dndn nvs rumors

It is December now. The probe has been dropped. Dendreon carries Directors and Officers insurance, so if any lawsuit would have come from the probe of former Officers the company would have been covered from any liability by the insurance.

Nonsense, probes are still active.

And, double nonsense on the insurance. No insurance covers criminal activities by people
harbored on the board of directors. Qwest had similar insurance. Nacchio went to jail,
insurance didn't pay. This case is exactly the same. The length of time between the crime, the charge and jailing gives you some idea of how long these play out.

It is December now. The probe has been dropped. Dendreon carries Directors and Officers insurance, so if any lawsuit would have come from the probe of former Officers the company would have been covered from any liability by the insurance.

Only the "bear raid" probe has closed. Officers can still expect jail.

Qwest involved accounting fraud on reported historical financial results - completely different thing. Dendreon's prior CEO screwed up on forecast sales. They pulled the forecast 5 months prior to the Q4 2011 year end where the forecast was wrong. There are safe harbor provisions on forecasted data. Companies get forecasts wrong all the time. Dendreon will noy be held liable. Worst case they make a minor payment to make any lawsuits go away.

It is December now. The probe has been dropped. Dendreon carries Directors and Officers insurance, so if any lawsuit would have come from the probe of former Officers the company would have been covered from any liability by the insurance.

Probes are "dropped" after papers have been signed and a settlement has been reached, however any "dropping" of the 2012 probe is considered to be material information (as was the opening of the 2012 probe) and could not be released on a bulletin board read only by certain members of the public.

So heavily that they hired a corporate communications person/spin meister to be an officer of the company. That is probably a first in the history of corporations in America. They must foresee a major need to spin to award that position with 50k shares. Truly disgusting.

Not only did they hire her but also an underling. This place is the definition of empire building at it's best. A year ago the salesforce was nimble and able to produce. Now we have 4 layers of bureaucracy just to make a simple decision. Never seen anything like it in a "small biotech"....more like a small Big Pharma. Peter Principal at its best. You have 80 reps and 500 "upper management/director" positions. Crazy.

Not only did they hire her but also an underling. This place is the definition of empire building at it's best. A year ago the salesforce was nimble and able to produce. Now we have 4 layers of bureaucracy just to make a simple decision. Never seen anything like it in a "small biotech"....more like a small Big Pharma. Peter Principal at its best. You have 80 reps and 500 "upper management/director" positions. Crazy.

The main problem with what they did is that by making her an executive, she gets boatloads of shares and an instant conflict of interest to anyone who wants to know the real truth without lipstick or spin. Give her a regular 80k a year job VP here which many really talented PR people would gladly take in this ecomony. Incentivize the company to make the truth great by not incentivizing a PR person with 50k shares and the inherent conflict/agenda based corporate communication spin that goes along with 50k shares.

Spin is so transparent for anyone who looks at it closely. The mere mention of "screwing up"
that appeared in this thread gave truthseekers important insight. Terms like that are negotiated but most of us know the real truth about what happened here.

The main problem with what they did is that by making her an executive, she gets boatloads of shares and an instant conflict of interest to anyone who wants to know the real truth without lipstick or spin. Give her a regular 80k a year job VP here which many really talented PR people would gladly take in this ecomony. Incentivize the company to make the truth great by not incentivizing a PR person with 50k shares and the inherent conflict/agenda based corporate communication spin that goes along with 50k shares.

Spin is so transparent for anyone who looks at it closely. The mere mention of "screwing up"
that appeared in this thread gave truthseekers important insight. Terms like that are negotiated but most of us know the real truth about what happened here.

huh? She is the PR person right? Are they having her do double duty as Chief Compliance

PR people are supposed to be unconflicted and tell the truth? Where would they get that training? what company would want them

What spinmeisters do is make sure they don't tell lies, but anything else is fair game. There should be no need for a corporate communication person on the executive team of a small biotech. Incentifizing her with stock is truly disgusting.

Often times they engage in making selective statements and ommitting even more important statements. This thread is a prime example. A result was discussed but there was no mention of how the result was achieved. Obviously how the result was achieved could not be mentioned by the party writing it, but only a spin person would mention a result when they can't disclose at this juncture how the result was achieved.

Even more troubling was the mention in another post on the thread that there were no lawsuits from the probe leading most people to believe well no lawsuits and probe dropped, end of story and hopefully no further questions or statements made about the matter by posters.

When pressed further about a settlement, which in most cases come before any lawsuit it's obvious there are things they themselves can't say but felt compelled to answer "correct" that probes are dropped when settlements are made. In the face of the seeing of that written statement, I think they felt full disclosure instead of selective disclosure was the right path. This IMO was achieved by just saying "correct" to a statement and without them saying it themselves.

Sadly, spin, obfuscation are the name of the game sometimes in the corporate world when a product is having trouble gaining traction or a company has a business plan that may not be working.

The "Spin" that is transparent is your transformation of immaterial events into huge conspiracy theories. So they hired a PR person. Who cares? Her first task should be to take on message board trolls that fabricate false rumors about the company. I think you should find a new career as a novelist since you spend so much your time creating complete fiction and mystery here everday.