unlimited time off and a one of a kind medication. Senior leadership’s first priority is culture.

LOL, you must be 20 years old or in HR. Nobody gives a shit that “senior leadership” is mostly focused on culture, investors want financial results. Your senior leadership are all B or C team players at a real company. Your CEO citing that your core strength is your laser focus on your mission of improving the lives of patients with blah blah blah is a joke and makes you a laughing stock in industry. That’s not a strength. A strength would be we have a great drug with a winning profile, a strong pipeline and an A+ sales team to drive rapid sales. You still haven’t even filed the NDA and your prospects of approval and label look mediocre, which is why you stock price is in the toilet.

So grow up, pull your head out of your ass and do your f’ng jobs for once.

And enough of the critical race theory aka communist racist trash. That's not helping your bottom line either. Hate to think of the money wasted on that junk. Focus on the drugs since your a drug company.