Here is just the "A" section of the test menu, pharma puke. Try to memorize it in a day.
25 more letters to go.
•A. phagocytophilum/E. chaffeensis Ab Panel [10611X] - (10611)
•Acid Fast Stain w/Reflex - (16735)
•Adenosine Deaminase, Pleural Fluid - (17696)
•Adenovirus DNA, Qualitative Real-Time PCR [16046X] - (16046)
•Alpha-Fetoprotein (Tumor Marker ) [237X] - (9202)
•Amphetamines Screen/Conf [7170X] - (71708)
•ANAchoice(R) w/rfl Sclerodrm [19870X] - (198708)
•Anaplasma phagocytophilum Antibodies (IgG, IgM) [34464X] - (68972)
•Antidepressant Panel U (QL) - (30708)
•Aspergillus Antibodies, Serum [20341X] - (14452)
•Aspergillus niger (m207) IgE [34938X] - (349388)
•19911A>G Mutation Analysis [16533X] - (16533)
•19911A>G Mutation Analysis (NY) [16534X] - (16534)
•AAC, IHC with Interpretation [19122X] - (191228)
•AAC, IHC without Interpretation [19282X] - (19282)
•ABACAVIR - (13701)
•ABL Kinase Domain Mut in CML,Pl-based,Leumeta(R) [16031X] - (16031)
•ABL Kinase Domain Mutation in CML, Cell-based [16029X] - (16029)
•ABL T315I Mutation in CML, Cell-based [19783X] - (19783)
•ABL T315I Mutation in CML,Plasma-based,Leumeta(R) [19782X] - (19782)
•Acacia (t19) IgE [2519X] - (25198)
•Acanthamoeba Culture - (5500)
•Acarus siro (d70) IgE [23865X] - (23865)
•AccuType(TM) CP, Clopidogrel CYP2C19 Genotype(NY) - (16925)
•AccuType(TM)CP, Clopidogrel CYP2C19 Genotype - (16924)
•ACE, CSF [34692X] - (34692)
•Acetaldehyde, Blood [202X] - (137271)
•Acetaldehyde, Serum/Plasma [17840X] - (13727)
•Acetaminophen - (201)
•Acetazolamide, Blood - (65111)
•Acetazolamide, Serum/Plasma [4744X] - (6511)
•Acetazolamide, Urine [6003X] - (65117)
•Acetoacetate, Serum/Plasma [6004X] - (4917)
•Acetoacetate, Urine [26352X] - (49177)
•Acetone - (205)
•Acetylcholine Receptor Binding Antibody [206X] - (8842)
•Acetylcholine Receptor Blocking Antibody [34459X] - (61952)
•Acetylcholine Receptor Modulating Antibody [26474X] - (121932)
•Acetylcholinesterase (NY) [10230X] - (102308)
•Acetylcholinesterase, Qual [4929X] - (185314)
•Achondroplasia Mutation Analysis [16061X] - (16061)
Achondroplasia Mutation Analysis (NY) [16062X] - (16062)
•Acid Fast Culture, Progressive and Smear (TB) - (869)
•Acid Fast Culture, Progressive - (104)
•Acid Fast Stain [4503X] - (268)
•Acid Hemolysis Test [5512X] - (6332)
•Acid-Fast Bacilli Bld Cult&Smear with TB/MAI Sens - (7514)
•Acid-Fast Bacilli Blood Culture w/AFB Sens - (8518)
•Acid-Fast Bacilli Culture Progress ID & Sens (All) - (8476)
•Acid-Fast Bacilli Culture&Smear: Prog Id &TB Sens - (5189)
•Acid-Fast Bacilli ID, HPLC & Conventional Methods - (6804)
•Acid-Fast Bacilli ID, Sequencing, and Phenotypic - (16714)
•Acid-fast Cult & Smear: Prog ID&TB Sens(NY only) - (7615)
•Acid-Fast Culture w/Sensitivities - (16734)
•Acid-fast Culture, Blood: ID & TB Sens - (7614)
•Acid-fast Culture: Progress TB Probe, ID, &TB Sens - (14049)
•Acremonium kiliense (C. acremonium) (m202) IgE [3301X] - (33018)
•ACTH Stimulation, 2 Specimens [14571X] - (14571)
