
yeah, the training, is and was a waste of time, I have have been employed with some other companies that training consisted of 1 week, fly in on a monday, and you are out the door on friday morning, i mean, what do you really need to know, 1. how to read the detail piece 2. how to read some studies 3. how to work the computer 4. how fast you can run after a doc for a signature 5. how to order food,
will work here until i can find something else, but was desparate for employment and they hired me, which i am thankful for

There are many different corporate philosophies. It dictates every aspect of the culture from the top down. Without a doubt, Forest has one of the worst systems that exist. Everything from ethics, to the managers they promote, to how Reps. are required to chase signatures, to roommates at training, are affected.
The above post actually personifies pretty well as to how things work around here. This idiot feels entitled by his position to act like a asshole fucktard. But two things are correct: never, ever join this shitty company; if you are already here, get the hell out ASAP.

Incorrect once again Junior:

No entitlement here only speaking the truth. Just admit that you made a mistake coming to this company.

You speak like you know everything about this company.

Ethics? Are you an expert on corporate ethics? I doubt it. Next, are you an expert on hiring? No didn't think so. Lastly, do you know why the signature is a relevant part of what we do? The only ones that complain about this are the ones (dare I say...you) that don't work a full day.

This company will not change it's values and culture because of you. Sir, Forest owes you nothing. If that hurts then grow up.

Now leave and go to a company that offers a similar value system that you do. If and when you get hired you and your roommate can bitch about that company too......

Still got some learning left to go Jefe.

Incorrect once again Junior:

No entitlement here only speaking the truth. Just admit that you made a mistake coming to this company.

You speak like you know everything about this company.

Ethics? Are you an expert on corporate ethics? I doubt it. Next, are you an expert on hiring? No didn't think so. Lastly, do you know why the signature is a relevant part of what we do? The only ones that complain about this are the ones (dare I say...you) that don't work a full day.

This company will not change it's values and culture because of you. Sir, Forest owes you nothing. If that hurts then grow up.

Now leave and go to a company that offers a similar value system that you do. If and when you get hired you and your roommate can bitch about that company too......

Still got some learning left to go Jefe.

Got out years ago. And yes I am an expert on all the above. You sound like a man-child.

then why are you consumed with this after so many years?

By the way if you look up the definition of your man-child comment you might see your post as an example used in the definition.

Jeez son,
Every point you have (attempted) to make is wrong, including that I am, "consumed". Why are you consumed with defending this shithole company? I speak only the truth. You continue to show how much of a dumbass you are.

Would never ever work for any company that requires away training three weeks away from family, children, responsiblities? Shows disrespect.

I will show you disrespect you mother fucker, Get the fuck out of here you fucking loser@!
If you can not handel the three weeks then go some place else! Loser asshole

WOW, I am happy I read this, interviewed with a real asshole. Said training best in industry!!Well karma goes around for what Forest did to me in this whole process, wasted my time. Not nice people at all

I interviewed for a Southern California position and these managers were just obnoxious. Micro managers and just appeared crazy. At points during my interview they told me what I was saying was untrue. Just crazy! When there are this many openings, you just have to ask yourself why.

Incorrect once again Junior:

Lastly, do you know why the signature is a relevant part of what we do? The only ones that complain about this are the ones (dare I say...you) that don't work a full day.

For the record, this is my first contribution to this string, so I have no dog in this fight.

The quote above sounds like a robotic DM statement. SOME (not all, but some) of the people who complain about the signature requirement are people who realize offices do not always need samples. These people would rather use their personal relationships with the docs to ask for business and prescriptions, rather than wasting that personal capital (which is limited) on begging the doc for a signature.

The same is true with dinner programs. I would rather leverage my relationship with my customer by asking for patient starts than begging him or her to come to dinner.

Activity does not equal result. Well-targeted activity does increases the chances of decent results. But activity for activity's sake is wasteful and unproductive. Actually, it's COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE. But that realization does not fit into the Forest cookie-cutter one-size-fits-all management style.

Funny thing is I make more than a DM, good to have a side business
I hope you LOL about that
So let me work my 10-15 hours a week and worry about
your own business
Blah blah blah, I have my own business and make more than you do....Sure you do cupcake. Enjoy wallowing in mediocrity, you've earned it!

I will show you disrespect you mother fucker, Get the fuck out of here you fucking loser@!
If you can not handel the three weeks then go some place else! Loser asshole

Wow. It's my DM! They said they never looked at this site. Hey, while I have you, did you get the spreadsheet you assigned at 4:00 PM Friday that was due by 7:00 PM the same day highliting all my lunches, snacks and dinners for the week? Most are fake and the sandwiches are in my frige. I simply can't meet our 'four scheduled' activity per day requirement as most offices don't allow reps any more. I will be bringing a good amount of leftover food to a local shelter tomorrow. They actually will appreciate it very much. Oh, it's the same shelter my doc buddy who signs for all that Bystolic (so I can meet your sampling requirements) actually drops the samples off at. Hey - after he signs for them it's out of my hands. See your BS is doing some good! Be proud fat DM!

Would never ever work for any company that requires away training three weeks away from family, children, responsiblities? Shows disrespect.

Every looked around the room at training? Your post above is spot on, many people cannot and will not play the 3 week and roommate game any longer, it is just horrible. The people who actually go to a forest training are the bottom of the lot and there is a reason why they put up with these silly training sessions....

Every looked around the room at training? Your post above is spot on, many people cannot and will not play the 3 week and roommate game any longer, it is just horrible. The people who actually go to a forest training are the bottom of the lot and there is a reason why they put up with these silly training sessions....

people don't have to put up with it....don't take the job. Forest owes you nothing.