Did Someone Else Quit on Jeff Douglas?

....yea that Donnie who costs the company $100K per lost rep. Either he can't hire right or he doesn't let the talent he does hire go out and sell without checking on the sales model

Hey, not making excuses for either the DM or the Rep, but sometimes you just have a conflict of personalities. It isn't anyones fault, it just happens.....

But, if anyone is to blame, it would have to be the person doing the hiring because they just can't tell.............

....yea that Donnie who costs the company $100K per lost rep. Either he can't hire right or he doesn't let the talent he does hire go out and sell without checking on the sales model

Hey, not making excuses for either the DM or the Rep, but sometimes you just have a conflict of personalities. It isn't anyones fault, it just happens.....

But, if anyone is to blame, it would have to be the person doing the hiring because they just can't tell.............

....yea that Donnie who costs the company $100K per lost rep. Either he can't hire right or he doesn't let the talent he does hire go out and sell without checking on the sales model

Hey, not making excuses for either the DM or the Rep, but sometimes you just have a conflict of personalities. It isn't anyones fault, it just happens.....

But, if anyone is to blame, it would have to be the person doing the hiring because they just can't tell.............

....yea that Donnie who costs the company $100K per lost rep. Either he can't hire right or he doesn't let the talent he does hire go out and sell without checking on the sales model

Hey, not making excuses for either the DM or the Rep, but sometimes you just have a conflict of personalities. It isn't anyones fault, it just happens.....

But, if anyone is to blame, it would have to be the person doing the hiring because they just can't tell.............

So who is the worse DM: Eric Brown, Jeff Douglas, or ?...

My vote is Douglas. Both are arrogant douches who lacked any performance in the field, but Douglas screwed people over on the way to the top. Eric just hooked Craig and Ron up with some of his wife's sunglasses for the job.

On his way to the top...lol! He is a fucking entry level manager for a very small lab company that everyone hates working for....wow what an overachiever! LMFAO!

lesson is: stupid ass kisses with 1 year of good numbers who got fired from Salix and Romark still get promoted because they kiss ass and do as they are told. Did they teach you that one in business 101?