•ACTH Stimulation, 3 Specimens [14930X] - (149308)
•ACTH, 120 minutes - (253222)
•ACTH, 30 minutes - (25330)
•ACTH, 60 minutes - (25360)
•ACTH, 90 minutes - (25390)
•ACTH, IHC w/o interp [19284X] - (19284)
•ACTH, plasma [211X] - (2533)
•ACTH, Plasma, 2 specimens [30986X] - (30986)
•Actin Antibody (IgG) [15043X] - (15043)
•Actinomycetes Identification - (4490)
•Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time [763X] - (2133)
•Active-B12 (holoTC) [14931X] - (14931)
•Acute Hepatitis Panel - 2000 [6442X] - (114382)
•Acute Hepatitis Profile - (76402)
•Acute Leukemia Followup Panel [17821X] - (17821)
•Acute/Chronic HAV and HBV Profile - (14252)
•Acute/Chronic HBV and HCV Profile - (31642)
•Acute/Chronic HBV Profile - (31612)
•Acute/Chronic/Infectivity HBV Profile - (5522)
•Acyclovir, Urine - (72057)
•Acylcarnitine, Plasma [14531X] - (66653)
•Acylcarnitine, Plasma (NY clients) [14846X] - (14846)
•Acylglycines, Quantitative, Urine [10661X] - (117137)
•Adenosine Deaminase, Blood [38409Z] - (18651)
•Adenosine Deaminase, CSF - (17698)
•Adenosine Deaminase, Peritoneal Fluid - (17697)
•Adenovirus Antibody, Serum [686X] - (0382)
•Adenovirus Antigen Detection, Gastroenteritis, EIA [38945X] - (38945)
•Adenovirus Antigen Detection, Respiratory, DFA [8355X] - (83558)
•Adenovirus Culture [38929X] - (759)
•Adenovirus DNA, Quantitative Real-Time PCR [19726X] - (182668)
•Adiponectin [15060X] - (150608)
•ADmark ApoE Genotype Analysis and Interpretation [10642X] - (110131)
•ADmark(R) Alzheimer's Evaluation - (12078)
•ADmark(R) P-Tau/T-Tau/Ab42 CSF (Symptomatic) - (113354)
•ADmark(R) PS-1 DNA Sequencing Test - (120771)
•Admission Panel - (13847)
•Adrenal Group - (3946)
•Adrenocorticotropic Hormone, IHC w/ Interp [19124X] - (191248)
•Adulteration Panel 1, Urine [70085X] - (18683)
•Adulteration Panel 2 , Urine [70087X] - (18684)
•Aerobic Bacterial Identification [34118X] - (3381)
•Aerobic Bacterial ID - (6585)
•Aeromonas/Plesiomonas Culture [17460X] - (527)
•AFB Blood Culture, Prog ID and Sens on TB/MAI - (14899)
•AFB Cult & Smear
rog TB Probe,ID,TB Sens(NY only) - (14135)
•AFB Cult & Smear
rog TB/MAI Probes ID &TB Sens - (14435)
•AFB Cult & Smear
rog TB/MAI Probes,ID,Sens to All - (7148)
•AFB Cult & Smr: Prog TMA TB/MAI Probes ID & Sens - (14517)
•AFB Cult&Smear Prog TB/MAI Probes,ID&TB/MAI Sens - (15522)
•AFB Cult. & Smear: Prog. MTD, Probes ID & TB Sens - (12784)
•AFB Culture & Smear; Progressiv ID; Sens on TB&MAI - (13677)
•AFB Culture and Smear with TMA - (18321)
•AFB Culture: Progressive TB-MAI Probes, ID & Sens - (8967)
•AFB Culture
rogress TB/MAI Probes,ID,&TB/MAI Sens - (14082)
•AFB Culture
rogress TB/MAI Probes,ID,Sens to All - (13900)
•AFB Slow Grower, MIC Panel [19775X] - (18429)
•AFB Smear (Progressive to TB Detection By TMA) - (14109)
•AFB Susc, MTB Complex Primary Pnl, Agar Method [1138X] - (6286)
•AFB Susc,MTB Complex,Secondary Pnl,Agar Method [1139X] - (11046)
•AFB Susceptibility, Custom Drug Panel (1) [19585X] - (11057)
•Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) [823X] - (3192)
•Albumin [223X] - (58902)
•Albumin, Pericardial Fluid [17411X] - (17411)
•Albumin, Peritoneal Fluid [17412X] - (174128)
•Albumin, Pleural Fluid [17413X] - (17413)
•Albumin, Synovial Fluid [17646X] - (17646)
•ALBUMIN,CSF [224X] - (129944)
•Albuterol, Blood [10589X] - (83671)
•Albuterol, RBCs - (836756)
•Albuterol, Serum/Plasma [6007X] - (8367)
•Alcohol, Ethyl, (U) QL [2128X] - (18246)
•Alcohol, Ethyl, Qn, Random Urine [19938X] - (19938)
•Alder (t2) IgE [2502X] - (25028)
•Aldolase [227X] - (0212)
•Aldosterone, 24 Hr. Urine [19552X] - (13856)
•Aldosterone, LC/MS/MS [17181X] - (53532)
•Aldosterone, Response to ACTH Stim., LC/MS/MS [17832X] - (178328)
•Aldosterone/Cortisol Ratio, Adrenal Vein Sampling [19573X] - (19573)
•Aldosterone/Plasma Renin Activity Ratio, LC/MS/MS - (16845)
•Alkaline Phosphatase [234X] - (2212)
•Alkaline Phosphatase Fractionation - (1422)
•Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzymes [231X] - (6432)
•Alkaline Phosphatase, Bone Specific [29498X] - (70452)
•Allergen Specific IgE Sole (Rf337) IgE [38243Z] - (38243)
•Allergy - General Food Profile + Total IgE - (42937)
•Allergy - Grass Profile + Total IgE - (54387)
•Allergy - Insect Venom Panel - (55327)
•Allergy - Minor Food Profile + Total IgE - (54494)
•Allergy - Mold Profile + Total IgE - (54858)
•Allergy Animal Panel #5 - (130522)
•Allergy Animal Panel #6 - (142212)
•Allergy Dust Panel #4 - (14959)
•Allergy Food Panel #16 - (131932)
•Allergy Food Panel #20 - (132772)
•Allergy Food Panel #25 - (143982)
•Allergy Food Panel #28 - (144152)
•Allergy Food Panel #30 - (15418)
•Allergy Food Panel #31 - (15476)
•Allergy Northeast Regional Mixed Panel #2 - (142222)
•Allergy Nut Panel #2 - (116862)
•Allergy Panel #11, Mold Group [7911X] - (79118)
•Allergy Panel #13, Stinging Insect Group [7913X] - (79138)
•Allergy Panel #15, Cereal Group [7915X] - (79158)
•Allergy Panel #16, Vegetable Group [7916X] - (79168)
•Allergy Panel #17, Salad Group [7917X] - (79178)
•Allergy Panel #18, Nut Mix Group [7918X] - (79188)
•Allergy Panel #19, Seafood Group [7919X] - (79198)
•Allergy Panel #19 - (131602)
•Allergy Panel #66 - (15417)
•Allergy Panel #69 - (15477)
•Allergy Panel #70 - (15478)
•Allergy Panel #72 - (17189)
•Allergy Panel 12, Animal Group [7912X] - (79128)
•Allergy Screen for Inhalant Allergens - (29442)
•Allergy Screen, Cereals (fx20) - (83311)
•Allergy Screen-Children's Food (fx5) - (55012)
•Allergy Screen-Molds & Yeast Mix (mx2) - (10056)
•Allergy Screen-Seafood (fx2) - (83519)
•Allergy Screen-Weeds #2 (wx2) - (83824)
•Allergy Seafood Panel #4 - (142242)
•Allergy Shellfish Panel #1 - (113482)
•Allergy Southern Panel - (15278)
•Allergy Stinging Insect Panel #2 - (142252)
•Allergy Tree Panel #10 - (14957)
•Allergy Tree Panel #6 - (142262)
•Allergy Weed Panel #6 - (142272)
•Allergy, Feathers, Mixed 1 (ex71) [37508X] - (37508)
•Allergy, Regional Mixed Panel Rrx5 - (18345)
