I wonder what Shire RM is going to do....with Apligraft reducing their price, will Shire get in the game, or once again come late to the dance because our leadership can't make a decision. I'm guessing that if we don't lower our price in the HOPD segment that this is a pretty good indicator that Fleming has had enough. It's gonna be a pretty tough sell to get physicians to use Dermagraft and lose $200 a pop. Oh, but in the 10% of their business that is commercial, they can offset their losses. That's like saying that 9 times out of 10 you have to kiss your sister, but that one time, you get to kiss the homecoming queen. I'm not sure that the decision makers have a clue what I'm facing when I walk into an account that I've brought value to for the last several years. Sure, the way Dermagraft and Apligraft got bundled was a little bit of a surprise, but is this the best strategy we can come up with? Give a discount that allows an account to break even if they've used a certain amount of DERMAGRAFT over the last quarter. Seriously? There are regions that don't have an account that orders that much. Then if they don't reach that incentive the next quarter, they go back to losing $200 for each Medicare graft....I'm sure that their numbers will grow at an amazing rate when they lose their pricing break. Yes, that is a little sarcasm. I'm just curious if we're gonna sit on our hands or come out swinging. Please tell me that our message isn't going to be around us being a PMA product. The market could care less what path a product took to get into their hands. That's obvious by the decision that was made in the ruling. Adjust, and move forward with a different message. And please don't tell me that we have a marketing piece getting approved that's going to separate us from the pack. I guess we'll see what is going to happen......