DM Here. Offering advice..

YOU people should be ashamed of yourselves. I've written some things that I thought was funny, but never so offensive as the pure trash you are talking up here. Seriously, are you college graduates who make $80-100K+? You are not doing this forum justice. Go back to the hood....

YOU people should be ashamed of yourselves. I've written some things that I thought was funny, but never so offensive as the pure trash you are talking up here. Seriously, are you college graduates who make $80-100K+? You are not doing this forum justice. Go back to the hood....

"Doing this forum justice?!?!" Why don't you start at my taint and work your way up to my ball bag. They both need a good tongue bath!

YOU people should be ashamed of yourselves. I've written some things that I thought was funny, but never so offensive as the pure trash you are talking up here. Seriously, are you college graduates who make $80-100K+? You are not doing this forum justice. Go back to the hood....

We are not making 80-100K in my neck of Novartis-land. Especially with the rigged incentives program.

Fucking Lazy Managers?

I am really sorry you have had such a bad experience with your manager. I know some like the ones you speak of. However, I also know many who work very hard and care about their reps very much. I have had managers who were hard to work for as well, but I spent that time proving to them how successful I could be. Each manager I have had in my 25 years, I was able to take something away that I learned from them. Why do you spend your time being mean and vindictive? It is such a waste for you who might be able to be a positive, successful person if you tried really hard!

I am really sorry you have had such a bad experience with your manager. I know some like the ones you speak of. However, I also know many who work very hard and care about their reps very much. I have had managers who were hard to work for as well, but I spent that time proving to them how successful I could be. Each manager I have had in my 25 years, I was able to take something away that I learned from them. Why do you spend your time being mean and vindictive? It is such a waste for you who might be able to be a positive, successful person if you tried really hard!

Funny in 20 years 90% of my experience witnessed lotsa ISM'S
like nepotism , cronyism , favoritism & blind rewarding of geogrpahy
Vs people & guess what this is WAY more common than what the
fantasy dribble you typed corporate stooge

Layed off in July, Oncology. ASMs knew nothing until the week of the layoff. RDs were sworn to secrecy when they were told, (not much sooner ) under penalty of job loss. Can't believe the bullshitters on this blog!

MD in my area told all of us that he had nothing to do with the layoffs, inotherwards he actually said in a subliminal message that he dictated who stayed and who went. The benefits of the South when your MD is not so smart.

Talking about bad FLMs, in my area last year they got together and ranked the reps, then put pressure on low ranking reps to leave. They had FLMs ride with them day after day to make it so miserable that the rep would choose to leave. This was made public when FLM left the company and leaked the info. Then a bit later we had the big lay off. Coincidence?