•Allergy- Stinging Insect Profile + Total IgE - (42978)
•Allergy- Weed Profile + Total IgE - (44206)
•Allergy-Adult Screen + Total IgE - (43190)
•Allergy-Animal Profile - (44073)
•Allergy-Food Profile 1 + Total IgE - (44065)
•Allergy-Food Profile - (54189)
•Allergy-Major Food Profile + Total IgE - (44024)
•Allo-TETRAHYDRO CORTISOL (Allo-TH-F) [17775X] - (117366)
•Allopurinol and Metabolite, Blood - (111211)
•Allopurinol and Metabolite, Serum/Plasma [6017X] - (11121)
•Almond (f20) IgE [2820X] - (28208)
•Alpha 1-Antitrypsin, IHC with Interpretation [19123X] - (19123)
•Alpha 1-Antitrypsin, IHC without Interpretation [19283X] - (19283)
•Alpha 2-Antiplasmin [4953X] - (48493)
•Alpha Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone [38830X] - (6883)
•Alpha Subunit [8658X] - (78232)
•Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Quant & Mutation Analysis [17307X] - (17307)
•Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Quant & Mutation Analysis(NY) [17313X] - (17313)
•Alpha-1 Antitrypsin, Quan. [235X] - (4482)
•Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein [469X] - (34982)
•Alpha-1-Antitrypsin (AAT) Mutation Analysis [15340X] - (15441)
•Alpha-1-Antitrypsin (AAT) Mutation Analysis (NY) [15341X] - (15341)
•Alpha-1-Antitrypsin (AAT) Phenotype [853X] - (1819)
•Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Clearance, Feces & Serum [15978X] - (6679)
•Alpha-1-Antitrypsin(AAT)Quantitation and Phenotype [39521X] - (116732)
•Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, Feces, 24 Hour [30523X] - (535115)
•Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, Feces, Random [14628X] - (535118)
•Alpha-2-Macroglobulin [228X] - (22889)
•Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) and AFP-L3 - (19529)
•Alpha-Fetoprotein, AF w/Rfl to ACHe/Fetal Hgb [232Z] - (799314)
•Alpha-Fetoprotein, AF w/rfl to AChE/Fetal Hgb(NY) [17850X] - (178508)
•Alpha-Fetoprotein, CSF - (17409)
•Alpha-Fetoprotein, IHC with Interpretation [19126X] - (19126)
•Alpha-Fetoprotein, IHC without Interpretation [19285X] - (19285)
•Alpha-Fetoprotein, Pericardial Fluid - (17554)
•Alpha-Fetoprotein, Peritoneal Fluid - (17410)
•Alpha-Fetoprotein, Pleural Fluid - (17555)
•Alpha-Galactosidase, Leukocytes - (8368)
•Alpha-Galactosidase, Serum [1629X] - (83692)
•Alpha-Globin Common Mutation Analysis - (11175)
•Alpha-Globin Common Mutation Analysis (NY) - (11174)
•Alpha-Globin Gene Deletion or Duplication [16124X] - (16124)
•Alpha-Globin Gene Deletion or Duplication (NY) [16125X] - (16125)
•Alpha-Globin Gene Sequencing [16116X] - (16116)
•Alpha-Globin Gene Sequencing (NY) [16117X] - (161178)
•Alpha-Lactalbumin (f76) IgE [2851X] - (28518)
•Alprazolam (Xanax), Serum [4741X] - (21592)
•Alprazolam and Metabolite Screen, Serum/Plasma [36550X] - (12937)
•Alprazolam and Metabolite Screen, Urine - (129587)
•Alternaria alternata (m6) IgE [2706X] - (27068)
•Alternative Pathway Activity [14845X] - (114152)
•Aluminum - (2958)
