
Couldn't agree more -very little to do with key competency, but how well you can hang with the boys in the club. Forget individuality...its raining men!

You people are delusional if you think women are discriminated AGAINST in this company. No one counts how many men you have in management but they damn sure count women. It would probably help if the large majority of women in management @ APUS had any business sense at all. I work with many business smart women who are very good salespeople. One of them should be promoted. The fact is nearly all of our management were promoted based on who they know and NOT their ability. If you know the right people & you're female then hey that's a two for one. You can claim sexism all day but it's simply "who you know". Same thing happens to the men who work here. Promotions are not merit based. Welcome to the real world.

So true. All about who you know. Again if you are not part of the fraternity..male OR female..you arel left in the modular office cubicle to pull your weight and theirs then Phi Alpha Delta moves in to sign their name.

Over the last year the company has spoken about a corporate commitment to diversity and individual career development. The current top leadership is comprised of ten men mostly between the ages of 35-45. No women and only one "person of color". Wow! In 2010 Astellas hired 8 new Area Sales Directors. ALL were males again between 35-45.

Yes, however, 30% were left handed and also if they are over 40 they are a "protected class", thus, there is much diversity. Some are from Italian backgrounds and others Irish and English....not to mention the Asians.

It comes down to hiring the best candidate for the position...unfortunately there are many influences in hiring people, i.e., networks, friendships, past employment, people who interview well and exaggerate on their resumes, etc.
Did you ever think by putting one well qualified diversity in a leadership position is done for a purpose?

Think about it!

It comes down to hiring the best candidate for the position...unfortunately there are many influences in hiring people, i.e., networks, friendships, past employment, people who interview well and exaggerate on their resumes, etc.
Did you ever think by putting one well qualified diversity in a leadership position is done for a purpose?

Think about it!

Yes, it's hard to imagine how someone with your communication skills could be passed over for a promotion. I'm sure it had to be prejudice. Couldn't be because of things like your next to last sentence above.

What about Lynn Gerber? She seems to be ripping through the boys club pretty quickly wouldn't you say? Would you care for some cheese w/ all that whine of yours? Here's a thought to ponder; but with your lack of any intelligence it may be a difficult one to ponder. Perhaps the people who got the jobs were qualified and a good fit rather than plugging in a race or gender just to say we did. Hmmm

she's the worst... every office can't stand her

DB is by far the best example of why companies need to hire based on ability rather than diversity. He should have been fired years ago, but Astellas continues to too afraid to fire this scum.

You know, I have to agree with this one. Diversity-in all areas very poor with this company. Such a sad lack of female leadership at all levels. Rumor was that Capitol area would have female leader. Did not happen. And also strong female leaders keep leaving bc of the culture. Look at DL and JM. Both of them, two of the best overall leaders at astellas. Both female. Both needed to leave due to culture. When will the boys club stop this from happening?

You know, I have to agree with this one. Diversity-in all areas very poor with this company. Such a sad lack of female leadership at all levels. Rumor was that Capitol area would have female leader. Did not happen. And also strong female leaders keep leaving bc of the culture. Look at DL and JM. Both of them, two of the best overall leaders at astellas. Both female. Both needed to leave due to culture. When will the boys club stop this from happening?

The Capital Area AD is a bright guy but a real goofy odd ball know it all type.
Everyone makes fun of him behind his back. Finished in the top 30% once since his appointment.

What about Lynn Gerber? She seems to be ripping through the boys club pretty quickly wouldn't you say? Would you care for some cheese w/ all that whine of yours? Here's a thought to ponder; but with your lack of any intelligence it may be a difficult one to ponder. Perhaps the people who got the jobs were qualified and a good fit rather than plugging in a race or gender just to say we did. Hmmm

LG isn't ripping through the boys club. LG is yes'ing her way through the boys club. Plain and simple. No stance of her own ever. Women need a better example at that level but our boys club is afraid of women with their own thoughts and positions. LG is perfect for them.

LG is clearly overshadowed by Pat. Not an original thought of her own. Converses through corporate talking points. Bottom line, a very unimpressive executive. Nice person, good corporate parrot. Unfortunately not a single original idea of her own. Another overpaid undereducated inarticulate big pharma waste. Look at her AD's. Truth hurts

LG isn't ripping through the boys club. LG is yes'ing her way through the boys club. Plain and simple. No stance of her own ever. Women need a better example at that level but our boys club is afraid of women with their own thoughts and positions. LG is perfect for them.
As the only woman, she would be eaten alive if she were to take a stance! The fact is, she is a political genius to be able to endure the boys club. Kudos to Lynn. Ask yourself What happens to the only girl in a frat house? She is strong and smart instead.
Sadly Astellas has a rap for keeping the "yes" team and getting rid of those with thoughts and positions. Lynn has the brains to figure that out.

As the only woman, she would be eaten alive if she were to take a stance! The fact is, she is a political genius to be able to endure the boys club. Kudos to Lynn. Ask yourself What happens to the only girl in a frat house? She is strong and smart instead.
Sadly Astellas has a rap for keeping the "yes" team and getting rid of those with thoughts and positions. Lynn has the brains to figure that out.

True statement. I'm a male and a "Yes Man" and have succeeded and will continue to succeed!

As the only woman, she would be eaten alive if she were to take a stance! The fact is, she is a political genius to be able to endure the boys club. Kudos to Lynn. Ask yourself What happens to the only girl in a frat house? She is strong and smart instead.
Sadly Astellas has a rap for keeping the "yes" team and getting rid of those with thoughts and positions. Lynn has the brains to figure that out.

Lynn is weak and in it for herself. Whatever happened to integrity? Selling out to keep the boys happy is not strong and smart. She doesn't care about representing other women. It's all about her keeping her spot.

Lynn is weak and in it for herself. Whatever happened to integrity? Selling out to keep the boys happy is not strong and smart. She doesn't care about representing other women. It's all about her keeping her spot.
Keeping the boys happy is what you have to do if you want peace and to keep your job as a woman in Astellas. She may want to keep her spot and she does represent other women. Pretty much on her own as well.

This is spot on! Happens at every big meeting. And the think they're hilarious!

This all started long ago when Pharma started hiring people with no work experience. Then, as the educated labor market kept shrinking, the muffy and buffy's, ken and barbie, etc. were hired; the good looking airheads who take the company for a ride every day.
It was ok because true sales professionals were no longer needed to deliver the canned marketing messages we all know and love. Then the contest between the biggies on who could hire the most reps came, and everything rapidly went down the toilet to what it has become today, delivery and catering people. Seriousness and professionalism is sorely lacking now. Everything is a frat party with the booze, drugs, screwing, etc. Great when they were 18 yr olds, very stupid and disgusting now.
Pharma is morphing into a commodities game where price wins. We're ALL becoming expendable, and the companies and WE did it to ourselves.