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Did You Hear The One About Romney's 4.7% Unemployment Rate As Governor Of Mass?


Did you hear the one about one where 46 other governors had a better record than Willard and he left office with a 34% approval record he dared not run again?

Where's the worth certificate?

Did you hear the one about one where 46 other governors had a better record than Willard and he left office with a 34% approval record he dared not run again?

Where's the worth certificate?

It's a tough break for Governors, that they can't be gutless pussies that just vote present. Barry had no record and you swallowed it whole. It' actually nice to have a candidate that actually has balls enough to run on his record, not blame everyone else for his failures.

It's a tough break for Governors, that they can't be gutless pussies that just vote present. Barry had no record and you swallowed it whole. It' actually nice to have a candidate that actually has balls enough to run on his record, not blame everyone else for his failures.

Really? Show me where it is Willard touts his record as governor? Romneycare.....he unpassed it retroactively according to him. He's no longer to the left of Ted Kennedy on gay rights. Pro-choice? Naw....he's severely conservative now. Now he wants to run from Bain like a scalded cat.

In a class of 50, he ranked 47th.

Try another talking point. This one is being shoved back at you for retooling.


Did you hear the one about one where 46 other governors had a better record than Willard and he left office with a 34% approval record he dared not run again?

Where's the worth certificate?

I know that the number you quoted is straight from the talking points, and I also know that the truth is that ROMNEY DID NOT NEED TO REDUCE THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE IN MASS, BUT HE DID IT ANYHOW! DROPPED THE RATE FROM 5.6% TO 4.7%. DAMNED NEAR IMPOSSIBLE TO IMPROVE FROM NEAR PERFECT TO PERFECT.

Now, check my figures on this:

The number of jobless people in the United States has actually increased since OhBlahBlah was sworn in. Looked at in a slightly different way, the unemployment rate increased from 7.6% to over 8% since OBlamer took office.

Now, using your logic, that a large number is better, you are saying that OhBummer's job performance was better? Really?

So, if you say that my above logic is incorrect, then your statement at the beginning of your post is also incorrect.

I just love the way Libbies try to twist the numbers. It must give you quite a headache. No wonder so many of you are sucking on the government entitlement tit while the the unemployed Republicans are working on startup businesses.


Romney's approval fell some when he took a stance against gay marriage in a very liberal state. He held a greater than 50% approval rate up until he announced his run for president. And, consider that he worked with a legislature that was 85% dems. How do you think owebama would fare with 85% republicans?

At least Romney showed up and did his job, unlike owebama and his two years in the senate.