•Aluminum, 24 Hr. Urine - (13746)
•Aluminum, 24-Hour Urine [14451X] - (14562)
•Aluminum, Random Urine [14452X] - (13747)
•Aluminum, Random Urine [6024X] - (14561)
•Aluminum, Whole Blood [6021X] - (60218)
•Amantadine, Serum/Plasma [5257X] - (6859)
•Amantadine, Urine - (68597)
•Amaranth (FD&C Red #2) IgE - (18722)
•Amikacin - (236)
•Amikacin, Peak [8584X] - (27451)
•Amikacin, Trough - (8583)
•Amino Acid Analysis for MSUD, LC/MS, Plasma [19779X] - (19779)
•Amino Acid Analysis for MSUD, LC/MS, Plasma (NY) [19780X] - (197808)
•Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS, CSF [29881X] - (12970)
•Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS, CSF (NY) [19768X] - (19768)
•Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS, Plasma [767X] - (0233)
•Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS, Plasma (NY) [36182X] - (140343)
•Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS, Urine [36183X] - (36183)
•Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS, Urine (NY) [36184X] - (140357)
•Amino Acid Analysis, Limited, LC/MS, Plasma [1776X] - (17768)
•Amino Acid Analysis, Limited, LC/MS, Plasma (NY) [19781X] - (19781)
•Amino Acid Quant, Childrens Hosp of Philadelphia - (3900)
•Amiodarone [36721X] - (19902)
•Amitriptyline [423X] - (890)
•Amitriptyline and Metabolite Screen, Urine - (18531)
•AML1/ETO t(8;21) Quantitative Real-Time PCR [14995X] - (149958)
•Ammonia, (P) [5509X] - (55098)
•Amobarbital, Blood - (122611)
•Amobarbital, Serum/Plasma - (12261)
•Amobarbital, Urine - (122617)
•Amoxapine and Metabolite, Blood - (8851)
•Amoxapine and Metabolite, Serum/Plasma [34525X] - (885)
•Amoxapine and Metabolite, Urine - (8857)
•Amoxicillin (c6) IgE [38476X] - (38476)
•Amoxicillin Level, BA [35159X] - (11062)
•Amphetamine by GC/MS, Ur [241Z] - (131097)
•Amphetamine Confirmation by GCMS, Urine [14742X] - (19127)
•Amphetamine Screen with Confirmation, Blood [14743X] - (14743)
•Amphetamine Screen with Confirmation, Serum [14739X] - (14739)
•Amphetamine Screen with Confirmation, Urine [14741X] - (14741)
•Amphetamine Screen, Blood [17447X] - (18981)
•Amphetamine Screen, Serum [17449X] - (18982)
•Amphetamine Screen, Tissue [17448X] - (189831)
•Amphetamine Verification Serum [14740X] - (19122)
•Amphetamine, Conf by GC/MS, Bile (Postmortem only) - (191291)
•Amphetamine, Confirmation by GC/MS, Blood [14744X] - (19121)
•Amphetamine, Confirmation by GC/MS, Meconium [34517X] - (191264)
•Amphetamine, Qualitative by GCMS, Urine - (35937)
•Amphetamines, Meconium [17450X] - (189864)
•AMPHETAMINES, Urine [14697X] - (18987)
•Amphotericin B, HPLC [20711X] - (6674)
•Ampicillin (c5) IgE [14564X] - (14564)
•Ampicillin Level, BA [35157X] - (8371)
•Amprenavir Level, HPLC [10577X] - (105778)
•Amprenavir - (13686)
•Amylase Isoenzymes with Reflex to Macroamylase [36187X] - (361878)
•Amylase, Pancreatic,Serum - (120072)
•Amylase, Peritoneal Fluid [17414X] - (17414)
•Amylase, Plasma - (0273)
•Amylase, Pleural Fluid [17415X] - (17415)
