Do I want to work here?

If you want to work for the Martin Shkreli’s of diagnostics sign up!

They ignored me after reaching out to ask for my resume lol. prior lab had some minor allegations. I’m an obvious affirmative action checkbox, I know some companies are weird about de&i quotas. Pay is better than some delusional employers reached out to me too, maybe I disqualified myself by putting the posted range.

They ignored me after reaching out to ask for my resume lol. prior lab had some minor allegations. I’m an obvious affirmative action checkbox, I know some companies are weird about de&i quotas. Pay is better than some delusional employers reached out to me too, maybe I disqualified myself by putting the posted range.

wait…I’m not sure if you mean your prior employer has “minor allegations” in your work history that Natera caught—but if so maybe you should assume that is the reason you didn’t get a call back vs diversity/exclusion?…

Natera loves, loves poor performers of all colors. Perhaps you should clean up your prior history instead of making assumptions

wait…I’m not sure if you mean your prior employer has “minor allegations” in your work history that Natera caught—but if so maybe you should assume that is the reason you didn’t get a call back vs diversity/exclusion?…

Natera loves, loves poor performers of all colors. Perhaps you should clean up your prior history instead of making assumptions

I know some of my colleagues had iops that shouldn't have been paid directly from my prior lab while also being medical assistants already working bc of the offices volume. the lab had to be sold out bc of this. Thats the only allegation I’m aware of with their reputation. Oh also carrying some lab supplies in the car. My last manager has court cases from a decade ago working at another lab if you google the name. I know 1 big box lab manager told me “your company is known to be shady” BUT I have asked 2 other managers in the industry in specialty labs if anything we did with medicare pricing/etc was illegal and they said no….

I am frequently used as an affirmative action checkbox in general when companies recruit me and its disheartening-my intentions were not to accuse natera of that nor were my intentions to be like “hello I am not white why are you not hiring me” lol.

Natera has some great reps based on who I have reached out to on linkedin-its disheartening to see so many in pharma, device, and now labs with reps that are so miserable from certain departments because of out of touch/bonehead leadership. I hope one day in medical sales reps are truly promoted based on talent not from being old buddies in the 90’s.

wait…I’m not sure if you mean your prior employer has “minor allegations” in your work history that Natera caught—but if so maybe you should assume that is the reason you didn’t get a call back vs diversity/exclusion?…

Natera loves, loves poor performers of all colors. Perhaps you should clean up your prior history instead of making assumptions

Also, the 2 big labs falsely accuse other labs of illegal conduct all the time, when I was new I wasn’t aware of the lengths they would go through…the fbi gave my former ceo flight clearance as an apology for the unnecessary terrorist investigation….

As long as they keep cranking out those checks IDGAF. You can only catch one criminal at a time. We’re just following King Phillip’s orders madam. Stop playin on CF and start really digging for that bone hehehehehehehhee