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Dm here. Just got my list on email....wow :(


I thought 2008 was tough... This time is gonna be even worse.

As a manager it is the toughest thing to do... In 20 minutes I am going to start to ruin many great sales peoples lives...

This company truly sucks!

You're not gonna ruin anyone's life. This is the beginning of a better life for anyone let go. Being released from those golden handcuffs is liberating. Seize it and go do something better!

You try and find something better in this economy. You talk rea big until you are put into the unemployment line. I know former reps cut from pfizer last fall as well as people cut from other companies that are still looking for decent employment. You make it sound way too easy.

took me a year and a half. Plus I spent about 6 hrs or more a day looking. Tuff economy. But with a stellar company now with grt benefits...not making same money tho. All those big salaries now are non existent...most of them.

That certainly is not the case for a lot of people. Some people really do get better jobs....I got more money, a better work environment and God knows BETTER MANAGEMENT! People who find better opportunities just don't hang out on Cafe Pharma complaining all day---so you don't get to hear the good side of leaving Pfizer! I'm only checking in today because I still have some Pfizer Pfriends awaiting their fate.....it is NOT the end of the world if you get laid off today.....it seriously is the BEGINNING! I don't care what kind of economy it is....if you can't sell yourself to another employer then maybe you shouldn't be in sales.

That certainly is not the case for a lot of people. Some people really do get better jobs....I got more money, a better work environment and God knows BETTER MANAGEMENT! People who find better opportunities just don't hang out on Cafe Pharma complaining all day---so you don't get to hear the good side of leaving Pfizer! I'm only checking in today because I still have some Pfizer Pfriends awaiting their fate.....it is NOT the end of the world if you get laid off today.....it seriously is the BEGINNING! I don't care what kind of economy it is....if you can't sell yourself to another employer then maybe you shouldn't be in sales.

Where are you now?

That certainly is not the case for a lot of people. Some people really do get better jobs....I got more money, a better work environment and God knows BETTER MANAGEMENT! People who find better opportunities just don't hang out on Cafe Pharma complaining all day---so you don't get to hear the good side of leaving Pfizer! I'm only checking in today because I still have some Pfizer Pfriends awaiting their fate.....it is NOT the end of the world if you get laid off today.....it seriously is the BEGINNING! I don't care what kind of economy it is....if you can't sell yourself to another employer then maybe you shouldn't be in sales.

Thanks for ONLY being on CF today! Yeah Right......Loser!

Believe me, don't believe me....whatever....I left Pfizer making 113K and got picked up in less than two weeks at 115.....and 2 years later I'm now over 120K base! It really CAN happen! It's those of you who think that it "can't" that will be posting on here 2 years from now still whining about it all and blaming the "economy"!

Luck my ass. Maybe the guy is GOOD and maybe he works ALL DAY. Just think about those concepts for a while.

It's a combo of both. It's not rocket science. If you the right opportunity is out there and you're truly a quailty candidate who can sell your skills and experience then you can definitely get another job paying as much if not more and be happy.

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