•Amylase, Random Urine (w/ creatinine) [8464X] - (15821)
•Amylase, Serum [243X] - (0272)
•Amylase, Timed Collection Urine - (624377)
•Amylase, Urine with Creatinine, Calculated Ratio - (14197)
•Amylase, Urine - (62437)
•Amyloidosis Evaluation (TTR) [14759X] - (120801)
•ANA IFA Screen w/Reflex to Titer and Pattern,IFA - (249)
•ANA IFA, with Reflex to Titer/Pattern/Cascade - (16814)
•ANA with ANA Profile #6 Progressive, Serum - (122262)
•ANA with International Units & Pattern Fluid - (18621)
•ANA with RA Progressive - (0332)
•ANAchoice(R) Panel 1 with Reflexes [37521X] - (37521)
•ANAchoice(R) RA pnl [19867X] - (19867)
•ANAchoice(R) w/rflx to Conn Tissue Disease AB [19871X] - (198718)
•ANAchoice(R) with Reflex to Lupus/SLE Antibodies [19868X] - (19868)
•ANAchoice(R), Sjogren's Panel [19890X] - (198908)
•ANAchoice(R)Specific Anibodies w/Rflx to dsDNA [10547X] - (10547)
•ANAchoice(R)Specific Antibodies Cascading Reflex [19946X] - (18599)
•Anaerobe E-test Profile - (5743)
•Anaerobic Culture and Gram Stain - (465)
•Anaerobic Culture II - (15871)
•Anaerobic Culture, Progressive [4469X] - (13126)
•Anaerobic ID and E Test MIC - (12726)
•Anaplasma Phagocytophilum DNA, Qual Real-Time PCR [17320X] - (17320)
•Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase 1, IHC w/ Interp [19127X] - (191276)
•Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase 1, IHC w/o Interp [19286X] - (19286)
•ANCA Profile # 2 - (130452)
•ANCA Screen w/MPO and PR3, w/rflx to ANCA Titer [70159X] - (70159)
•ANCA Screen with Reflex to ANCA Titer [70171X] - (70171)
•ANCA Vasculitides [36733X] - (39312)
•Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) IgE* [2562X] - (900486)
•Androgen Screen - (40962)
•Androstenedione Response to ACTH Stim, LC/MS/MS [19511X] - (195118)
•Androstenedione, LC/MS/MS [17182X] - (17182)
•Anemia Profile # 3 - (25922)
•Anemia Profile # 5 - (3238)
•Anemia Profile #13 - (59422)
•Angioedema Panel, Acquired [15963X] - (15963)
•Angioedema Panel, Hereditary, Comprehensive [17706X] - (17706)
•Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Polymorphism [11210X] - (11210)
•Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Polymorphism (NY) [11211X] - (112118)
•Angiotensin Converting Enzyme, Serum [683X] - (5632)
•Angiotensin II - (36718)
•Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Gene 1166A>C [11118X] - (111188)
•Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Gene 1166A>C (NY) [11242X] - (112428)
•Animal Panel # 1 - (37852)
•Animal Panel # 3 - (49482)
•Animal Screen ex1 - (6212)
•Annexin V Antibodies (IgG, IgM) [11266X] - (112668)
•Annexin, IHC without Interpretation - (16317)
•Annexin-1, IHC with Interpretation - (16316)
•Anti Neuronal Cell Antibody [10990X] - (55542)
•Anti Neuronal Cell Antibody, CSF - (55544)
•Anti-Cardiolipin Antibody Panel - (19152)
•Anti-Mullerian Hormone AssessR(TM) [16842X] - (16842)
•Anti-Nuclear Antibodies (ANA), Progressive - (36422)
•Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome Profile (APS) - (5297)
•Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome Profile II (APS) - (6632)
•Anti-Strep Exoenzyme - (6992)
•Antibiotic Sensitivity Testing [6641X] - (261)
•Antibody ID Panel - (6200)
•Antidepressants Panel 1, Blood [17531X] - (17531)
•Antidepressants Panel 1, Serum/Plasma [26515X] - (26515)
•Antidepressants Panel 1, Urine [8300X] - (83008)
•Antidepressants Panel, Urine [30970X] - (140327)
•Antifungal Level, Posaconazole HPLC - (900342)
•Antifungal Susc, Mold, Custom MIC Panel,3 Drugs [70002X] - (700028)
•Antifungal Susc, Yeast, Custom MIC Panel (1 Drug) [30787X] - (11059)
•Antifungal Susceptibility, Custom MIC (2) [30788X] - (30788)
•Antifungal Susceptibility, Custom MIC (3) [30789X] - (30789)
•Antifungal Susceptibility, Mold,MIC Panel [17233X] - (17233)
•Antigen Testing - (2875)
•Antimicro Susc,Serum Bactericidal Test(Schlichter) [34085Z] - (34085)
•Antimicrob Susc, Aerobic Bacteria, Custom MIC (2) [34192X] - (11284)
•Antimicrobial Combination Testing, Synergy, 2 Drug - (16404)
•Antimicrobial Combination Testing, Synergy, 3 Drug - (16405)
•Antimicrobial Combinations, Cystic Fibrosis Panel - (16406)
•Antimicrobial Level, Cycloserine HPLC [70114X] - (70114)
•Antimicrobial Level, Ethambutol, HPLC - (16844)
•Antimicrobial Level, Linezolid, HPLC - (16328)
•Antimicrobial Level, Pyrazinamide, HPLC [16726X] - (16726)
•Antimicrobial Level, Rifabutin, HPLC - (16208)
•Antimicrobial Level, Sulfamethoxazole, HPLC - (16990)
•Antimicrobial Serum Level, Isoniazid, HPLC [577Z] - (110792)
•Antimicrobial Suscept, Aerobic, Custom MIC (3) [17294X] - (11285)
•Antimicrobial Suscept, Aerobic, Custom MIC Pnl 1 [34191X] - (11283)
•Antimicrobial Susceptibility, Aerobic, 4 Drugs - (11286)
•Antimicrobial Susceptibility, Aerobic,Custom MIC 6 - (11288)
•Antimony, Blood [6035X] - (136751)
•Antimony, Serum/Plasma [6037X] - (13675)
•Antimony, Urine [264X] - (57407)
•Antiphospholipid Antibody Panel [14890X] - (148908)
•Antiphospholipid Syndrome Diagnostic Panel [19872X] - (19872)
•Antiphospholipid Syndrome Evaluation - (14120)
•Antithrombin III Act., Reflex-Antithrombin III Ag. [8267X] - (15605)
•Antithrombin III Activity - (216)
•Antithrombin III Antigen [5158X] - (68823)
•Antithrombin III Profile [7017X] - (139143)
•Antiviral Serum Level, Acyclovir, HPLC [8398Z] - (83988)
•Antiviral Susceptibility, Acyclovir [17777X] - (6572)
•Antiviral Susceptibility, Foscarnet [19575X] - (6574)
•Antiviral Susceptibility, Ganciclovir [19576X] - (6573)
•APC Gene Deletion or Duplication - (16930)
•APC Gene Sequencing - (16934)
•APC Resistance [22X] - (58653)
•APC Resistance Progressive to Factor V Mutation - (7512)
•Apolipoprotein A1 [5223X] - (22252)
•Apolipoprotein B [5224X] - (22262)
•Apolipoprotein Evaluation [7018X] - (22272)
•Apoptosis, Annexin V [15103X] - (151038)
•Apoptosis, Mitochondrial Membrane Potential [15105X] - (15105)
•Apple (f49) IgE [2849X] - (28498)
•Apple (Malus sylvestris) IgG* [38257X] - (38257)
