Do Managers Already Know?

I interviewed for a PC position selling Belsomra back in Feb. The position is in Chattanooga and was wondering if that position was eliminated?

I was laid off from my last pharma job and heard a rumor the position I interviewed for is gone now, too.

Funny thing...I did blow NYC out of the water. My performance was heads above that of the NYC team. Fn dbags, worthless and they suck down all the money parking their cars in a garage without it moving for three years and expensing it to the company. The company could save a shit load of money by not giving those dbags cars!

Wait, are telling me that those reps have a car and it just stays in the garage that they park it in? And Merck is paying for those cars to stay in basically a really expensive storage unit?

Wait, are telling me that those reps have a car and it just stays in the garage that they park it in? And Merck is paying for those cars to stay in basically a really expensive storage unit?

All Merck reps are assigned a company car. I knew about a Merck rep once that had a walking territory and did not need or want a car due to practical reasons and the geography itself. The rep never used the car on territory. Merck told the rep that no one can refuse a company car even if it will always be kept in a parking lot. That's the story.