•Apricot (f237) IgE [2563X] - (25638)
•APT Test - (030)
•aPTT w/ reflex to Mixing Study - (900044)
•Arbovirus Antibody Panel, IFA (CSF) [3621X] - (18344)
•Arbovirus Antibody Panel, IFA (Serum) [34980X] - (349808)
•Arbovirus IgG AB Panel, IFA (Serum) [961X] - (13522)
•ARBOVIRUS IgM AB PANEL, IFA (Serum) - (14532)
•Arginine Vasopressin [252X] - (8243)
•Arsenic Fractionation,Urine [10494X] - (122336)
•Arsenic, 24 Hour Urine - (17786)
•Arsenic, 24-Hour Urine Quant. w/creatinine - (0356)
•Arsenic, 24-Hour Urine w/o creatinine or Total Vol [36433X] - (14430)
•Arsenic, Blood [269X] - (0351)
•Arsenic, Blood (PT-DEMO) Quest BU acct only - (143491)
•Arsenic, Dialysis Fluid - (03547)
•Arsenic, Hair [15711X] - (15711)
•Arsenic, Nails - (900426)
•Arsenic, Progressive, Urine - (140037)
•Arsenic, Random Urine [270X] - (14445)
•Arsenic, RBCs - (1137856)
•Arsenic, Serum/Plasma [6041X] - (11378)
•Arsenic, Total Inorganic, Urine [30974X] - (121877)
•Arsenic - (17787)
•Arthritis Profile #19 - (5864)
•Arthritis Profile #25 - (128802)
•Arthritis Profile #26 - (129762)
•Arylsulfatase A, Leukocytes [5216X] - (6005)
•Arylsulfatase A, urine [34694X] - (34694)
•Ascaris (p1) IgE [2741X] - (27418)
•Ascorbic Acid IgE - (18721)
•Ashkenazi Jewish Panel [10910X] - (10910)
•Ashkenazi Jewish Panel (11 Tests) - (16936)
•Ashkenazi Jewish Panel (11 Tests) (NY) - (16937)
•Ashkenazi Jewish Panel (NY) [10922X] - (10922)
•Asparagus (Rf261) IgE [2626X] - (26268)
•Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) [822X] - (3202)
•Aspergillus (CF) [15457X] - (2962)
•Aspergillus amstelodami/glaucus IgE [34933X] - (349338)
•Aspergillus Antibody Panel, CF and ID (Serum) - (67832)
•Aspergillus Antibody Screen [943X] - (9438)
•Aspergillus Antigen [14950Z] - (14950)
•Aspergillus flavus IgE [34937X] - (34937)
•Aspergillus fumigatus (m3) IgE [2703X] - (27038)
•Aspergillus Fumigatus IgG* [30163X] - (17501)
•Aspergillus IgG Antibodies - (117402)
•Aspergillus IgM Antibodies [26477X] - (26477)
•Aspergillus versicolor IgE [34935X] - (349358)
•Aspirin Resistance (11-Dehydro Thromboxane B2) - (16174)
•Atenolol, Blood - (65161)
•Atenolol, Urine - (65167)
•Atropine, Blood - (83551)
•Atropine, Serum/Plasma [6046X] - (6046)
•Atropine, Urine [11092X] - (83557)
•Atypical Pneumonia DNA Panel, Qual Real-Time PCR [17610X] - (17610)
•Atypical Pneumonia Profile - (56262)
•Aureobasidium pullulans (m12) IgE [6634X] - (66348)
•Australian Pine (t73) IgE [2554X] - (25548)
•Autoimmune Disease Profile - (85422)
•AutoImmune Hepatitis Diagnostic Panel [19873X] - (19873)
•Autoimmune Hepatitis Panel - (13888)
•Autoimmune Liver Disease Panel, Serum - (127092)
•Autosomal Dominant Ataxia Evaluation - (900217)
•Avian Influenza H5 Gene, PCR w/rfl to A&B Culture [17750X] - (17750)
•Avian Influenza H5 Gene, QL w/rfl Influ. A&B RNA [17751X] - (17751)
•Avian Influenza H5 Gene, Qualitative Real-Time PCR [16090X] - (16090)
•Avocado (f96) IgE [8928X] - (89288)
•Aztreonam Level, BA [30307X] - (11064)